Monday, May 18, 2015

Hard lessons

Just because they want to fuck you doesn't mean they love you
or care about you or anything or anyone you care about
Being intimate, having sex, screwing, banging, any word you can think of
to describe the act of procreating does not equal love
It does not mean compassion, caring, understanding, concern or appreciation
The act itself means nothing but what it is: two or more bodies temporarily merging
and stimulating the sex organs of at least one being

social groups and ways of socializing that have learned to say
what you want to hear, look and act how you want them to appear
yet do the opposite of what they say and promise.
hypocrisy on its highest level with group leaders living like kings
and followers living like peasants or savages

set of beliefs designed to control masses, to mystify and confuse with
fantastic stories of supernatural beings and include unrealistic expectations of idealistic perfection unattainable by live beings

exists between some mothers and children
rarely exists between unrelated individuals

the only thing you have a small fraction of control over is yourself
and even that is questionable

is a dream quest we desire and imagine is possible but is an illusion

a human hope that is merely a delusion

a human hope that some strive for but is yet another delusion 

terms humans invented for things, ideas and experiences that please or
displease them, benefit or destroy their existence yet are nothing more
than words to explain their emotional interpretations of things

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