Wednesday, July 13, 2022

ONE thing at a time=focus and results. LIMIT activities.

 Before I had a child I was excellent at focusing on one thing at a time.

After having my first child I quickly learned that I was unable to finish thoughts,

projects, pretty much anything without being interrupted.  I couldn't complete what 

I started very easily...there was another life form that needed attention and I lost touch with myself.

In school the method was one subject, one thing at a time.

I learned easily and best that way.

I have become too jumpy and scattered and fallen into the bullshit

belief system of expectation called "multi tasking" which results in

a big MESS.  Very little is accomplished.

Trying to do too many things and too much of one thing for too long is disastrous and


Trying to do it all myself, thinking that if I am really smart then I have to do it all.

This is really DUMB thinking. 

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