Am I happy? The most important question to ask yourself everyday.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Black Sabbath – Paranoid Lyrics
Black Sabbath – Paranoid Lyrics
Black Sabbath – Paranoid Lyrics
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think I am insane because I'm frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me, occupy my brain?
Oh yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late
another one of his favorite songs
Black Sabbath – Paranoid Lyrics
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think I am insane because I'm frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me, occupy my brain?
Oh yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late
another one of his favorite songs
Iron Man Lyrics
Iron Man Lyrics
Iron Man Lyrics
I am iron man
Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all,
Or if he moves will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?
He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
Where he traveled time
For the future of mankind
Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold
Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved
Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge
Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!
Published by
Lyrics © T.R.O. INC.
Read more: Black Sabbath - Iron Man Lyrics | MetroLyrics
another one of his favorite songs
Iron Man Lyrics
I am iron man
Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all,
Or if he moves will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?
He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
Where he traveled time
For the future of mankind
Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfold
Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved
Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge
Heavy boots of lead
Fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!
Published by
Lyrics © T.R.O. INC.
Read more: Black Sabbath - Iron Man Lyrics | MetroLyrics
another one of his favorite songs
The pen is mightier than the sword. Iron man melts under the ink of truth.
The pen is mightier than the sword. Iron man melts under the ink of truth.
I write the words for all to see for centuries.
I am physically weak and broke and poor.
I can't beat you up.
My strengths are in my words, my feelings, understanding, patience
and communication. Things you do not have.
Empathy I explained to you and you replied "Why should I care about
someone else feels? They don't care about how I feel."
I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine, lumbar, left side of back looks like
a huge hump) so the ability to do work of any kind is very limited.
His response:
"You've got some back problems but all you want is pity and sympathy.
You have some back problems but what you really have is mental problems"
He's told me he's going to get rid of me, divorce me and find a woman who works.
He talks about getting rid of other people, too.
Each and every person he personally knows is full of fault, stupid, doesn't do
the right things, out to get him, out to take advantage of him, does the wrong
things, is sloppy, gets in a hurry, fucks up, is lazy, doesn't think, always at
fault even if he is the one who made the decision.
He believes no one can do a better job than him.
He voids the importance of anyone in his life and takes full credit for
any good, any positive things that happen in his life.
I write the words for all to see for centuries.
I am physically weak and broke and poor.
I can't beat you up.
My strengths are in my words, my feelings, understanding, patience
and communication. Things you do not have.
Empathy I explained to you and you replied "Why should I care about
someone else feels? They don't care about how I feel."
I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine, lumbar, left side of back looks like
a huge hump) so the ability to do work of any kind is very limited.
His response:
"You've got some back problems but all you want is pity and sympathy.
You have some back problems but what you really have is mental problems"
He's told me he's going to get rid of me, divorce me and find a woman who works.
He talks about getting rid of other people, too.
Each and every person he personally knows is full of fault, stupid, doesn't do
the right things, out to get him, out to take advantage of him, does the wrong
things, is sloppy, gets in a hurry, fucks up, is lazy, doesn't think, always at
fault even if he is the one who made the decision.
He believes no one can do a better job than him.
He voids the importance of anyone in his life and takes full credit for
any good, any positive things that happen in his life.
Friday, October 30, 2015
The criminal mind blames the victim not the perpetrator.
The criminal mind blames the victim not the perpetrator.
Treat me like a stranger. I've said this for many years.
Treat me like a stranger. I've said this for many years.
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance.
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance.
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance.
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument is an exchange of ignorance.
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about
The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument is an exchange of ignorance
Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument is an exchange of ignorance
definitions of words used in bible
definitions of words used in bible
: to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism
: to tell or urge (someone) to do something
Full Definition of ADMONISH
transitive verb
1a : to indicate duties or obligations to
b : to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2: to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to
to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you want to do what is right
Full Definition of REPENT
intransitive verb
1: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
2a : to feel regret or contrition
b : to change one's mind
transitive verb
1: to cause to feel regret or contrition
2: to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for
verb (used with object), rebuked, rebuking. express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
noun, stern disapproval; reproof; reprimand.
morally good : following religious or moral laws
: caused by an insult to what is believed to be just or proper <righteous anger>
Savior or Saviour
1.a person who saves, rescues, or delivers:
the savior of the country.
2.(initial capital letter) a title of God, especially of Christ.
3.(initial capital letter) Classical Mythology. an epithet of Artemis.
: to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticism
: to tell or urge (someone) to do something
Full Definition of ADMONISH
transitive verb
1a : to indicate duties or obligations to
b : to express warning or disapproval to especially in a gentle, earnest, or solicitous manner
2: to give friendly earnest advice or encouragement to
to feel or show that you are sorry for something bad or wrong that you did and that you want to do what is right
Full Definition of REPENT
intransitive verb
1: to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life
2a : to feel regret or contrition
b : to change one's mind
transitive verb
1: to cause to feel regret or contrition
2: to feel sorrow, regret, or contrition for
verb (used with object), rebuked, rebuking. express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand.
noun, stern disapproval; reproof; reprimand.
morally good : following religious or moral laws
: caused by an insult to what is believed to be just or proper <righteous anger>
Savior or Saviour
1.a person who saves, rescues, or delivers:
the savior of the country.
2.(initial capital letter) a title of God, especially of Christ.
3.(initial capital letter) Classical Mythology. an epithet of Artemis.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
ARGUMENT is find out, WHO IS RIGHT ? DISCUSSION is to find out what is RIGHT ? WHICH ONE IS BETTER ?
ARGUMENT is find out, WHO IS RIGHT ? DISCUSSION is to find out what is RIGHT ? WHICH ONE IS BETTER ?
ARGUMENT is find out, WHO IS RIGHT ? DISCUSSION is to find out what is RIGHT ? WHICH ONE IS BETTER ?
A discussion is always better, because its outcome is not pre-defined. A discussion is supposed to lead to the BEST solution of a given problem or clarification of a misunderstanding, accepted by all engaged parties, based on healthy communication and proper exchange of ideas, information, opinions as part of exchanging one party's viewpoint to the other.
An argument is less effective in most cases, but can be necessary depending on the counterpart's openness to calm discussion. It is less effective because its goal is pre-defined. It is mostly an incorrect selfish form of communication aimed at convincing the other party of one's points of views, legitimizing the use of irrational communication (shouts, interruptions, unmeant disagreements, lack of reflection, manipulation of facts etc.).
An argument is at its best when it means "a reason given in proof or rebuttal", as part of a discussion.
Excellent definition of argument vs discussion.
I posted this as I am frequently told that I "just want to argue" when
in fact the persons accusing me of arguing does not listen when I say that we are discussing
a subject. I tell them I am not arguing, simply attempting to find accurate information that is
right so we can do the right things.
Arguments are initiated by all knowing narcissists who often believe something based
upon the individual's feelings, emotions or prejudices, a set of programmed statements taught by
their parents and other family members, generalizations about a subject even when
something happens only once.
