Thursday, December 18, 2014

How to Avoid Raising a Bully

How to Avoid Raising a Bully

How to Avoid Raising a Bully

What is bullying?

Bullying is a repetitive, deliberate, and intentional attempt to hurt and/or humiliate another person.[1]

Bullying can be a major problems for people of various ages, and school bullying tends to receive the most attention. Many various forms of bullying include: Physical, Verbal/Psychological, Racist, Faith-based, sexist, sexual, homophobic, disability, gifted/talented, and cyber-bullying, all of which may cause much harm to a victim.[2] In fact, bullying has even been linked to depression and suicide. [3]Furthermore, many states in the U.S.A. have made bullying illegal altogether. [4] This most likely occurred due to the link between suicide and bullying. Clearly, bullying can be a major problem for people of different ages and ethnicities

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