Thursday, October 31, 2019

I began writing in a diary when I was 9 years old. I have hand written journals from the 1970's to the 2000's. I call it a journal. Not a blog.

I began writing in a diary when I was 9 years old. I have hand written journals from the 1970's to
the 2000's. I call it a journal. Not a blog.

I don't call it a blog- a strange word, almost repulsive in the
sound of it.. like a fog, a cog, a glitch, a stop, a hindrance, a blind spot,
something choked upon
that can't come out right.

 A hiccup, something stuck in one's throat as if they
don't know quite what to say or what to think.
Choked up words blended together in a lump of confusion resembling a hard
and rotted old log lying on the ground.

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