Convinced that their opinion is fact, they refuse to listen to any comment that differs from
what they believe and proceed to tell me I am argumentative.
Anyone else's point of view is blocked from their mind. Discussion is not possible.
ARGUMENT is find out, WHO IS RIGHT ? DISCUSSION is to find out what is RIGHT ? WHICH ONE IS BETTER ?
A discussion is always better, because its outcome is not pre-defined. A discussion is supposed to lead to the BEST solution of a given problem or clarification of a misunderstanding, accepted by all engaged parties, based on healthy communication and proper exchange of ideas, information, opinions as part of exchanging one party's viewpoint to the other.
An argument is less effective in most cases, but can be necessary depending on the counterpart's openness to calm discussion. It is less effective because its goal is pre-defined. It is mostly an incorrect selfish form of communication aimed at convincing the other party of one's points of views, legitimizing the use of irrational communication (shouts, interruptions, unmeant disagreements, lack of reflection, manipulation of facts etc.).
An argument is at its best when it means "a reason given in proof or rebuttal", as part of a discussion.
Excellent definition of argument vs discussion.
I posted this as I am frequently told that I "just want to argue" when
in fact the persons accusing me of arguing does not listen when I say that we are discussing
a subject. I tell them I am not arguing, simply attempting to find accurate information that is
right so we can do the right things.
Arguments are initiated by all knowing narcissists who often believe something based
upon the individual's feelings, emotions or prejudices, a set of programmed statements taught by
their parents and other family members, generalizations about a subject even when
something happens only once.
Convinced that their opinion is fact, they refuse to listen to any comment that differs from
what they believe and proceed to tell me I am argumentative.
Anyone else's point of view is blocked from their mind. Discussion is not possible.
Spilling a drop of water on the floor or getting it on the sink faucet is cause for
capital punishment around here.
definition of capital punishment
1. The penalty of death for the commission of a crime.
2. The practice or legal sanction of allowing the imposition of the penalty of death for people convicted of committing certain crimes.
capital punishment
1. (Law) the punishment of death for a crime; death penalty
capital punishment around here.
definition of capital punishment
1. The penalty of death for the commission of a crime.
2. The practice or legal sanction of allowing the imposition of the penalty of death for people convicted of committing certain crimes.
capital punishment
1. (Law) the punishment of death for a crime; death penalty
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
I don't like the news. I have never liked the news.
I don't like the news. I have never liked the news.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Happiness cannot exist while you are complaining.
Happiness cannot exist while you are complaining.
You can't be happy when you complain.
You can't be happy when you complain.
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. Bertrand Russell
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. Bertrand Russell
Friday, October 23, 2015
Wisdom: Keys to Understanding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Wisdom: Keys to Understanding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Wisdom: Keys to Understanding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Wisdom: Keys to Understanding by Jeffrey W. Hamilton
Being unappreciated destroys and ends relationships, jobs and happiness.
Being unappreciated destroys and ends relationships, jobs and happiness.
The ungrateful complain, criticize, belittle, provoke, threaten and harass.
They have a condescending attitude, are self righteous, compare one
against the other, are competitive, prejudiced and feel entitled to more
than anyone else and think they deserve special treatment.
They are miserable, unhappy, hateful, spiteful, vengeful and bitter.
The ungrateful boss makes the workplace unbearable causing employees
and customers to leave. The employees that stay suffer from mental,
emotional and physical health problems as a direct result of being
assaulted daily by the tyrannical dictator boss. They dread going to
work and are always looking for a better job where they will
feel appreciated and respected.
The ungrateful spouse, partner or friend puts themselves above their
spouse, partner, friend and children.
They humiliate, shame, punish and threaten those closest to them.
This results in enmity and the destruction of the relationship. Eventually
the partner leaves or the marriage ends in divorce.
The ungrateful complain, criticize, belittle, provoke, threaten and harass.
They have a condescending attitude, are self righteous, compare one
against the other, are competitive, prejudiced and feel entitled to more
than anyone else and think they deserve special treatment.
They are miserable, unhappy, hateful, spiteful, vengeful and bitter.
The ungrateful boss makes the workplace unbearable causing employees
and customers to leave. The employees that stay suffer from mental,
emotional and physical health problems as a direct result of being
assaulted daily by the tyrannical dictator boss. They dread going to
work and are always looking for a better job where they will
feel appreciated and respected.
The ungrateful spouse, partner or friend puts themselves above their
spouse, partner, friend and children.
They humiliate, shame, punish and threaten those closest to them.
This results in enmity and the destruction of the relationship. Eventually
the partner leaves or the marriage ends in divorce.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Scoliosis sufferer taunted for her 'ugly back' becomes a model - before quitting because she realised 'beauty comes from within'
Scoliosis sufferer taunted for her 'ugly back' becomes a model - before quitting because she realised 'beauty comes from within'
Scoliosis sufferer taunted for her 'ugly back' becomes a model - before quitting because she realised 'beauty comes from within'
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Scoliosis sufferer taunted for her 'ugly back' becomes a model - before quitting because she realised 'beauty comes from within'
- Ayesha Jones, 24, suffers from scoliosis -which makes her spine curved
- At age 13 doctors advised a risky operation to put a metal rod in her back
- Doctor said she would be a 'pretty girl with an ugly back' without surgery
- Determined to prove him wrong, she worked hard to become a model
- This involved posing to hide her curved spine and wonky shoulder in photos
- On one shoot a designer turned her away as her back was unsightly
- She quit modelling as it made her realise focusing on looks is not healthy
- Studied photography and had become a freelance visual artist
- Now wants to inspire other girls it's OK to have a curved spine
04:37 EST, 15 October 2014
07:40 EST, 10 February 2015
girl born with a curved spine spent years defying expectations to become
a model - before finally giving it up after realising focusing on looks
is superficial.
Jones, 24, suffers from scoliosis and was told by her doctor she would
be a 'pretty girl with an ugly back' without invasive surgery.
Ms Jones, from Birmingham, decided to prove the doctor wrong by working
hard to become a successful model without undergoing the risky
operation to correct her spine.
Scroll down for video
Jones, 24, suffers from scoliosis - which makes her spine curved (left) -
and gave up a successful modelling career (right) to become a visual
artist after realising 'beauty comes from within'
Ms Jones was diagnosed with scoliosis
at age 13. She was advised to have an invasive operation to put a metal
rod into her back, but opted for more holistic treatments such as back
Though she
was working as a model, one designer turned away Ms Jones even though
she had travelled miles down to London, because he said her back was
when a designer brutally made her leave a photo shoot because he
thought her back was unsightly, Ms Jones quit modelling to become a
visual artist.
realised that focusing on superficial looks is not healthy, and through
her art and photography, wants to show other scoliosis sufferers it's
OK to have a curved back.
Jones said: 'Looking back, modelling was a way to prove that I was
beautiful. I didn't want the doctor's remarks to come true.
worked my socks off to become a model and put all my efforts into
proving that, in spite of my back, I was just as hot as everyone else.
'But I came to realise over time that my body is my shell and as long as it is healthy, I'm good.
