Monday, July 25, 2022

Narcissist makes simple things complicated

 Narcissist narc makes simple task duties things very difficult if not possible to accomplish for me
Working on anything is difficult 

simple duties tasks hobbies he / they made make hard to do

micro manages me or anyone else he can at anytime

vacuuming.. hears it running turns it off complains yells gripes i am going to burn up motor if vacuum runs more than a few minutes at a time

mopping... cant use a mop says it slops water all over floor and tiles will come up loose claims i dont know how to do it floor is too wet.......insists only way is on hands and knees with barely any water at all use a damp rag dry it immediately

dusting.... cant use feather duster says it spreads dust all over in air and is not right.. he uses a damp cloth and goes thru all stuff his stereo equpment cds entertainment center in living room he built out of heavy wood which has never been moved since he installed it and never will be

refuses to move furn around in living room and it looks out of balance unmatched shoddy shitty crappy nasty like a poverty ghetto hole 

cleaning the floor in any fashion he does not like or wouldnt do

washing cleaning windows in the house

washing my vehicle at home or cleaning it out

washing dishes.. hovers around dabbing up drops of water around faucet or sink top saying i am sloppy messy careless

sweeping the front porch .. he pulls out the leaf blower.. or the back patio...
he almost always has to outdo me, take over what i am doing

cooking/grilling outside bbq or smoker grill

getting rid of old patio furn and finding new furniture or decor outside

getting any new furn inside the house

decor decorating any walls with anything..if he sees it doesnt like it i dont get it

me using any type of tool to do anything: hammer pliers screwdrivers, drill, 
he either takes it away or says i dont know how to use it or he doesnt want any nails in wall and no noise 

keeping things organized and streamlined sensibly 

refrigerator and freezer is cluttered with extraneous crap not needed and hard to keep clean and get things easily out of fridge

clearing out excess and outdated stuff

decluttering mess or piles of crap lying around in or outside of house including shed in yard and two sheds he built directly onto the house that are padlocked

garage is stuffed : piles and stacks of miscellaneous unmarked boxes or marked boxes or things he crammed in there i dont even know what all is in the garage

anytime i look at anything in house or out he watches me closely and doesnt want me to look at or say anything about any of it

cleaning, straighening, tossing trash/garbage

giving away anything I or we don't need or want

HOBBIES are limited, restricted, impeded

hobbies I like to do are almost impossible to do and many i have quit doing due to the interference from the narc:  (reading mags, books, writing in journal can't do much when he is here and awake) so those things and working on computer i mostly due very late into middle of the night to 3 or 4 in the morning..this is the only time i am about guaranteed any peace and quiet

riding a bike/bicycle, learning a new hobby , taking up some new activity, having any friend or friends or acquaintance, co workers are shunned kept away , 
talking on the phone freely at anytime when he is around, 
cleaning out pantry, cleaning out any room and moving rearranging things or dumping things when he is here or if he comes back and notices something missing

due to his spontaneous combustion unpredictable fits of anger i have gravitated to my bedroom/bathroom and have food and misc other items in there that probably shouldn't be there as i practically live in my room and do things like eat work exercise amount of movement due to space

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