Saturday, December 16, 2023

Easily replaced. I am quickly and easily replaceable. Low value.

Easily replaced. I am quickly and easily replaceable.  Low value.

common tasks work that can be done by almost anyone

dishwashers, cooks, laundress, seamstress, sitter, babysitter, child care, cleaners, home/house cleaning, vacuuming, shopping, dish washing, cooking, baking, grocery shopping

bottom of the totem pole hierarchy

pays nothing or very little

compensation: low wages or no money earned

appreciated only when it is not done, realized when the person has to

do it all themselves then it magically becomes important

priority: low

special work: no

I earn nothing at home doing these things. I have never earned money nor appreciation for these activities, duties, tasks, work. 

I was paid ten dollars by my grandpa leroy for cleaning and dishes, shopping, kitchen work back in 2011 or 2012 one time. He did this once. All the times when I had lived in my grandparents house for 10 years as a child I was paid nothing for any work done around in and outside the house. 

I took out trash, cleaned up animal crap, vacuumed daily, did laundry, dishes, cleaned 3 bathrooms in our house, mowed the grass, raked up leaves in the front and back yard.  Never got an allowance. No money earned. All my physical needs were met, they paid all bills and healthcare, medical, clothing and all that but no mention of wages for doing housework. Most kids children get an allowance so they can learn how to save spend manage money. I learned what I do is worth almost nothing to anyone.

I was paid 10 dollars several times by my son for times he was scheduled to work in a hurry to get there and didn't want to do any kitchen or house work so he would say I will give you ten dollars to do the dishes while he made at first 35 dollars an hour then upped his hourly fee to 70 an hour.

I was paid 40 dollars for two days of babysitting in the beginning. 20 dollars for a day at least 4 hours sometimes 12 hours. It increased to 80 dollars for the whole weekend in the end which was not my idea at all, it was my husbands idea to charge him more money. I had been getting 60 for 2 days of child care for a few years prior to that. Finally my son felt it was too much money, had enough of that and me then decided my grandson no longer needed a sitter at age 9. 

Cinderella strikes again. 

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