Sunday, July 31, 2022

Studious. Observant. From a distance I watch

Grandma told me to pick a rich wealthy man

 Raised wealthy

 With manners 

Intelligence ethics heart and soul 

Kindness wisdom

Poverty or wealth stays from the childhood

Set boundaries. Discipline is love and caring

Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses ... on your powers, instead of your problems." -- Paul J. Meyer

 "Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses ... on your powers, instead of your problems."

-- Paul J. Meyer

Smart beings are nice. They are fed more food. Given more things.

Borax makes my laundry smell so clean. Refreshing.

 Stopped using scented soap to wash clothes about 2 months ago.

Observation is easier when I am not in the middle of it

Stand back and look. I can see better from a distance.

Tailor fit is what I need: Clothes, food, place, work, hobbies, shoes, all things for individual needs and tastes.

 Tailor fit is what I need: 

Clothes, food, place, work, hobbies, shoes, all things for individual needs and tastes. 

I cannot change my very nature

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Someday ................................


.........I will do it later

I will do it when I win the lottery

I will take that vacation

I will travel

I will change my attitude

I wll be happy

I will have fun

I will spend that valuable stuff I have saved most of my life

I will feel good

Do what I want

Realize the most important things in life

Tell her/him I love them and that they matter to me

Why I have to go to the gym to exercise and swim.

 Put simply: At home another person tries to control what I do

Authority issues or control from dictators?

Monday, July 25, 2022

How I feel is the most important thing of all

She cries in silent solitude so no one sees or hears........then she mops up her tears

 when she

when I 

cry it is alone

Witnesses would not be able to help anyway, they havent done so in the past 

Some people say why do you stay? Why dont you just leave (and go where???) and have no clue. Are fools and dont live with me, havent been thru same stuff

 so they come up with simple minded solutions that sound easy such as go to a shelter
or call some 800 number for help
or file order of protection..which does nothing..

and are almost impossible to do unless I would have  a lot of money, even then it might be difficult as very rich people endure the same type of

circumstances if involved with same type of person/people

Narcissist makes simple things complicated

 Narcissist narc makes simple task duties things very difficult if not possible to accomplish for me
Working on anything is difficult 

simple duties tasks hobbies he / they made make hard to do

micro manages me or anyone else he can at anytime

vacuuming.. hears it running turns it off complains yells gripes i am going to burn up motor if vacuum runs more than a few minutes at a time

mopping... cant use a mop says it slops water all over floor and tiles will come up loose claims i dont know how to do it floor is too wet.......insists only way is on hands and knees with barely any water at all use a damp rag dry it immediately

dusting.... cant use feather duster says it spreads dust all over in air and is not right.. he uses a damp cloth and goes thru all stuff his stereo equpment cds entertainment center in living room he built out of heavy wood which has never been moved since he installed it and never will be

refuses to move furn around in living room and it looks out of balance unmatched shoddy shitty crappy nasty like a poverty ghetto hole 

cleaning the floor in any fashion he does not like or wouldnt do

washing cleaning windows in the house

washing my vehicle at home or cleaning it out

washing dishes.. hovers around dabbing up drops of water around faucet or sink top saying i am sloppy messy careless

sweeping the front porch .. he pulls out the leaf blower.. or the back patio...
he almost always has to outdo me, take over what i am doing

cooking/grilling outside bbq or smoker grill

getting rid of old patio furn and finding new furniture or decor outside

getting any new furn inside the house

decor decorating any walls with anything..if he sees it doesnt like it i dont get it

me using any type of tool to do anything: hammer pliers screwdrivers, drill, 
he either takes it away or says i dont know how to use it or he doesnt want any nails in wall and no noise 

keeping things organized and streamlined sensibly 

refrigerator and freezer is cluttered with extraneous crap not needed and hard to keep clean and get things easily out of fridge

clearing out excess and outdated stuff

decluttering mess or piles of crap lying around in or outside of house including shed in yard and two sheds he built directly onto the house that are padlocked

garage is stuffed : piles and stacks of miscellaneous unmarked boxes or marked boxes or things he crammed in there i dont even know what all is in the garage

anytime i look at anything in house or out he watches me closely and doesnt want me to look at or say anything about any of it

cleaning, straighening, tossing trash/garbage

giving away anything I or we don't need or want

HOBBIES are limited, restricted, impeded

hobbies I like to do are almost impossible to do and many i have quit doing due to the interference from the narc:  (reading mags, books, writing in journal can't do much when he is here and awake) so those things and working on computer i mostly due very late into middle of the night to 3 or 4 in the morning..this is the only time i am about guaranteed any peace and quiet

riding a bike/bicycle, learning a new hobby , taking up some new activity, having any friend or friends or acquaintance, co workers are shunned kept away , 
talking on the phone freely at anytime when he is around, 
cleaning out pantry, cleaning out any room and moving rearranging things or dumping things when he is here or if he comes back and notices something missing

due to his spontaneous combustion unpredictable fits of anger i have gravitated to my bedroom/bathroom and have food and misc other items in there that probably shouldn't be there as i practically live in my room and do things like eat work exercise amount of movement due to space