'I want to inspire other young women to do something meaningful rather than just want to look attractive for a living.'
Ms Jones was diagnosed with scoliosis at age 13, when on holiday in
Saint Kitts in the West Indies, her mother noticed her right shoulder
blade was poking out more than the left from the back.
When she finally had the spinal fusion operation at age 21 it was because her back had become painful, not for cosmetic reasons
Scoliosis is the abnormal curvature of the spine in an S-shape.
include a visible curve in the spine, one shoulder or hip being more
prominent than the other, clothes not handing properly and back pain.
Pain usually only affects adults with the condition.
In most cases, the cause of the scoliosis is not known but it can be caused by cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy.
In the UK, scoliosis affects three to four children could of every 1,000.
It is also thought that as many as 70 per cent of over 65s have some degree of scoliosis.
It is more common in women than in men.
Most children with the condition do not require treatment as it is mild and corrects itself as the child grows.
However, in severe cases the child may need to wear a back brace until they stop growing.
Occasionally, a child needs surgery to straighten their spine.
adults, it is usually too late to treat the condition with a back brace
or surgery so treatment revolves around reducing pain.
Source: NHS Choices
the diagnosis was confirmed back in the UK, doctors told her she would
need a 'spinal fusion' - a major operation to put a metal rod in her
said: 'When I was diagnosed with scoliosis, the doctor was quite
forceful and patronising and wanted me to have the 'spinal fusion'
it didn't feel right putting my body through such an invasive
procedure. I was still growing and it just didn't feel like the right
time to be having spinal fusion.
'Also, the pain had not set in yet and my scoliosis was only a cosmetic issue for me.
the doctor told me that if I didn't have the surgery I would be "a
pretty girl with an ugly back". I was hurt but replied: "No, it's not
going to be ugly, it's just going to be different".
that point on, I was determined not to give up. After the mean comment
my doctor had made, I wanted to go and prove that I could make it as a
'And I wanted to try as many holistic things as I could, like exercise and therapy, to manage my condition.'
In 2003, Ms Jones went to the annual Clothes Show in Birmingham and was scouted by a top modelling agency.
She said: 'I went to the call back at the modelling agency's London offices and naively told them about my curved back.
'I heard them talking about me and expressing concern about my poking shoulder and I never heard back from them.
Ms Jones went
back to university to study photography. In one of her projects she
examined her struggle with her physical appearance
Through her art and photography, she wants to show other scoliosis sufferers it's OK to have a curved back
giving up modelling, Ms Jones is now working as a visual artist and is
now working with Scoliosis Association UK to inspire other sufferers
that it's OK to have a curved spine
'After that, I would keep getting scouted by top modelling agencies and then rejected by agencies because of my back.'
Desperate to be considered beautiful, she began practising poses which hid her curved spine.
She said: 'I still wanted to prove the doctor wrong and I didn't want to become the 'pretty girl with the ugly back'.
became good at hiding my scoliosis. I learnt to pose in such a way that
would make the most of my asymmetrical body. Looking back at those
pictures, I was actually a magician!
began networking and started getting paid work all without a modelling
agency. I was modelling in music videos with some big UK music artists
and was modelling swimwear, too.
'It felt like I was finally sticking two fingers up to everyone who doubted me.'
at age 19, Ms Jones travelled miles for a modelling shoot but was
turned because a photographer considered her back unsightly.
said: 'I had travelled all the way from Birmingham to London on my own
for a shoot and the photographer sent me home without paying me, all
because he didn't like the look of my back.
'I came to realise over time that my body is my shell and as long as it is healthy, I'm good' she said
liked the look of my photographs when you couldn't see my shoulder
poking out, but when they saw me in person, they were unwilling to give
me a chance. It broke my heart.'
She realised her focus on looks and determination to be considered attractive was unhealthy.
said: 'I realised that I had placed way too much importance on my looks
and finally, I could see what really mattered in life.
was no point in modelling for me. What was the point in having nice
pictures of myself in which I looked nothing like how I do in reality?
decided that I wanted to inspire people and do something meaningful
with my time on this planet. Modelling didn't give me that.'
Jones went on to study photography at the University of Central
Lancashire, Preston, and become a full-time freelance visual artist.
has worked with the charity Scoliosis Association (UK) to create images
for publication and is putting on an exhibition for international
Scoliosis awareness month next June.
has also published a book of her self-portraits entitled
'Imperfection', which examines her struggle with her physical appearance
and identity as a woman.
Ms Jones eventually decided to have the 'spinal fusion' surgery at age
21, it was because her back had become painful, rather than solely for
cosmetic reasons.
explained: 'I want whatever photography work I do to show that we are
all beautiful exactly the way we are. Don't believe the adverts when
they tell you that you need to change to be accepted.
made me take the focus off my body and into myself. Once I accepted
that I couldn't alter my body, I felt a lot happier in who I was. I hope
I can help other scoliosis sufferers in some way.'
For information on Ms Jones' work visit her website.
For more information on scoliosis visit Scoliosis Association UK.
Read more:
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The comments below have been moderated in advance.
obaker, Guildford, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
no it doesnt, beauty comes from being mega fittt!!!1
thegovermentsucks, neverumind, 1 year ago
She lovely shallow idiots
LauraJones, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
If you're a good soul, it doesn't matter what state your equipment's in.
emmyemm, London and BIrmingham, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
had scoliosis, and had the op to fuse my entire spine - not for
cosmetic reasons, but so I would not be paralysed from the waist down,
in a wheelchair, or able to not breathe properly. Sometimes doctors know
what's best for your health, whether you want to "model" or not.
trp2wondrland, Texas, 1 year ago
Seems like she has a good head on her shoulders! Lovely woman!
travvie, Boca Raton, United States, 1 year ago
need to show off clothes and make the clothes look good. Her back is
"distracting:" to say the least....not good. I think most people have
the operation to be able to walk, move and be pain free as they get try to encourage other (mostly young girls) with scoliosis to
not have the operation is foolish IMHO and could be harmful to them
This "diversity" is getting out of hand with so called "Models"
that girl with the skin condition on this seasons Americas Next Top
Model....oh please....models need to be a certain weight, height, and
if this girl is a model we might as well have a 50 year old with a thick
middle and graying hair
or a young girl who is 300 lb with acne.....all "beautiful" in their own
right but NOT models
Get real
paul, wilts, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
Great story to see well done young lady
Berta, Ohio, United States, 1 year ago
The surgery isn't just for "cosmetic" reasons, it's to prevent serious pain and possible health problems in the future.
Newusername2267, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
seems that she was ashamed to have her back operation in case people
thought it was cosmetic - that's ridiculous, she wasn't having a face
lift or botox.
Liane, no, United Kingdom, 1 year ago
Sparky, Cape Town, South Africa, 1 year ago
though, it must put real strain on her spine? Well done, lass, for
telling those who say you are ugly because of your back to go take a
running jump. You're a stunning looking young woman, and those who can't
see past your back are people you wouldn't want to know anyway.
