Only Humans Do These Things
Practice/adopt a religion
Create and have war
Kill another being that is not due to self defense
Abuse children: boys/males and females/girls
Abuse females/girls/women by raping, beating them up, starving them
Lock up live beings in cages, houses, buildings
Shame others and feel ashamed of themselves for being natural
Complain, whine,
Become fanatics
Go insane
Are judgmental
Are prejudiced
Force themselves beyond their limits
Force themselves to stay awake when tired,
eat when they aren't hungry, have sex when they are not in the mood,
work when they are exhausted
Push their ideas, beliefs and convictions upon others
Demand that others should be just like them
Practice deception, hate, greed, envy
Take prescription drugs or any drugs to feel better or worse:
Smoke, drink alcohol, stick needles in their body with drugs
Tattoo their bodies
Wear clothes, shoes, coats, hats
Participate in politics
Compare themselves to others and feel bad because they are different
Expect the world to conform to their wishes, desires, demands, expectations
Keep unhealthy offspring alive
Have abortions
Have regrets
Use money and barter and trade to get what they want
Use a vehicle: bicycle, car, truck, bus, taxi, train to get/drive around
Think they have to have a lot of things they don't need or want
Make other people feel bad because they are different from them
Humiliate, disgrace, torture other beings
Brag/boast about themselves and other beings: family, friends, neighbors,
pets, etc.
Watch the news and believe it is true
Ignore their instincts
Ignore and deny their bodily functions and necessities
Delay urinating and defecating instead of going when they need to
Think that beauty is something applied externally to the body
by using makeup, clothing, etc
Think that having/owning beautiful things makes them beautiful
Feel superior. Think they are the best or better than anyone else.
Feel inadequate
Believe they are smarter/more intelligent than other life forms
Think they know what everyone else should be doing
Participate in sports/sporting events
Watch/be a spectator at sporting events
Participate in or watch beauty shows/events and believe that
only one person is beautiful, the most beautiful therefore the
others are losers and are not that pretty/beautiful
Believe in winners and losers
Go to doctors for health, aches, pains, mental health treatment sesssions such as shrinks psychiatrists psychologists counselors
Suffer from addictions addictive behavior not necessarily based upon sustenance of life such as nutritious food and water/drink in order to cope with mental pain and anguish
Live in the past or future
Deliberately or unconsciously set themselves up for failure
Willingly take pleasure in hurting killing destroying other
Believe they are superior or inferior
Desire to leave natural surroundings and go to another planet place star or whatever
Lie cheat steal bribe murder hoard to extremes
Listen to other creatures taking advice that conflicts with their inner self
Wear costumes to try to look like someone or something else
Wear makeup to "enchance" their appearance : eyes cheeks lips face and think they look healthy sexy attractive to the same or opposite sex by doing these things
force exercise upon themselves and others as well as restrict activities
hold back a sneeze cough tears any natural body functions
sometimes believe they are in control of uncontrollable things like weather or events that just happen which can be coincidence or just unexplained as to why
believe they are going to live forever .. think that there is an afterlife somewhere undefined and encourage the idea of reincarnation of spirit
I sincerely question the intelligence smartness and instincts of human beings