Thursday, September 1, 2016

Until you heal yourself you will keep experiencing the same things over and over again.

Until you heal yourself you will keep experiencing the same things over and over again.

Seeds.  There is great nutritional value in seeds.

He doesn't understand.

Cleansing, doing regular liver cleanses is extremely important.

The liver is so important to the body it was put into a sarcophagus (tomb/casket)
by the ancient Egyptians.

Only the poor man can become wise.

Grey sea salt from France can heal due to having the same alkalinity of the blood. 5-24-16
René Quinton [1867 – 1925] a French physiologist, whose chief scientific work “L'eau de mer, milieu organique” (Ocean water, organic matrix) was published in 1904. He demonstrated the analogy between the body inner environment, the blood plasma, and ocean water, the medium of all cellular life. He cured tens of thousands of children in France and Egypt with his plasma, derived from oceanic water. He eradicated some of the most virulent diseases of the time in France: infant cholera and gastro-intestinal infections. [2]

One of my associates told me these things.

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