Monday, January 30, 2017

How much money does an autopsy cost? These sites show nothing. Government is not a business.

How much money does an autopsy cost? These sites show nothing.
Government is not a business.

Nobody knows. No cost, no price shown in these website links.
Government red tape confusion, time consuming ordeal as usual.
Why don't they show the cost for an autopsy the same way
stores and all other businesses clearly display the cost for their
Government is not a business. You don't know the cost of
anything until after the fact. After it has all happened.. then
you are billed an exorbitant, unexpected, unknown, bankruptcy amount of
money for everything, even simple services.

Friday, January 27, 2017

albert einsteins career and vocation astrology pisces 10th house same as mine

albert einsteins career and vocation astrology pisces 10th house same as mine

I am not comparing myself to einstein but since I cannot afford to buy my own
career and vocation report I came across this sample report and noticed he has
10th house pisces as I do.
I found the description of 10th house pisces to be accurate to me.
I am sun sign cancer with gemini rising.
He is sun sign pisces with cancer rising/ascendant.

For many reasons I am interested in finding an appropriate and good paying
vocation. Something a 55 year old caucasian white female old senior citizen woman
with a broken back, scoliosis, osteoarthritis/degenerative disc disease, gastritis,
duodenitis, eczema, allergies, insomnia, presbyopia, farsightedness,
astigmatism,  can do on a regular basis with an
employer who understands the limitations.

I can type--last time measured was 40 words per minute, not sure what it is now--
use computer, list things on the internet, do very light house cleaning, cooking
and child care.

I can talk. In fact, husband told me, Too bad you can't make money
talking because that's all you do. You're (second) son makes good money,
his mother earns nothing.
I can do simple math.
I know my abc's: the arabic alphabet.
I can drive my vehicle. I drive slowly and carefully.
I am cautious and slow at what I do.
I am serious. Extremely sensitive and empathetic.

Each being has their own unique astrological chart according to their
birth time and place.

Recuperating from being sick again since January 24, 2017, Tuesday morning at 6:20 am. Woke up vomiting with diarrhea at the same time.

Recuperating from being sick again since January 24, 2017, Tuesday morning at 6:20 am. Woke up vomiting with diarrhea at the same time.
Puked 4 or 5 times until nothing left to come up. Diarrhea
all day every 30 minutes to 1 or 2 hours.

At 8:00 pm hubby brought me half a can of chicken noodle soup and crackers of which
I ate half of that half can. Sick all through the night. Managed to keep down
one plain saltine cracker, sips of water and 7UP soda.

Stabbing pain in the middle of my stomach between my ribs in the diaphragm went on since
this started every hour or so until just a few hours ago. It is almost 3 days later.

Yesterday I had several soda saltine crackers until finally at 330 pm had a can of
cream of mushroom soup. 10 pm had a chicken pot pie with peas and butter and went
to bed only to have relentless stabbing stomach pain and heartburn until I finally
went to sleep at 5 am after sipping some baking soda water and a half teaspoon of
raw honey.

3pm today I was able to keep down half a boneless skinless chicken breast with plain white rice,
frozen peas at 3 pm today and successfully managed to keep in my stomach 3 chicken
tacos made very mildly (no hot sauce, taco sauce, cumin, chili powder, peppers or salsa just
one plain tomato, lettuce, avocado, grated cheddar cheese and chicken cooked earlier today
in peanut oil with sauteed red onion).
this evening at 8 pm. So far so good.

Hope this rotten stomach flu goes away forever, never to return again.

I'd like to know how I could keep a regular job anywhere with these constant bouts of
the flu along with back pain, leg pains, vision problems and gastrointestinal problems.

Have had 2 head colds with a fever since December 27, 2016 both of which had me down
for 3 to 4 days each week.

The world teaches us to look outside of ourselves for answers and happiness when we were designed to look inside ourselves and live by our own will.

The world teaches us to look outside of ourselves for answers and happiness
when we were designed to look inside ourselves and live by our own will.
It tells us to always have our eyes open, to make snap judgments by current
surfaces, outer covers, by the superficial current appearance of everything.
It teaches us to want, need and seek things just because someone or
everyone else has it or is doing it.

The world teaches us you can do or be anything you want to be based on the fact
that someone else did it or is doing it.
But the truth is you are unique, are what YOU are and
can only be what your inner direction from the self leads you to be.

You have your own set of values and ethics.

It is self-crucifying to compare yourself to anyone but yourself.
Every moment you pretend to be someone else you cut yourself
off of your own life support.

You will never live in anyone else's body. You will only live in
your own body every moment since conception until your death.
It is completely your life and your own life's experiences, not anyone else's.

perhaps humans are not supposed to plant themselves in one spot and grow roots

perhaps humans are not supposed to plant themselves in one spot and grow roots

2-26-16 date written

small living or work spaces are destructive, large ones are productive

small living or work spaces are destructive, large ones are productive

small living or work quarters between animals and humans means less privacy, more fights, into each other's business, is not professional, causes more health problems, reduces the individual ability for
self expression, creativity and individuality

larger living or work spaces with less animals or people living in it promote more calm, happy, healthy, wealthy, relaxed, peaceful, creative, productive, confident and professional individuals

Thursday, January 26, 2017

if it is necessary for life or involves fun or pleasure it must be rushed through, done fast,

if it is necessary for life or involves fun or pleasure it must be rushed through, done fast,
done as quickly as possible so it is over and done with so that happiness can be shortened
and condensed, cropped, trimmed, contained, restrained and longingly looked forward to
while we spend the vast majority of our time worrying, working, slaving and forcing
ourselves to keep up with the world's demands

self will must be expressed for creativity. repressing the will to create causes destruction of the spirit and body.

self will must be expressed for creativity. repressing the will to create causes destruction of the spirit and body.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Tired of thinking about people and things I don't want to think about.