The views expressed in the contents above are
those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of
We are no longer accepting comments on this article.
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'Thanks for always feeding me': Rob Kardashian takes to Instagram to wish sister Kim happy birthday as she turns 35
'Are you asking me out on a date?' TOWIE's Jessica Wright shocks Pete Wicks by asking HIM out as she reveals there is more between them than 'just friends'
Divorce is OFF! Khloe Kardashian withdraws court papers as new photos show her smiling at LA hospital with Lamar after overdose Withdrew papers today
'Before you I was invisible': Khloe thanks Lamar for best years of her life and details his spiral into drugs in upcoming memoir Back on track
Kendra Wilkinson 'wants to divorce Hank Baskett because she's STILL repulsed by his transsexual fling' as it's also claimed she's secretly texting her ex
Is this the end of Kylie's plumped-up pout? Youngest Jenner reveals she has been 'into small lips lately' Hints she's tiring of 'super natural fillers'
'It's every girl's dream': Kylie Jenner takes fans inside HUGE closet (with a separate room for shoes) at her $2.7million mansion How many shoes?
Liam Payne thrills fans as he joins his 1D bandmates in Belfast after it's claimed he suffered a 'meltdown over fame' Back on stage
'It felt good!': Bella Hadid's beau The Weeknd says Taylor Swift stroked his hair after 'a few drinks' at their first encounter Got a little flirtatious
Sleek and sexy! Jasmin Walia stuns as she showcases her ample assets in plunging oxblood pencil dress at makeup launch Commanded attention
Licence to thrill: Kate Wright and Ferne McCann amp up in the glamour in seriously sexy gowns for Bond-themed TOWIE party Very fancy dress party
'She always has wisdom': Billionaire Jessica Alba admits she still leans on her mom for support in touching Instagram post Her 'sweet mamacita'
Chloe Madeley reveals how she beat anxiety and stepped out of her parents' shadow - but critics still think she's a 'glorified stripper' Became a fitness queen
Great Scott! Back to the Future star Michael J. Fox models the FIRST pair of self-lacing Nike Mag sneakers inspired by 1989 film sequel Marty McFly would love it
Can you guess who these fresh-faced celebs are? TV presenters share Eighties throwback shots to celebrate Back To The Future Day
'Stop it': The moment smiling Beyonce scolds assistant for fussing over her fierce plunging dress on red carpet Lived up to her 'Queen Bey' nickname
Kyle Richards calls Khloe Kardashian the 'cutest thing' for showing her daughter Portia how to dance... but doesn't comment on Lamar crisis
'It's awesome she did a sex tape and made millions for her family': Amber Rose reignites Kim Kardashian feud ... as she strips NAKED for racy shoot
The evolution of Kim Kardashian: As the star turns 35, we chart her changing look... from personal assistant to style icon Stylist to fashion guru
'Nothing but love': Kris Jenner reacts to Khloe Kardashian calling off divorce from Lamar Odom... and calls troubled Scott Disick a 'beautiful soul'
'I sell records in countries where gay men get killed and that's a big thing for me': Sam Smith on being a spokesperson for the gay community
Eva Herzigova cuts a sleek silhouette in a sophisticated pencil skirt as she joins Tilda Swinton for A Bigger Splash premiere Effortlessly elegant
MIC'sStephanie Pratt shows off her long legs in a feathered number as she and Louise Thompson plump for classy black dresses Cocktail party
What a drag! David Tennant dresses as Kiki Dee as he teams up with Ricky Wilson as Elton in new TV show Performed Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Where are the Back To The Future actors now? They played themselves 30 years on in the film, but how did the cast age compared to their characters?
She's a model in the making! Donna Air attends fashion show with her mini-me daughter Freya Got mum's genes
Don't worry sis, I got this! Kourtney Kardashian juggles tiny dancers North and Penelope while Kim relaxes on 35th birthday Dance class
'Everything I dreamed of': Pregnant JWoww shares first photo of extravagant wedding dress with 10-foot train Jersey Shore star married Roger Mathews
She's a honey! Kaley Cuoco uses Winnie The Pooh quote to thank fans following marriage split as she moves onto 'next chapter' of her life Not been an easy time
Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop under fire for promoting scientifically discredited claim that breast cancer can be caused by wearing bras
A no-show from Sir Alan? Maybe it's time to tell him: You're fired! CHRISTOPHER STEVENS reviews last night's TV 'Urgent business matter'
'I bet he'll be knocking on my door soon': Jenny Garbis slams Lord Sugar as she is fired from The Apprentice for being ' not very good' Bitter exit
Skinnygirl fight! Bethenny Frankel is 'suing rival company for copying her brand to sell weight loss tea' Asked a judge to stop rival using the name
Ronnie Wood, 68, shares a sweet kiss with adoring wife Sally, 37, as he pays a special visit to The Royal College of Art In love
'He's not used to being criticised': Strictly judge Craig Revel Horwood predicts Katie Derham will be booted off if Anton Du Beke doesn't up his game
Mandy Moore flashes some leg in a floaty black dress as she visits beauty salon in Beverly Hills Casual day
Diva rumours return! Mariah Carey is accused of making ridiculous demands as she directs Lacey Chabert in a Hallmark Christmas movie
Jessa Duggar toasts pregnancy with fall-themed baby shower 'including over 100 guests, pumpkin treats and gifts of prayer' Hardly an intimate affair
Outta time! Lily Allen goes Back To The Future in a DeLorean as she celebrates Marty McFly arriving in 2015 Born shortly before the first movie's release
Leonardo DiCaprio's model girlfriend Kelly Rohrbach flashes her derriere as she poses in sexy skirt for college themed magazine shoot Seductive display
Michelle Keegan wears all black as she cuts a demure figure in lace detail keyhole blouse, jeans and thigh high boots Launching her collection
Storm in a short skirt! Caroline Flack shows off her legs in tiny vintage frock to her book launch party Autobiography called storm in a C cup
The name's most definitely not Bond! Daniel Craig looks a far cry from 007 as he sports geeky glasses, messy hair and a grandad cardigan
They're certainly well practiced! Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg share a steamy kiss on set as they play lovers for the THIRD time
'Small victories!': Makeup-free Yolanda Foster shares photo where she is working with a trainer as she fights Lyme Disease Kept a brave face
Looking blooming lovely! Pregnant Coleen Rooney sports yet another swimwear look in black bikini with floral detail Relaxing in Barbados
Pregnant Coleen Rooney parades her bronzed legs in multi-coloured playsuit as she enjoys family night out in Barbados As active as possible
Jerry Seinfeld is Forbes' highest-paid comedian after earning $36 million in the last women are absent from the list Sell out stand-up tours
'I am so proud!': Reese Witherspoon shares a look at her first Draper James store in Nashville after very successful web launch this summer Named for grandparents
