Saturday, October 10, 2015

Improve the economy. Lower prices on everything instead of continually raising wages.

Improve the economy. Lower prices on everything instead of
continually raising wages. Increasing wages increases the
price of everything included in the cost of living.

A minimum wage worker can never get ahead nor
keep up with the cost of anything nor can they
afford to live solo, by themselves.

As long as prices are high for shelter, transportation and education, the minimum wage keeps
them desperate, dependent, overworked, forced to live with others
and subject to illness, injuries and massive inescapable stress.
These ultimately cost the government more money as these working,
employed people seek health care they cannot afford, require
assistance in paying rent, utilities and food. Often they cannot afford
to own a vehicle and must rely on government grants and student loans in order
to receive a higher education.

Start by drastically reducing the prices
of the highest priced items: shelter, transportation and education.
SHELTER: Real estate (residential and commercial), business/offfice space, houses/homes,
apartments, duplexes, condos, motels/hotels, bed and breakfast inns,
any place a person can work, live or stay that is sold or rented.
TRANSPORTATION: Vehicles: automobile, car, motorcycle, train, bus, airplane, jet, boat, cruise ship.
EDUCATION: School, college, tuition, loan, grant, federal, local, city, state, county.

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