Sunday, January 1, 2017

tired of freezing my legs and ass off in here every time i go to the bathroom

tired of freezing my legs and ass off in here every time i go to the bathroom
so i cut a huge area out of the crotch of a very old pair of
sweat pants and put on a pair of loose boy shorts over the sweatpants
so i can use the potty without freezing my ass off as much

my legs get so,  sooo cold i can't stand it
i don't know why but they always have
i cover my lap and legs with a blanket when i use the restroom
but the cold air still chills my legs so bad
my hands and feet freeze fast, too

oh, you're hands are so cold! i have heard from people
since i was a baby girl
they always say cold hands warm heart
don't know where that expression came from or
if it really true of all people that have cold hands
but i do have a very warm heart

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