She'll make a Sweet Transvestite! Orange Is The New Black star Laverne Cox to play Dr Frank-N-Furter in Rocky Horror Picture Show remake Meatiest role of the show
Happy birthday Kim! Paris Hilton wishes Kardashian friend all the best... with a cheeky reminder of who was famous first Snap from 2006
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Chloe Madeley mirrors Ursula Andress as she displays her impressive gym-honed physique in a white bikini during active Dubai break
Jess Wright comes extremely close to a wardrobe malfunction in daring double side split and super-plunging scarlet gown Flash legs and cleavage
She earned this! Alec Baldwin treats his leggy wife Hilaria to lunch after her traffic-stopping stroll with baby Rafael in NYC Looks fabulous in heels
What a drag! James Franco puffs on a cigarette as Maggie Gyllenhaal goes retro in bell-bottoms on set of porn drama The Deuce
Kristen Wiig looks like a Bridesmaid in all-pink outfit as she shows off slim midriff at Nasty Baby premiere Saturday Night Live star looked toned
Made In Chelsea's Tiffany Watson steps out for an evening out with mystery male friend... following on-screen split with Sam Thompson
EXCLUSIVE Strictly's Kirsty Gallacher admits juggling training with full time-job is a challenge... as she hits back at claims that this year is the bitchiest ever
They're ba-ack! Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill begin filming the eighth season of The Real Housewives of New York City
Sir Tom Jones and a faux pas over whether gays are 'normal': SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE on the Cardiff singer's views on homosexuality
Patsy Palmer takes to the red carpet in thigh skimming sequinned patterned shorts and slinky green vest top at film premiere Night out in LA
'Thank you for always being there': Khloe Kardashian returns to Instagram to wish Kim a happy birthday... on the same day she calls off divorce from Lamar
Kylie and Kendall Jenner keep a low profile in sunglasses and coats as they arrive back to LA after late night partying in NYC Up before sunrise
Kim Kardashian's 35 life lessons on her birthday: From selfies on a plane to the nude nail... the rules she swears by Gift for self-promotion
'Right now Louis is it': Sandra Bullock denies she has 'officially adopted' a second child... at least for now Reports she welcomed a baby daughter
Seductress who stole a genius from the love of his life: Revealed in a new book, the bitter love triangle that haunted novelist Ernest Hemingway to his grave
Twice as nice! Leggy Solange Knowles swaps elegant jumpsuit for a pair of high-waisted shorts to attend Kim and Kanye's CFDA closing dinner Demure elegance
Mercy! Matt Bellamy gets a steamy hands-on kiss from girlfriend Elle Evans during romantic sojourn to Rio On cloud nine
First look! Tom Cruise wields his gun and his fist on the New Orleans set of Jack Reacher 2... after attending local football game with son Connor
PDA alert! Joshua Jackson and longtime girlfriend Diane Kruger share a smooch as they stroll through NYC Romance hasn't fizzled
You're fixed! Lord Sugar spares US project manager and fires innocuous English student instead. The Apprentice was bull, by Jim Shelley
Kung fu Kate! Duchess meets Jackie Chan as she turns on the style again at reception for Chinese president -after stealing the show at banquet
Wild about each other! Liv Tyler dons a trendy animal print coat as she heads out with beau David Gardner Animal attraction
Michelle Keegan shows off her svelte figure in a curve-hugging black bodycon dress and thigh-high boots at clothing launch Polished as always
Overcoming the pitfalls of fame: As Carrie Fisher turns 59, how the pin-up conquered a drug addiction and mental illness to emerge back into the spotlight
OMG, Liam is OK! Ecstatic One Direction fans break down in tears of joy as Payne apologises for missing Belfast gig and vows the show WILL go on
Michael J. Fox celebrates Back to the Future Day by bringing DeLorean to LIVE with Kelly and Michael Holiday is based on the date - October 21, 2015
Behind the scenes at Balmain: World's most beautiful models - including Kendall, Gigi and Karlie - captured getting ready backstage at stellar fashion show
'We've settled': Rosie O'Donnell and Michelle Rounds end nasty divorce battle and agree to share custody of adopted daughter Dakota, two
Kate Hudson steps out in NYC after admitting to being high at awards shows and sending nude photos during revealing game on Watch What Happens Live
From state banquet to getting her hands (and feet) dirty: Queen is joined by Camilla at Buckingham Palace Royal Mews to learn what it takes to be a horse whisperer
Ashley Roberts debuts her new shocking pink hair 'do as she teams it with clashing red dress at Animal Hero Awards Eccentric look
Abused by a wife who was desperate for fame, and kept on the road by her son who frittered his money away: New allegations surface abouttragic Mickey Rooney's final years
Ex-TOWIE star George Harrison displays taut tummy and pert behind in two-tone bikini as she relaxes on Mediterranean break Escaped Essex
Her little prince is growing up fast! Princess Mary's son Christian poses with his dog Ziggy in new portraits to celebrate his 10th birthday
Justin Bieber rocks a plaid shirt with black tee and distressed jeans as he stops for impromptu meet and greet in London All smiles
Keeping up with Caitlyn! Jenner unveils speaking tour as it's revealed she is lining up a book deal for memoir Caitlyn-mania is not quite finished yet
Keira Knightley shows off her chic city style as she enjoys a New York stroll with husband James Righton and their five-month-old daughter Edie
Selma Blair plays Kris Jenner as she keeps up with child actors playing the Kardashian kids for OJ Simpson trial series American Crime Story In spotlight for 20 years
Is Jaden Smith the new Galileo? How the Hollywood offspring and Italian astronomer stack up after actor compares the two in bizarre interview
Birthday girl Lourdes Leon goes for casual attire while her mother Madonna, 57, upstages her with sexy crop top as they step out for dinner
No point playing coy now! Chris Martin and new girlfriend Annabelle Wallis leave LAX using separate exits... just days after their Paris PDA-fest
Kim Kardashians around the world: How a glam Aussie stylist, a curvy Cuban and millionaire singer from China are vying to take the star's crown
Beaming Perrie Edwards leads the way as Little Mix wrap up warm in cosy statement coats on latest radio tour in Birmingham That's a wrap
She's all natural! Christie Brinkley, 61, says she refuses to get Botox to smooth out her skin - and insists her youthful appearance is the result of a strict vegetarian diet
Troubled Saved By The Bell star Lark Voorhies files for divorce from Jimmy Green six months after eloping in Las Vegas Married in April in Vegas
Star Wars droid BB-8 spoofs Daisy Ridley's emotional reaction to The Force Awakens trailer in HILARIOUS parody Didn't take long
'I got under the cloud': Drew Barrymore reveals she suffered postpartum depression after the birth of her second child Felt overwhelmed
Pregnant Sam Faiers encases growing bump in snug cosy knit as she steps out with boyfriend Paul Knightley for London stroll Enjoying her pregnancy