Tired of thinking about people and things I don't want to think about.
It is time to think only about those people and things that I want.

You will never erase or replace mother.

You will never erase or replace mother.

I am a feminine female heterosexual woman, not a feminist.

I am a feminine female heterosexual woman, not a feminist.
I am not confused about my gender.
I look like a woman. I act like a woman.

There is no mistake in anyone's mind about my gender or
my sexual preference.

I am lucky because I wake up every day knowing what I am.

I fully appreciate the things I can do because I am female.
I fully appreciate the things that males do because they are men.

The contrast between males and females and the irresistible
attraction between them is exhilarating.
It is exciting. It is needed. It is necessary for life to go on.
Without it there would not be any more life. There would not
be any more babies created.

And I absolutely love babies!

My grandson is the only person in the world I know that is excited, ecstatic, extremely happy to see me.

My grandson is the only person in the world I know that is
excited, ecstatic, extremely happy to see me.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Interest earned on money and investments is fake. It is toy money. It's not real.

Interest earned on money and investments is fake. It is toy money. It's not real.

Begin with one million dollars or
nuts in the stash you only have what you started with: one million dollars or nuts.

Interest on money is a human delusion, a false belief that you can get more than
you have without doing anything. More money magically appears out of nowhere,
thanks to stock markets and printing presses.

The million dollar stash now appears to be ten million dollars
and the reality is there are one million nuts stashed away in reserve
which can never multiply and reproduce themselves to ten million nuts.

Money does not multiply and create another self the way people, animals and plants procreate and
produce little versions of themselves.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Narcissists should only masturbate.

Narcissists should only masturbate.
Masturbate nonstop until your death and never procreate, never make a baby. Empathy is not there, it is missing. You can't feel any feelings or emotions for other life forms. The only thing you create is monsters like yourself.

Guts rule all. The gut is the beginning and end. It's in the middle (center) of the body. It is the hub that determines how the heart and brain react.

Guts rule all. The gut is the beginning and end. It's in the middle (center) of
the body. It is the hub that determines how the heart and brain react.

The gut is where nourishment necessary for life is received, processed, digested and discarded
as excrement.

When the gut is healthy and living in the proper temperature and environment
the whole body is healthy and alive.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Are you really in total control of yourself? Do you determine your destiny?

Are you really in total control of yourself? Do you determine your destiny?

Do you really determine all outcomes of
everything that happens in your life?

Are you able to have everything you want
and not be affected or influenced by anyone or anything around you?

Did you choose the body you are in, are occupying, are living in?

Do you think you have done everything by yourself?

Do you believe you raised yourself alone?

Do you think and believe your ideas are original, exclusive to you?

Do you think that what you think has not been thought of before?

Do you think that what you have done has not been done before you did it?

Do you believe you are the sole creator of your destiny and your life?

Do you think that all you need is yourself and no one else in order to survive?

Do you think you are not dependent on anyone or any certain location so
that you can continue living?

Do you believe you are a self-sufficient perpetual motion source of energy
that needs nothing else but yourself eating yourself to survive?

Do you believe that self reliance is the only way to survive?

Do you think you have an original thought in your head?

Do you believe you need other life forms so you can live?

Do you believe that life feeds upon life?

Do you question and ask yourself where your ideas, thoughts, beliefs
came from?

Do you think all of your ideas, thoughts and beliefs came from yourself?

Do you remember when you were in infant and what you wanted at that time?


Friday, January 6, 2017

You tell your children stories and lies. Fairy tales of beautiful princesses

You tell your children stories and lies. Fairy tales of beautiful princesses,
witches, queens, kings and sorcerers. Beings that have magical powers so
strong all they have to do is wish for something and it happens. They don't
have to do anything. They don't have to work or move.

They think it, they wish it and it happens.No effort.

You tell your children their toys are real, live beings that can actively
control their environment. You tell them the toys are alive and have
feelings. You teach them that the toys are talking to them, telling them
what to do and can take the blame for mistakes, something that has
gone wrong. It wasn't the child's fault, it was the toy talking train
that did it. 

We are all part of the ultimate statistic. Ten out of ten die. anonymous

We are all part of the ultimate statistic. Ten out of ten die.  anonymous

Sunday, January 1, 2017

tired of freezing my legs and ass off in here every time i go to the bathroom

tired of freezing my legs and ass off in here every time i go to the bathroom
so i cut a huge area out of the crotch of a very old pair of
sweat pants and put on a pair of loose boy shorts over the sweatpants
so i can use the potty without freezing my ass off as much

my legs get so,  sooo cold i can't stand it
i don't know why but they always have
i cover my lap and legs with a blanket when i use the restroom
but the cold air still chills my legs so bad
my hands and feet freeze fast, too

oh, you're hands are so cold! i have heard from people
since i was a baby girl
they always say cold hands warm heart
don't know where that expression came from or
if it really true of all people that have cold hands
but i do have a very warm heart

love spreading appeals to me naturally