Thursday, October 31, 2019

Watch it, whine about it, work on it or ignore it. It's my choice.

Watch it, whine about it, work on it or ignore it. It's my choice.

I began writing in a diary when I was 9 years old. I have hand written journals from the 1970's to the 2000's. I call it a journal. Not a blog.

I began writing in a diary when I was 9 years old. I have hand written journals from the 1970's to
the 2000's. I call it a journal. Not a blog.

I don't call it a blog- a strange word, almost repulsive in the
sound of it.. like a fog, a cog, a glitch, a stop, a hindrance, a blind spot,
something choked upon
that can't come out right.

 A hiccup, something stuck in one's throat as if they
don't know quite what to say or what to think.
Choked up words blended together in a lump of confusion resembling a hard
and rotted old log lying on the ground.

I am here because a male and female joined together and created me.

I am here because a male and female
joined together and created me.

I haven't found everything I want in one, in another person. This will never happen.

I haven't found everything I want
in one, in another person. This will never happen.
The only place I can find everything is in myself through discovery
and through experiences.

Questions I have learned to ask myself before I talk: Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind? If the last one is not true keep your mouth shut.

Questions I have learned to ask myself before I talk:
Is it true, is it necessary, is it kind?
If the last one is not true keep your mouth shut.

Many years ago I discovered that I won't starve to death if I skip a meal.

Many years ago I discovered that I
won't starve to death if I skip a meal.

A billion dollars won't save your life.

A billion dollars won't save your life.

The tongue feeds you. It can also kill you.

The tongue feeds you. It can also kill you.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Father, son and holy ghost. Where is the mother, daughter and intuition/instinct?
Is this a balance or is there something missing in a belief system that is
male dominated and leaves out the female?
Both exist and must exist in order for the whole of life to be.
One is not better than the other. The essences are not equal.
They are different.

The only world there is exists in your self expression and interpretations.
only able to sleep up to 2-3 hours at a time waking up to
sneezing, coughing, hacking up mucus, having to blow my nose
drowsy, headache
low grade fever head feels cold need to wear a hat
sneezing stopped up sinuses runny nose coughing
dry cough and coughing up yellow and green phelgm chunks
woke up with phlegm in my throat while sleeping on my back
would have choked me if i hadn't have waken up and turned over
on my left side to cough it up
puffy eyelids,swollen eyes, bags under my eyes,
skin puffed up under eyes

friday oct 25, 2019 symptoms got worse and i went to
bed early trying to sleep through the night, same thing
saturday, sunday went to bed at midnight and have been in
bed until 11 am oct 29 tuesday
under the covers with stocking cap on trying to stay warm
this started as severe sore throat a week ago monday

yesterday i got up at 10:30 am managed to fix and eat scrambled eggs and toast
and heat up leftover sausage links, back in bed at 2pm.
8:30pm last night got up ate ate bbq and sour cream and onion
lays potato chips. that is all i had to eat yesterday
drank a bottle of mineral water with fresh lemon

drinking lots of water throughout this as i always drink a lot of water daily
now having some hot tea,  haven't had tea since sunday

whatever this is, virus, bacteria, or a combination of those and what ever
else is might be, it is like death again. the feeling of the inability to much
of anything . the same thing that has happened to me every year
when the temperature is cold when it cools down to below 50 or 60 degrees
or when my body has been exposed to cool temperatures such as air
conditioning. this is why i came down with a sore throat a few months
ago in july. i remember getting sick in every month of the year if my
temperature dropped. september through april are the worst months
of the year for me to be prone to sickness with a cold or flu.
that is 8 months out of 12 months in a year.

it has been impossible for me to keep a job during my adult life
due to getting sick so easily and having the cold or flu last 2 to 3 weeks
at a time or longer.  as a child and teenager i missed many days at school
for this same reason.

Friday, October 25, 2019

pre-made, prepared, pre-seasoned, pre-chopped, processed food costs a lot more money

pre-made, prepared, pre-seasoned, pre-chopped, processed food costs a lot more money
and costs your health and may end your life early

be industrious instead of lazy
read ingredient lists on food and drink labels
know how to use spices
spend the time preparing, planning, chopping, cutting, brining, seasoning your food
it takes more time but is good energy wisely spent

4 days into sore throat has turned into runny nose, cough, occasional coughing up phlegm, tiredness, pain in neck and back.