'It's beautiful what she's doing': Khloe's ex French Montana praises her for sticking by estranged husband Lamar Odom's side during hospitalization
Fresh-faced Kate Upton works up a sweat in tight T-shirt and hot pink leggings as her trainer admires her famous curves during gruelling gym session
Bristol Palin ends bitter battle over child support with ex Levi Johnston - but another fight may be brewing with father of baby girl due to be born out of wedlock in just weeks
'That was very embarrassing': Confident Jay Z has rare moment of shame as he reacts to throwback clip of himself rapping Even superstar's cringe
'Don't ever think the world owes you anything': A passionate Jennifer Lawrence is reunited with American Hustle co-star Bradley Cooper in trailer for Joy
'This is a make-up record': Adele reveals more about her long-awaited new album 25 which will explore new grown-up chapter in her life
No one will ever convince me I'm too old for leather: As she strides out at 71, Angela Rippon rips into her critics No age limit
You can't rain on their parade! Jessica Wright and her mum Carol manage to look glam despite getting caught in a downpour during TOWIE filming
Brandi's back! Glanville 'will return to Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' to shake things up... but only in a 'guest starring' role Famed for starting drama
Beyonce shows off her booty in racy pink playsuit as she hits the stage with Jay Z during star-studded Tidal charity concert Queen B-hind
Precious cargo! Justin Bieber's assistant carries his beloved skateboards as the star shows off his eccentric sense of style after landing at Heathrow
'I'm six weeks away!': Justified's Natalie Zea reveals she's close to baby's due date as she names Jeff Goldblum the sexiest star she's ever met
Well, you can see it from space! Huge display of Stormtroopers assembled at the Great Wall of China to promote the new Star Wars film
Geri Horner looks impossibly chic in tonal outfit as she wraps up warm on her way to a radio appearance Far removed from her Spice Girls days
Count Nikolai Von Bismarck leaves Kate Moss' London home amid claims the supermodel has 'moved the "vampire" socialite into her basement'
Reunited and it feels so good! Alex Gerrard jets to LA with her three doppelganger daughters to join husband Steven for a half-term holiday Quality time Stateside
The women who haven't had sex for more than a decade... and why it's all men's fault What it's like to be celibate
Parka-ing the glamour! Kylie and Kendall Jenner cut a low-key figure in matching raincoats as they jet out of New York following Balmain event
It's back to business for the Kardashians as Kim, Kylie, Kendall, Kourtney and Kris head to high-profile events while Khloe stays by Lamar Odom's side
Which sexy screen star gets YOUR vote? Benedict Cumberbatch and Daniel Craig go head-to-head for style prize at British Fashion Awards
Lifestyle vlogger details her painful three-year battle with eating disorders and admits she used to binge drink until she vomited - so she would be thin enough to model
Gwyneth Paltrow puts on a leggy display in a layered semi-sheer skirt and pink stilettos for lunch date with mother Blythe Danner Met her parent
Will ANY boots zip up on a normal size leg? How to overcome the challenge of too-tight boots on the High Street Can be a challenge
Saved by a sandwich bag: The incredible moment doctors rescued a tiny 1.1lb baby born three months premature...
Is banana SKIN the new 'superfood'? Peel is packed with nutrients and vitamins that 'can aid weight-loss and...
How to lose 5% body fat 10 days: Drink ginseng tea, lift heavy weights and DON'T bother with cardio, says...
Eat bacon, don't jog and NEVER eat fruit: Health guru reveals the 10 surprising ways YOU can shed the pounds...
Mother, 41, with advanced breast cancer REFUSES chemotherapy in favour of drinking her own urine,...
What's YOUR risk of serious disease? New quiz reveals your likelihood of cancer, diabetes, heart or bowel...
Disgusting video shows man with hundreds of squirming MAGGOTS inside his ear
The shocking images that reveal the true horror of syphilis: Man, 38, develops severe case that will leave...
Women struggling to conceive should try YOGA: Stretching and breathing exercises found to slash stress and...
How taking aspirin every day 'could help you to get pregnant': Fertility expert says 100 doses of the drug...
Could an injection into the BRAIN help weight loss? Jab that affects appetite 'kick-starts fat burning' in a...
Are you exhausted? Quarter of people aged 30 to 50 only get FIVE hours' sleep each night
Ebola nurse Pauline Cafferkey has made 'significant improvement' in last few days as it emerges she is...
Junior doctors will vote over proposed strike action early next month: Move follows anger over cuts to pay...
So what IS the truth about the Lyme disease 'epidemic'? Suddenly an illness doctors blame on tick bites is...
The Duchess does Dolce: Kate ditches her high street favourites as she steps out in £1,850 plum dress by D&G after the designers said they'd love to dress her
Tiara's glittering history: Duchess picks Princess Margaret's favourite Lotus Flower headpiece made from Queen Mother's jewels for first state banquet
Is a high sex drive RUINING your relationship? Tracey Cox explains what to do when you have a raging libido - but your partner doesn't
He's back! Chris Rock confirmed as Oscars 2016 host... 11 years after his first turn Famed for his controversial style of comedy
Anthony Kiedis showcases his tattooed torso during shirtless jog... after discussing Red Hot Chili Peppers' upcoming album Fighting fit at 52
Helena Christensen, 46, opts for a scorching look in plunging flame red mini dress as she attends the Burnt premiere in New York Never ages
EXCLUSIVE: 'I did nothing wrong - I saved his life!' Prostitute who found Lamar Odom unconscious breaks her silence and says she is living in fear
'It has been incredibly difficult': Khloe breaks her silence as it's revealed Lamar has made his first steps at LA hospital but may need a kidney transplant
Cory Wells of Three Dog Night dies suddenly aged 74 in upstate New York after four-decade music career Biggest hit was Mama Told Me Not To Come
Myleene Klass flaunts her super-slim bikini body in a metallic two-piece as she does her best Star Wars impression on family holiday
FIRST LOOK: Jenna Coleman transforms into a young Queen Victoria in new still for upcoming ITV period drama after quitting Doctor Who
Abbey Clancy showcases her svelte bikini body in sheer maxi dress as she shoots scenes in Britain's Next Top Model in Jamaica
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! Woman creates clever Cinderella costume that transforms the wearer from pauper to princess in just a few speedy spins
EXCLUSIVE: How Rosie O'Donnell - known as 'The Beast' by staff at The View - stormed towards her now fired producer 'and had to be physically restrained'
Pregnant Kim Kardashian wears skintight outfit and drips in diamonds as Kanye West treats her to French meal on the eve of her 35th birthday
New girl on the block: Sesame Street introduces autistic character named Julia in autism initiative Story called 'We're Amazing, 1, 2, 3!'