More I understand the more the past makes sense

Saturday, July 23, 2022

All it takes

 Person looks good and healthy

In the right place and the right time

Looking good being healthy happy smiling and nice is the way to be for me

 All these years 

I've been working too hard

thinking like a man

Thinking TOO much

believing I have to be soooo intelligent 

MEN don't care how hard you / I work 

or how smart I am 

or anything about me

They just want the woman to LOOK good


Thursday, July 21, 2022

I already had IT (ME) and it is Still ME. That's all I need.

The System is Bull Shit

 the sun is good for you

daily aspririn is not necessary

antacids are harmful

sweet fake stuff is toxic bad for you

protein fat carb intake requirements vary according to the individual

there is no one diet system applicable to everyone\

one size fits all diet nonexistent

you won't be like someone else by owning their stuff

you are you only you for your entire life

primary education begins stays ends at home throughout life

knowing trivia does not make you smart

iq test has little to do with your intelligence

man cannot make real food

fake is fake is false phony bull

nature cannot be duplicated by man

genius: simplicity not complexity

teeth indicate what you can eat

Focus : Keep your eye on the ball. Stay on the ONE thing until it's done. NO distractions. No jumping off the track.

Focus : Keep your eye on the ball. Stay on the ONE thing until it's done. NO distractions. No jumping off the track.

Grandpa used to tell me this often  "Keep your eye on the ball"

HUGE error on my part: Getting tripped up and off track by allowing interference from anyone or anything when I am on a mission.

It's not a secret. It is common knowledge.

every child is born with it.

animals have it and do it; survival means staying focused on that prey

and that thing they need at the moment




NO distractions

Stay in the ZONE

Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep." -- Denis Waitley

 "Losers make promises they often break. Winners make commitments they always keep."

-- Denis Waitley

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

 "Lack of clarity is the number-one time-waster. Always be asking, 'What am I trying to do? How am I trying to do it.'"

-- Brian Tracy

 They all want the honey pot working or not

He wants that honey pot 

Working or not

Play boy thinks your  a toy

He's not a man that's why it's playboy not playman

A  grown boy in a man's body

Not taking responsibility 

Hit it quick and run

After the fun

Dumps you honey hun

Then sneak back 

Getting some more

It's not love it's lust

He hates your guts

But he slips it in

Slick dick sausage

In the door. Any door front back wants some more

Can't get enough

It's a groaning game

He moans your name

Begging sayin love I love I love 

Love love you now

I wanna rub

Wanna hug

He cries whining in tortured pain

when you won't give it to Him

Right now 

Walk away,,,.. he will stray anyway like a

Dog he is sniffing chasing heat

That smell 

Slapping lapping slobbering


Tongue hanging dragging the floor 

begging dying crying more more more

He comes

Then he goes

And comes again

You say go away

Slap kick punch him in the face

and He's back


Like a rubber band

Copyright 2022

Sarah Stillwell July 20 2022

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Easy going mild mannered attacked : The fierce looking are avoided

 teresa attacked felicia 

felecia was a super sweet young lady

teresa got drunk at the bar became angry and attacked felicia, the harmless one

teresa was a manager at my job . she was very authoritarian and controlling

short, blond, previous inmate at a jail 

BULLIES attack what appears to be WEAKEST

The Basic Principles of Feng Shui By ANJIE CHO Updated on 01/26/21

 The Basic Principles of Feng Shui

By ANJIE CHO Updated on 01/26/21


Practical is simplicity. Simplicity rules

Stand back and see clearly

 in the middle of it is confusion

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody

This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody

That thing I got in trouble for doing is what I need to do

 making signs

speaking truth


Borax is wonderful

That thing I said ....................