4 days into sore throat has turned into runny nose, cough, occasional coughing up phlegm,
tiredness, pain in neck and back.
Back pain is horrible on left side lumbar region as usual.
Always worse upon eating food.
Today  from 130 to 430 Made and ate homemade chicken soup from legs and thighs purchased
at Hy-Vee a couple of days ago. 

If the cold doesn't cause a cold then why do I only get sick when it is cold?

If the cold doesn't cause a cold then why do I only get sick when it is cold?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

he loves my softness. i love his hardness.

he loves my softness. i love his hardness.

it's nice to be nice. it is not nice to be a doormat.

it's nice to be nice. it is not nice to be a doormat.

change your playground change your playmates change your life

change your playground
change your playmates
change your life
I have a sore throat that started on Monday morning, October 21, 2019.
Gargled with salt water yesterday after brushing with baking soda.
It is causing pain in the back of my neck. Hope it does not progress to the
usual runny nose, coughing, sneezing, hacking and turn into a chest cold or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

I quit taking any products containing aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen in April, 2009 (over ten years ago).

I quit taking any products containing aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen in April, 2009 (over ten
years ago).
I won't take aleve, motrin, advil or the following on this list

Common Medications Containing Aspirin and Other Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Common Medications Containing Aspirin
Aggrenox® Cama® Arthritis Pain Reliever Heartline® Robaxisal® Tablets
Alka Seltzer® COPE® Headrin® Roxiprin®
Anacin® Dasin® Isollyl® Saleto®
Arthritis Pain Formula Easprin® Lanorinal® Salocol®
Arthritis Foundation Pain Reliever® Ecotrin® (most formulations) Lortab® ASA Tablets Sodol®
ASA Enseals® Empirin® Aspirin (most formulations) Magnaprin® Soma® Compound Tablets
ASA Suppositories® Epromate® Marnal® Soma® Compound with Codeine Tablets
Ascriptin® and Ascriptin A/D® Equagesic Tablets Micrainin® St. Joseph® Adult Chewable Aspirin
Aspergum® Equazine® Momentum® Supac®
Asprimox® Excedrin® Extra-Strength Analgesic Tablets and Caplets Norgesic Forte® (most formulations) Synalgos®-DC Capsules
Axotal® Excedrin® Migraine Norwich® Aspirin Tenol-Plus®
Azdone® Fiorgen® PAC® Analgesic Tablets Trigesic®
Bayer® (most formulations) Fiorinal® (most formulations) Orphengesic® Talwin® Compound
BC® Powder and Cold formulations Fiortal® Painaid® Vanquish® Analgesic Caplets
Bufferin® (most formulations) Gelpirin® Panasal® Wesprin® Buffered
Buffets II® Genprin® Percodan® Tablets Zee-Seltzer®
Buffex® Gensan® Persistin® ZORprin®

Common Medications That Are NSAIDs That Don’t Contain Aspirin
Advil® Duexis® Mefenamic Acid PediaCare Fever®
Advil Migraine® Etodolac® Meloxicam Piroxicam
Aleve® Feldene® Menadol® Ponstel®
Anaprox DS® Fenoprofen Midol® Relafen®
Ansaid® Flurbiprofen Mobic® Saleto 200®
Arthrotec® Genpril® Motrin® Sulindac
Bayer® Select Pain Relief Formula Caplets Ibuprofen Nabumetone Toradol®
Celebrex® Indomethacin Nalfon® Treximet®
Celecoxib Indocin® Naproxen Vicoprofen®
Children’s Motrin® Ketoprofen Naprosyn® Vimovo®
Clinoril® Ketorolac Nuprin® Voltaren®
Daypro® Lodine® Orudis®
Diclofenac Meclofenamate Oxaprozin

Products Containing Vitamin E
Amino-Opt-E Aquavit E-400 IU E complex-600
Aquasol E D’alpha E E-1000 IU Softgels Vita-Plus E
Most multivitamins contain vitamin E. If you take a multivitamin, check the label.

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About Acetaminophen
Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is generally safe to take during your cancer treatment. It doesn’t affect platelets, so it won’t increase your chance of bleeding. But, talk with your healthcare provider before taking acetaminophen if you’re getting chemotherapy.