Treasure trove of Lord Attenborough's possessions including Gandhi clapperboard, a replica Jurassic Park cane and Charlie Chaplin film posters sell for more than £780,000
Kylie Jenner steals the spotlight in gold-embroidered dress and thigh-skimming boots at Balmain-H&M fashion show in NYC Wasn't all about Kendall
EXCLUSIVE: Tom Brady's 'body coach' claims Gisele endorsed products, told parents not to give diabetic children insulin, and lied about $500m fortune
For the sheer fun of it! Kendall Jenner conceals little in see-through cut-out top while walking the runway at Balmain X H&M launch Took centre stage
Catwalk queen Karlie Kloss rules the runway as she parades her cleavage and toned abs at Balmain's H&M fashion show Strutted her stuff
Leggy Gigi Hadid flashes her bra in sexy sheer top teamed with over-the-knee boots as she makes chic exit from Balmain X H&M show
Hipster bodyguard to the stars: British security expert patrols red carpet with A-listers including George Clooney, Cheryl and Tom Cruise Impressive whiskers
James Corden goes hand-in-hand with his glamorous wife Julia as they sport low-key looks for date night at Vogue event Gone all Hollywood
From Russia With Love: Kristina Rihanoff shows off her Strictly-honed figure as she recreates Ursula Andress' Bond girl look She's a Honey alright
As she sits on top table at the state banquet, how the Duchess of Cambridge became the Queen's ultimate ally Her first banquet
Glamorous Uma Thurman, 45, shows off her sensational slim curves in figure-hugging teal dress at Burnt premiere in New York Killing it
'Doesn't everyone wear this?' Eva Longoria shows off her curves in plunging purple swimsuit and jewels as she gets stuck into directing new TV show
'Don't you people have any respect?!' Cruel Intentions follow up TV series is in the works at NBC TV sequel centered on the offspring
Not too down in the dumps, then? Lauren Pope beams with delight as she's seen for the first time since quitting TOWIE after five years Finally bid farewell
'This lil angel': Wilmer Valderrama posts intimate snap of himself lying in bed with love Demi Lovato who looks blissed out Eyes shut and smiling
Alexa Chung puts on a leggy display in thigh-grazing black blazer dress and towering heels at the Balmain X H&M show Suits you, Alexa
Sienna Miller dips it low in intricate deep plunging white mini-dress as she cosies up to handsome co-star Bradley Cooper at Burnt premiere
Better together! BFFs Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid pucker up and hold hands as they wear matching black at Balmain X H&M launch Put on a united front
Alessandra Ambrosio wows on the runway for Balmain x H&M... as she parties with fellow catwalk queens Kendal Jenner and Gigi Hadid to the Backsteet Boys
Bella Hadid looks truly stunning as she hits the catwalk for the first time since revealing secret battle with Lyme disease Battling on
'I thought maybe he hates me': X Factor's Simon Cowell tells Susanna Reid that he feared son Eric wasn't bonding with him Revealed fears
Nicki Minaj is up to more risqué tricks in low-cut corset and lace stockings as she performs at star-studded Tidal X concert
Her hero! Marvel sar Chris Evans carries onscreen niece Mckenna Grace on his shoulders while filming upcoming drama Gifted Fun on the sand
Daddy cool: Liam Gallagher steps out with look-a-like son Gene, 14, at first birthday party of Kinks musical Sunny Afternoon Trademark military look
Pregnant Chrissy Teigen shows a flare for fashionable maternity wear in off-the-shoulder satin top and bell-bottoms Pregnancy suits her!
Green goddess! Rosie Huntington-Whiteley stuns in ornate monochrome jumpsuit as she attends Balmain X H&M launch Glistened in green
Ellie Goulding puts on a leggy display in form-fitting mini-dress as she steps out for Balmain x H&M show with boyfriend Dougie Poynter
Dazzling Duchess is the toast of the Palace: Kate looks resplendent as she takes pride of place at the top table for her first state banquet Joined the Queen
One Direction release long-awaited music video for Perfect... hours after cancelling Belfast gig as Liam Payne is suddenly taken ill Some good news
Will she be BOWLed over? Emily Ratajkowski goes retro in a bowler hat and culottes while filming romantic scenes for new project Cruise
'Third time's a charm': Farrah Abraham shares her joy at getting ANOTHER boob job to get rid of 'horrible burning and pain' Controversial CBB star
Family reunion: Exes Shane Richie and Coleen Nolan join their sons Jake and Shane Jnr at musical opening night All in the business
Delta Goodrem poses topless in a pool for the cover of Maxim magazine as the singer leads Hot 100 Australia list... beating Margot Robbie to the top spot
Beyonce's father Mathew Knowles fuels age conspiracy theories as he says his daughter, 34, is the 'exact same age' as Pink, 36 Born in 1981. Or 1979?
There's no rest for the wicked: Katie Price slips into suede thigh-high boots as she leaves the theatre after revealing evil pantomime role Oh yes she did!
YouTube unveiling $9.99 ad-free 'Red' subscription service that will include music, original movies and TV shows fronted by PewDiePie and others
I plead the fifth! Kate Hudson dodges question about dating Nick Jonas on Watch What Happens Live Gave a no comment on the rumours
Carey Mulligan showcases her post-baby figure in lilac dress at Suffragette premiere... as she admits nursing infant is 'a challenge'
Glitter baby! Pregnant Kim Kardashian flashes some leg in tight sparkly dress as she joins stars at Vogue Fashion Fund Show She has a real sparkle
Kris Jenner receives comfort from boyfriend Corey Gamble as he takes her shopping in LA... after visiting Lamar Odom in hospital Looked concerned
SPOILER ALERT! TOWIE's Lydia Bright breaks down as she confides in co-stars over relationship woes with beau Arg Strain is showing
Tats for you! Madonna's daughter Lourdes, 19, shows her love for famous mom and dad with new finger ink 'MOM' and 'DAD' tattoos
'Netflix and chill?' Woman propositions 18 men on Tinder with popular millennial pick-up line and proves the bizarrely flirty phrase really DOES work
Britney Spears wears two skintight sports bras as she puts Las Vegas wardrobe malfunction behind her Double protection
Not so guilty pleasure! Mila Kunis strikes a sultry pose in black pantsuit as she plugs Jim Beam's new apple-flavored bourbon On the promo trail
Standing out! Lily Collins dons striking gold satin mini dress as she attends Vogue Fashion Fund Show Turned heads in the most fashionable way
Kardashians konfess! Reality stars reveal embarrassing secrets - Kris admits she was caught joining mile-high club, while Kylie recalls 'pooping her pants'
Kendall Jenner rocks pink hair as she stars in Vogue's emerging fashion talent issue with Nick Jonas and friends Punk look
Lingerie shopping! Kourtney Kardashian shows off her curves in ripped jeans as she picks up pricey panties in Beverly Hills She splurged
When in Rome! Monica Bellucci, 51, wows fans with semi-sheer gown as she attends film festival in Italian capital Classy and sexy
Give your holiday the X Factor: Inside the luxurious judges' houses in Rome, LA, the Cotswolds and France that YOU can stay in
Gwyneth Paltrow stuns on the red carpet as she shows off her figure in skintight lacy dress at How To Dance In Ohio premiere Loved up and happy
Kristen Stewart cuts a low-key figure in oversize coat and skinny jeans on set of untitled Woody Allen project That's a wrap
Reese Witherspoon makes an elegant appearance in two-piece skirt and crop top at star-studded Vogue event Looked angelic
She's a natural! Rihanna takes over The Voice as pop star shines in sneak peek of upcoming appearances as special mentor Totally took over
Culinary Intentions! Sarah Michelle Gellar bonds with her mini-me kids Charlotte and Rocky as they bake cookies together Cooking up a storm
Sharon Stone, 57, wows in silk suit as she cuddles up to her suited and booted son Laird at Agent X premiere Adorable date upstaged his famous mum
From Peckham to a galaxy far, far away: John Boyega landed a lead role in Star Wars after pledging he wouldn't be typecast as an 'alpha hoodie'
Nicolette Sheridan has another chance for a Desperate Housewives 'firing' trial after Court Of Appeal rules she can file new complaint More twists that the show
Tyga posts video of his son playing next to 'suspicious looking green substance and rolling papers'...but soon deletes the clip from Snapchat
Marnie Simpson rocks mini bandeau skater dress with knee high boots and bowler hat as she launches her lingerie collection Revealing ensemble
'Boo visited me on set!' Kylie Jenner and Hailey Baldwin strike a pose as they hang out on the set of model's NYC photoshoot This is how it's done!
