Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Push and get resistance. Allow (the water) and it flows.

Push and get resistance.
Allow (the water) and it flows.

narcissist is jealous hates your fucking guts for being so natural

narcissist is jealous
hates your fucking guts
for being so natural

Survival tactics I have done.

Survival tactics I have done.

Eat in peace.
Think in solitude.
Experience feelings.
Positive, happy beings.

will add more later

There is no such thing as the smartest, the best.

There is no such thing as the smartest, the best. 

Beauty contests: are they bogus? I don't believe in them. Many are beautiful. There is no such thing as "the most beautiful".

Beauty contests: are they bogus? I don't believe in them. Many are
beautiful. There is no such thing as "the most beautiful".

Statistics: are they crap?

Statistics: are they crap?
do statistics reflect your true self and determine what you "should" do
can you determine your life by what "stats" show

Monday, December 30, 2019

Realizations make me exhilarated. Fully understanding basic things I already know but finally realize is life enhancing.

Realizations make me exhilarated. Fully understanding basic things I already
know but finally realize is life enhancing. 

It's the same story in life, songs, music, books and movie themes

It's the same story in life, songs, music, books and movie themes

males are attracted to feminine females
 attractive females are feminine

females are attracted to strong males
  strong males are masculine
  physically attractive, clean, strong, powerful
  mentally focused
  accumulate physical things and money
  decisive, know what they want

have a hero, heroine and villain/evildoer (male or female)

positive and negative are attracted to one another,
constantly chasing their opposite to form a whole (circle)
consummating to create life


You see it. You want it.

You see it. You want it.

I can only speak for myself.

I can only speak for myself.

One size fits all is not true for anything like diets, clothes, lifestyle choices.

One size fits all is not true for anything like diets, clothes, lifestyle choices.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

If it please(s) God means "If it pleases me"

If it please(s) God means "If it pleases me"
Stupidity is listening to others bad advice that won't work for you.
Thinking you are someone else and can be exactly like them.

Hurting yourself by naively believing in other people's lies
and pushing yourself beyond your limits.
Going beyond your point of exhaustion thereby destroying
your inner and outer self, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Doing what you are not designed to do.

Forcing yourself into subjects and activities you are not interested in.

Believing you are bad or worthless because you don't "measure up"
to someone else's standards.
Comparing yourself to anyone or anything and thinking you are and
"should be" equal; for you are NOT equal to anyone or anything else.
You are only YOU and will always be only YOU and no one else.

Expecting every one and thing to be the way you think it should be
and if it's not, go mad throwing fits, temper tantrums and being destructive.

Believing you are going to find some kind of soul mate who is absolutely
perfect and is and does everything you want and like, having no differences from you.

Thinking you can be perfect for anyone else.

Striving to please anyone or everyone by giving up your true self.

Expecting everything to go your way.

Be stiff and rigid in thinking, feelings, movement, habits, procedures, work, anything.

Healing and recuperating from mental/emotional/physical injuries determines my current
physical state and state of mind.

Adequate time to heal from wounds is mandatory for recovery.

Rest, relaxation, good feelings, breathing, lots of good water, food
and avoiding any negative emotional or physical stress during recuperation.

Understanding the situation and allowing proper amounts of time
to recover from incidents helps me return to "normal".

I look around observing thousands of other people and wonder
why some age so much faster, some are looking and feeling good
regardless of their age.

Air, water, food, shelter, an understanding and positive
attitude/outlook on everything is required for health.

The proper activities for me, the individual,
sensible exercise that has the right amount of resistance but does not break bones,
rip tendons, cause bleeding or other damage to the body is necessary
to keep my body is good working order.

Recognizing feelings, expression/expressing myself are absolutely necessary.

Quit expecting cats to bark and dogs to meow.

12-29-2019 Sunday

Monday, December 23, 2019

May the cork be with you!

May the cork be with you!


Awareness equals understanding.

Awareness equals understanding.


Filter all information by using your instincts and common sense.

Filter all information by using your instincts and common sense.
Follow yourself.
Internal guidance rules.
No other person or book can rule your life.
Your guts are king.


My experiences are my own. No one else is the exactly the same.

My experiences are my own. No one else is the exactly the same.

People have their own unique set of experiences and will never be able to understand

Expecting anyone to be like you is a useless waste of time.

Quit trying to make other people understand and be like you.


Money won't fix you. Magic pills are unreal.

Money won't fix you. Magic pills are unreal.


Stories, fables, fairy tales are told to children and adults but not explained.

Stories, fables, fairy tales are told to children and adults but not explained.


TV shows
Music: songs; males and females crooning for one another
desiring the opposite sex by singing about love and longing

All super hero and heroine stories

Sleeping Beauty
Beauty and the Beast

Male is instinctively attracted to pretty, cute, beautiful females
This is not something he chooses and has control over.
It is a biological fact.

Attractive people appear healthy therefore able to mate/procreate
and perform activities necessary for life.

Men want sweet, nice, kind women
boys want girls with the same qualities
boys like gentleness, softness, purity, innocence

Women want smart, strong, protective men
girls want the same in boys. girls want to feel safe/protected from danger

Males are hunters, seeking out single things in their environment
that they can capture, accomplish and build upon.
They like the hunt animals for food and recreation/sport.
Projects where they create large structures, buildings, businesses,
automobiles, airplanes, bridges drive them to succeed.

Females are gatherers. I am a female and I like to
create harmony, join people together, have fun, party/parties,
gatherings, get togethers, be a hostess for meetings and
celebrations.  I enjoy seeing people happy as they are.