Medications Containing Acetaminophen
Acephen® Esgic® Percocet® Vanquish®
Aceta® with Codeine Excedrin P.M.® Primlev® Vicodin®
Acetaminophen with Codeine Fiorcet® Repan® Wygesic®
Aspirin-Free Anacin® Lorcet® Roxicet® Xartemis XR®
Arthritis Pain Formula® Aspirin-Free Lortab® Talacen® Xodol®
Datril® Naldegesic® Tempra® Zydone®
Di-Gesic® Norco® Tylenol®
Endocet® Panadol® Tylenol® with Codeine No. 3
Read the labels on all your medications
Acetaminophen is safe when used as directed. But, there’s a limit to how much you can take in 1 day. It’s possible to take too much acetaminophen without knowing because it’s in many different medications.

Always read and follow the label on the product you’re taking. Acetaminophen is a very common ingredient found in over-the-counter and prescription medications. It’s often an ingredient in pain relievers, fever reducers, sleep aids, and cough, cold, and allergy medications.

The full name acetaminophen isn’t always written out. Look for the common abbreviations listed below, especially on prescription pain relievers.

Common Abbreviations for Acetaminophen
APAP AC Acetaminop
Acetamin Acetam Acetaminoph
Don’t take more than 1 medication that contains acetaminophen at a time without talking with a member of your healthcare team.

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Last Updated
Monday, April 15, 2019
If you have any questions, contact a member of your healthcare team directly. If you're a patient at MSK and you need to reach a provider after 5:00 pm, during the weekend, or on a holiday, call 212-639-2000.

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen. Anonymous.

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love; there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen. Anonymous.

Everything changes when you change. Anonymous.

Everything changes when you change. Anonymous.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Osmosis between us is real. Energy transfer exists without touching.

Osmosis between us is real. Energy transfer exists without touching.

Quotes A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.

A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
If you’re going through hell, keep going.
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

Pretty, beautiful and sweet girls/women/females rule.

Pretty, beautiful and sweet girls/women/females rule.

Human animals push themselves beyond their limits. I don't know of any other animal, plant or other life form that does this absurd thing.

Human animals push themselves beyond their limits. I don't know of any other animal, plant
or other life form that does this absurd thing.

The child wants to please the parent.

The child wants to please the parent. 

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

15 Signs That You Are Insanely Curious About Everything

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"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." - Dorothy Parker

Curiosity, defined as a strong desire to know or learn something, is a bug whose bite it is impossible to recover from. Once you've been bitten, you will never be the same again. You will want to consume everything just for the sake of it, just like this list!

1. You find yourself getting interested in everything. ALL. THE. TIME.

2. You always have something to say about everything.

Your curiosity has led you to accumulate random information about everything you come across. And you love showing it off!

3. And when you are interrupted in the middle of something that's caught your attention, this is what happens:

4. Your superpower is that you are good at many things.

5. It's difficult to make up your mind about what interests you the most, but when you do, you invest everything in it.

6. You dive deep, and want to know all there is to know about it.

7. You believe that there is always something more to learn, and that pushes you to never stop exploring the subject of your liking.

8. You often pull all-nighters exploring things that interest you. It's more stimulating than tiring.

9. Even after an all-nighter, your mind doesn't shut down. You find yourself still thinking about it the next day. And the day after... for eternity.

It's all cool as long as you don't do it while you're on a date.

10. You are easily amused by new things. No. That's an understatement. New things EXCITE you!

You're like a kid in a candy shop.

11. Things that others wouldn't even notice pique your interest, and you end up spending hours learning all you can about them.

At this point, people roll their eyes at you and walk away.

12. You always have a lot of questions about everything.

Sometimes to the point of annoying your company.

13. You don't seek external factors to motivate you. Your locus of motivation lies within.

You learn simply because you love to learn.

14. The feeling of boredom is alien to you.

Remember what Dorothy Parker said? Curiosity is the cure for boredom.

15. You can go days without everyday things like food, water, social interactions etc, but you cannot go even a second without doing what you do best: exploring things!

If any of this sounds similar then you, my friend, are a born explorer. And you'll be glad to know that National Geographic India is looking for curious souls just like you who embody its spirit of exploration. So, just in case you've been crazily exploring anything in the field of art, music, culture, nature, photography, technology or more, then you could win a NatGeo Expedition to Machu Picchu!
So, don’t wait! Take part in Mission Explorer here and get set for your next adventure.
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