Knapsack necessities



Baking soda



Soap shampoo conditioner



Bra sports

T-shirt long


Beach towel

Barmop towel


Athletic shoes


Long pants with pockets 

Honest people are kicked out the door, trampled by pigs

Distractions get me or you off track, cause imbalance

 bs crap stuff idk 

Matching sets of items and color coordination: feng shui

 Feng Shui

The eyes reveal understanding

Understanding is equal to intelligence

Health care can eat up ALL of your money, consume each "asset" you thought you had

See pile of CRAP ? Go around it or jump over it

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Surrounded by people who love life, you love it too; surrounded by people who don't, you don't. -- Mignon McLaughlin

Attracted to sparkle in my eye and energy and set out to destroy it

too much and excess causes vomit, pain, illness, mental emotional and physical anguish, hatred

black blank color and empty space lots of it is power

Music and fiction: acceptable ways to speak truth

That thing I said -- truth-- shocked them got me in trouble

I call a spade a spade... grandma used to say this almost daily

 Sarah, my mom's mom/mother said this often

Be honest but don't speak the truth

Girls soft toys Boys hard toys to play with

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

ONE thing at a time=focus and results. LIMIT activities.

 Before I had a child I was excellent at focusing on one thing at a time.

After having my first child I quickly learned that I was unable to finish thoughts,

projects, pretty much anything without being interrupted.  I couldn't complete what 

I started very easily...there was another life form that needed attention and I lost touch with myself.

In school the method was one subject, one thing at a time.

I learned easily and best that way.

I have become too jumpy and scattered and fallen into the bullshit

belief system of expectation called "multi tasking" which results in

a big MESS.  Very little is accomplished.

Trying to do too many things and too much of one thing for too long is disastrous and


Trying to do it all myself, thinking that if I am really smart then I have to do it all.

This is really DUMB thinking. 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Polish your own car


sarah wilson montgomery mertz stillwell

Quit telling anyone what to do or like or should like

Why he is being so nice? Maybe he did something wrong? My friend JR told me years ago

Watch out for the INNOCENT face

 The phrase is usually used in a derogatory and critical sense and, in the past at least, was most often applied to women. Occasionally, it was used to denote a quiet meekness and sweetness of temper rather than emotional coldness; for example, this description of Mr Pecksniff in Charles Dickens' Martin Chuzzlewit:

What's the origin of the phrase 'Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth'?

The allusion in this expression is to people who maintain such a cool demean or that they don't even have the warmth to melt butter. This is an old phrase - here's a citation from 1530, in Jehan Palsgrave's Lesclarcissement de la langue françoyse:

"He maketh as thoughe butter wolde nat melte in his mouthe."

Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth : Looks like Mr Innocent to the public't+melt+in+his+mouth

Monday, July 4, 2022

Graphic definition: Word someone used to describe me many years ago


graphic definition

adjective Also graph·i·cal.

giving a clear and effective picture; vivid:

a graphic account of an earthquake.

pertaining to the use of diagrams, graphs, mathematical curves, or the like; diagrammatic.

of, relating to, or expressed by writing:

graphic symbols.

written, inscribed, or drawn.



a product of the graphic arts, as a drawing or print.

a computer-generated image.

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Bulldozer: Clear the way. Path is clean, open and wide. Focus

No company is better than bad company

In the beginning man created God

 "In the beginning man created God" from a book I had The Hiram Key.

Insult a stranger be cut off forever, insult a family member they can't cut you off completely

Insult a stranger they cut you off permanently/forever

insult a family member they are still there, you can't lose them

family always be there be family even if not communicating

impress strangers

don't have to impress family

i am anonymous to him: Just a body, woman, a thing. Speaks about me anonymously not as an individual person

 language he uses refers to me as 

a leg

a woman

Psychology studying I began at age 10

 Psychology interest began when I was a child due

to the family drama, particularly my maternal

grandmother.  I wondered why she acted the way she did

and the interaction with her spouse, my step grandfather/grandpa.

50 years later I am still studying the people phenonemon.



Others around anywhere.

Past or present.

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude. -- Ralph Marston

 Your Daily Quotation:

Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude.

-- Ralph Marston

Friday, July 1, 2022

What's the point

point of listing item is to sell it

point of life is to live it

talking is to communicate information

doing to achieve accomplish something 

(exercise body for total health OR acquire an item, accomplish a task/goal)

eating to fuel your body

drinking to quench thirst

Avoided food and drinks for me

stuff that has words describing it in title or advertising and methods used to make it


fat free


no calorie

low calorie


pre mixed premade packaged 



healthy (must read label, know ingredients first)


buffalo bull 

artificial artificially flavor sweet flavored sweetened

fake phone false imitation

seedless no seeds 

boneless no bones

no bake

not natural

He looked at me to see if i was looking

love spreading appeals to me naturally