Friday, October 9, 2015

Feelings rule. The gut, stomach, navel, bellybutton, solar plexus, middle, center of the body rules. This is why we do what we do.

Feelings rule. The gut, stomach, navel, bellybutton, solar plexus, middle, center of the body rules.
This is why we do what we do.
Logic and reason make no sense. They don't have sense. They have rigid, unbending,
inflexible rules that don't go with the flow, disregarding changes and differences.
Logic expects carbon copy duplicate replications identical to itself and
the ability to recreate the exact same circumstance over and over in or as if in
a laboratory.

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Political and religious obsessed people

 I know some of them and they are insane beyond repair They started out young teens and twenties and the zealotry intensified over the years...