I remember the things people like such as food and drink,
clothing preferences, material things they like

Hero and heroine is in all of the above forms of media.

Good versus evil.

None of this is new. It is as old as time and instinctive to us.

Appearance and movement determine treatment

Appearance and movement determine treatment

Appearance of the body and movement/actions determine how you are treated
and how you treat anyone and anything.

Sight: how you look
sound: how you talk, the tone of your voice
smell: what is your scent combination
touch: does the other person want to touch you, hug you, get closer
if so the next sense is
taste: if all of the above are true the person will want to kiss you, lick you
and get even closer than that

essence. all of these things are your essence.


Wednesday, December 18, 2019

He sees everything as a challenge, a struggle and a fight.

He sees everything as a challenge, a struggle and a fight.
He feels the need to control other people including strangers
as well as everything in his environment.

He says he cannot control his feelings and sees no need
to change anything about himself. He won't accept people
and things as they are. He is in a constant state of unhappiness.
Miserable and complaining. Says "I can't understand" and
"There must be something wrong with you (because you
think and do things different from how I think and do things)".

Every little thing is a battle.  All generated from inside himself.

I am the direct opposite.  Natural and free flowing.
Relaxed and at ease with myself. In order to accomplish
anything beneficial I must be at ease, NOT stressed out.

I am open and friendly and accept people and things as they are.
I realize if someone or something offends me that I should
simply stay away from them because I know I can't control them.


Due to my health issues and personal life it is impossible for me to have a full time job.

Due to my health issues and personal life it is impossible for me to have
a full time job.

I want to create a way to earn an income that is
unencumbered by other people. A way that is not
controlled by anyone else.

Insomnia and irregular sleep: there is no regular routine or schedule.
It changes from day to day just like my bathroom needs.
I never know from one day to the next if I am going to have
a bowel movement at any time of the day or night.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Fear based mongers narcissists see you as a threat because

Fear based mongers narcissists see you as a threat because

of your




relaxed state
casual attitude


setting boundaries

self awareness



Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Only Humans Do These Things

Only Humans Do These Things

Practice/adopt a religion

Create and have war
Kill another being that is not due to self defense

Abuse children: boys/males and females/girls
Abuse females/girls/women by raping, beating them up, starving them

Lock up live beings in cages, houses, buildings

Shame others and feel ashamed of themselves for being natural

Complain, whine,

Become fanatics

Go insane

Are judgmental

Are prejudiced

Force themselves beyond their limits

Force themselves to stay awake when tired,
eat when they aren't hungry, have sex when they are not in the mood,
work when they are exhausted

Push their ideas, beliefs and convictions upon others

Demand that others should be just like them

Practice deception, hate, greed, envy

Take prescription drugs or any drugs to feel better or worse:
Smoke, drink alcohol, stick needles in their body with drugs

Tattoo their bodies

Wear clothes, shoes, coats, hats

Participate in politics

Compare themselves to others and feel bad because they are different

Expect the world to conform to their wishes, desires, demands, expectations

Keep unhealthy offspring alive

Have abortions

Have regrets

Use money and barter and trade to get what they want

Use a vehicle: bicycle, car, truck, bus, taxi, train to get/drive around

Think they have to have a lot of things they don't need or want

Make other people feel bad because they are different from them
Humiliate, disgrace, torture other beings

Brag/boast about themselves and other beings: family, friends, neighbors,
pets, etc.

Watch the news and believe it is true

Ignore their instincts

Ignore and deny their bodily functions and necessities

Delay urinating and defecating instead of going when they need to

Think that beauty is something applied externally to the body
by using makeup, clothing, etc

Think that having/owning beautiful things makes them beautiful

Feel superior. Think they are the best or better than anyone else.

Feel inadequate

Believe they are smarter/more intelligent than other life forms

Think they know what everyone else should be doing

Participate in sports/sporting events

Watch/be a spectator at sporting events

Participate in or watch beauty shows/events and believe that
only one person is beautiful, the most beautiful therefore the
others are losers and are not that pretty/beautiful

Believe in winners and losers

Go to doctors for health, aches, pains, mental health treatment sesssions such as shrinks psychiatrists psychologists counselors 

Suffer from addictions addictive behavior not necessarily based upon sustenance of life such as nutritious food and water/drink in order to cope with mental pain and anguish

Live in the past or future

Deliberately or unconsciously set themselves up for failure 

Willingly take pleasure in hurting killing destroying other


Believe they are superior or inferior

Desire to leave natural surroundings and go to another planet place star or whatever

Lie cheat steal bribe murder hoard to extremes

Listen to other creatures taking advice that conflicts with their inner self 

Wear costumes to try to look like someone or something else
Wear makeup to "enchance" their appearance : eyes cheeks lips face and think they look healthy sexy attractive to the same or opposite sex by doing these things

force exercise upon themselves and others as well as restrict activities

hold back a sneeze cough tears any natural body functions

sometimes believe they are in control of uncontrollable things like weather or events that just happen which can be coincidence or just unexplained as to why

believe they are going to live forever .. think that there is an afterlife somewhere undefined and encourage the idea of reincarnation of spirit 

I sincerely question the intelligence smartness and instincts of human beings 


Sunday, December 1, 2019

You don't tell someone

they are lazy because they are tired or sick/ill

they don't want to work because they can't/are unable to

they don't understand because you think you do

they are succumbing to their "filthy dirty bodily physical
desires" because they need to have sex/ an orgasm
or they are hungry, thirsty, cold, have to go to the bathroom
to eliminate waste

they are stupid because they don't yet know what you know

they are worthless for any reason


love spreading appeals to me naturally