Sealed with a kiss: Chiwetel Ejiofor plants sweet smooch on brunette mystery stunner while enjoying romantic stroll in NYC Hot new romance
Smells like team spirits! Simon Cowell insists he saw a ghost while filming X Factor's Judges Houses at haunted Chateau Suspicious sightings
Kaley Cuoco wears skeleton sweatshirt to yoga after being 'hit with spousal support demand' by estranged husband Ryan Sweeting Sweating it out
A fashion hat trick! Glamorous Peng Liyuan showcases THREE outfits on first day of state visit with husband President Xi Jinping Looked sophisticated
Kate reverts to favourite designer for red letter day: Duchess wears bespoke Jenny Packham gown for her first state banquet Stunning scarlet gown
'I think I would be a decent judge': 1D's Louis Tomlinson has 'informally agreed to join the X Factor panel next year' Passed guest judge test
'I'm healthy... I have a lot of fat on my body': Olivia Newton-John's daughter Chloe Lattanzi credits fiance for helping her through battle with anorexia
Wearing all his wardrobe! Justin Bieber dons a hoodie and baseball cap combo teamed with shorts over skinny jeans Got every style going
'So scared': Lucy Mecklenburgh puts on a brave face for selfie as she nears the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro Getting close
'We let loose!' Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt talk behind the scenes on By The Sea... as Shiloh pranks Daddy with her slingshot Honeymoon filming
'Absolutely I have cancer': Brooks Ayers slams Real Housewives Of Orange County cast members for doubting him... but won't take a lie detector test
'I'm just super happy!' Lara Bingle says her glowing appearance is thanks to contentment with life as a wife and mother as star supports new public fertility clinic
Shirtless Alan Shearer tops up his tan as he enjoys a dip in the sea with his super-bronzed daughter Hollie on annual family break to Barbados
'I don't want to erase my history on my face': Jennifer Connelly says she'll never get plastic surgery or Botox No need with her bone structure
Fleur East puts in a stylish appearance at her album party in a cropped white trouser suit and chic grey coat Ready for a big return
Flying in comfort: Georgia May Jagger touches down in Sydney ahead of Thomas Sabo party appearance in silk pyjama-style top and flared black trousers
James Franco and Pretty Little Liars' Keegan Allen pose arm-in-arm while shirtless on the set of King Cobra Wore just red and black boxers
Kylie and Kendall take New York! Jenner sisters turn heads in kinky boots and fur as they head to lunch Turned lunch into a fashion show
Kim Kardashian is one supportive sister as she gets behind the wheel to visit Khloe after her return to Los Angeles Sisterly love on show
What a difference a day makes! Amy Schumer takes a break from glamour as she heads to airport after stunning in red dress at Elle Awards
She does the heavy lifting! Ashley Tisdale lugs her baggage through LAX airport as husband Christopher French charges ahead Rocker chic, grunge style
The best advertisement! Millie Mackintosh shows off her toned legs in a lacy dress from her own range at fashion bash Eponymous clothing line
Caught holding hands! Lucy Hale gets close to new beau Anthony Kalabretta during West Hollywood outing Inseparable for months
Daryl Hannah, 54, defies her years in black babydoll dress while Krysten Ritter channels her new superhero role in chic cream cape at Netflix launch event
David and Victoria Beckham work up a sweat together as they exercise at SoulCycle session in LA Training in tandem
From a Lego House to a home! Ed Sheeran spends time at an elderly day care centre in his local town... as he gets a special suite opened in his name
The Only Way Is... Farewell: Lauren Pope leaves TOWIE after 16 series to focus on her businesses Can't juggle filming with business any more
Back to normal! Gisele Bundchen goes makeup free as she heads to Boston gym after cheering on husband Tom Brady during his Patriots win
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Paris Hilton cuddles with beau Thomas Gross in never-seen-before photos as she reveals they already have Christmas plans
'You sacrificed so much!' Lady Gaga thanks parents for supporting her 'during my most neurotic times' as she collects award
He's not What A Girl Wants! Blake Shelton makes his old The Voice costar Christina Aguilera's daughter bawl just by holding her
'He just really admires her work': Dylan Penn explains why her father Sean Penn attends so many of his ex-wife Madonna's concerts Still a fan
'It was a rough time': Kim Richards says she's putting her life 'back together' after sobriety lapse as she appears on Brandi Glanville's podcast
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Attend it like Beckham! Brooklyn, 16, is joined by cousin Liberty, 15, and his grandparents to watch West End musical inspired by his dad
Long time coming! Demi Moore and Alec Baldwin start work on 'Blind'... their first movie together since The Juror in 1996 Twenty years apart
Has Shane Warne piled on the pounds? Retired cricketer showcases his fuller frame in two piece blue suit Put on weight since split with Elizabeth Hurley
PIERS MORGAN: The Force Awakens? Sorry, but Star Wars has sucked for 40 overrated, overhyped, preposterous years Not a fan
Will he come back? Comedian Chris Rock 'is in serious talks to host the 2016 Oscars'... after doing the job to mixed reviews in 2005 Announcement due soon
'Otters hold hands when they sleep!' Zooey Deschanel reveals the meaning behind daughter's unusual name 'Who doesn't love otters?'
Nick Grimshaw steps out with close pal Michael Maylon as he returns from filming X Factor's Judges' Houses in Cotswolds Day off from star-hunting
Skater mom Pink wears tie-dyed jumpsuit and carries a board while out with husband Carey Hart and daughter Willow Makeup free
Long night? Kate Hudson plasters on heavy foundation morning after canoodling with her agent inside car Two after-parties
Broken hearts club! Gwen Stefani tears up in newly released Used To Love You music video... two months after split from husband Gavin Rossdale
Are we living in Back to the Future? As 21 October 2015 finally arrives, we reveal what the cult film got right... and wrong Today is the day
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Doctor said I have no cataracts, no glaucoma and no macular degeneration which is good. He said my pupils were well dilated so he did not ha...
am i really a failure? am i doing what i am able to do? OR am i unable to fit into other people's boxes, unable to keep up with dem...
Any person I am talking to immediately diverts their attention to someone else or some animal or some other things in the area. They drop t...