Saturday, February 27, 2021

 When the cat's away the mice will play

Spoiled rotten means being nasty, mean and not appreciating anyone or anything.
Taking things for granted. Being greedy, hateful, rude, selfish, sarcastic.

spoiled is taking advantage of a person, thing, plant, animal or anything else
using it and discarding it when they are done with it, as if it means nothing
UNTIL they need it again.

it means thinking the only thing necessary is what you want at the moment
with total disregard of the feelings of anyone else

A spoiled acting person acts that way because they have been
treated that way. They grew up being treated like that.
They did not and have not learned to be respectful and
appreciative at all times
because they have been used as a pawn, a thing,
a tool, a status symbol.
They have been pushed around, manipulated
and kicked and tossed around like a ball by someone else 
when they were very young (as a baby, infant, toddler and teenager).

A rotten acting adult was a rotten acting child who never
learned how to be constantly grateful for things that are not of their
own making/doing. They believe they are the source of all
"good" things and never attritube good and nice things to 
anyone or any source other than themselves.  They rarely, if 
ever, give credit to source energy/god/forces unknown beyond

spoiled is being nice to the person only when you need 
something immediately from them
once and after you get what you want,  you treat them like shit
until, as i said, you need something from that person again
then the cycle repeats itself
the cycle of use, abuse and destruction
because you never learned constant appreciation and respect
of all

Spoiled does NOT mean being loved and having your needs met.
Having good food, a nice home/house, clothes to wear or having 
any physical thing or emotional need fulfilled means you are love
and can freely express love; it's a mutual umlimited give and take
exchange of things and feelings.

Having your basic needs NOT met
leads to and results in a spoiled rotten attitude, demeanor
and personality.

Restricting movement of life is the fastest way to start a fight.

Restricting movement of life is the fastest way to start a fight.

stopping, blocking, inhibiting, preventing a person, animal or plant

from doing what they want, from following their instincts

is the surest way to kill, destroy, injure the body and the spirit

"tie him up so he can't move" because he's wild

because he's spoiled and thinks somebody has to take him 

somewhere and buy him stuff all the time

"tie him up to a tree"

it's all about control

the worst torture of all

see how he acts then

because he is very active and wants to stay busy all the time

Monday, February 22, 2021

Drugs dont fix depression, anxiety or fear. A happy home is where happiness begins.

Drugs dont fix depression, anxiety or fear.

A happy home is where happiness begins.

Returning to the same situation at home causes, repeats and
reinforces the same emotions.


A week away from home: Love and appreciation.

A week away from home: Love and appreciation.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

My whole body functions as an interactive unit. All parts are connected and dependent upon one another.

My whole body functions as an interactive unit. All parts are connected and dependent upon one another. 

Separate organs are connected, not separated.

the brain does not function by itself. it is affected by all of the other organs, cells and
all seen and unseen energies all of the time

I am affected by all things in my environment and what I experience
through all of my senses.

Behavior is the proof and evidence of understanding

 Behavior is the proof and evidence of understanding

Why do people ask me a question then not want to hear the answer? They want short clipped answers in as few words as possible.

Why do people ask me a question then not want to hear the answer?
They want short clipped answers in as few words as possible.

they don't want long explanations.

they are impatient as hell

they want the quick fix, magic pill, snake oil remedy
they want instant results

they claim they "got it" immediately and I don't need to elaborate
yet show me with their words and actions that they don't get it,
don't have a clue, don't understand what I said

Behavior is the proof of understanding (another single post I will make)

Pharmacy is a euphemism for drug store. Why has the category name changed from drug store to pharmacy?

Pharmacy is a euphemism for drug store. Why has the category name changed from
drug store to pharmacy?
drugs are drugs, plain and simple

A natural person is a threat to the fake phony who have lost their own way

 A natural person is a threat to the fake phony who have lost their own way

Being natural is perceived as a threat to the insecure

Peaceful creatures attract predators

 Peaceful creatures attract predators

Hindering creation causes war

 Hindering creation causes war

In the dark cave of myself I create

 In the dark cave of myself I create

Insight before outsight/ outer outside action

 Insight before outsight/ outer outside action

inner feeling precedes reaction

Children in adult bodies

I was talking to you in my dreams

Self propelled is life.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

 My body is designed to do light duty work activities for a few hours a day.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Viewing from the outside gives me a better perspective.
When I am in any situation involving others I am less
able to view and understand the big picture.

"Can't see the forest for the trees"; unable to see
the whole picture as it plays like a movie when I
am simply the tree, the individual only aware of
myself and own feelings and experiences.

Reflection in solitude is mandatory for me in order to understand.
Memories, remembering countless incidences in my life
that didn't make sense at the time are making sense now
when I have quiet time to reflect upon the past.

Being emotionally involved in the middle obscures insight.
A stranger, viewing me or a group from the outside, can
easily see what is going on. They quickly see me for what I am
based upon my appearance and demeanor.

Strangers are often more
accurate in their assessment of a person or situation.
Referees, third parties and those with second opinions are

Unexpected words and actions from strangers frequently
make better assessments of you or me.

When I am too close to someone and for too long I become
further away from them.

Putting my mind in an out of body state helps me make
better decisions. Is this "observe, not absorb?" state I have
heard about?

Monday, February 15, 2021

 Elizabeth Ruth Bozarth Wheeler Stephenson

Elizabeth Ruth Stephenson
STEPHENSON Elizabeth Ruth Stephenson, 54, Belton Missouri, formally of Lake Ozark Missouri, died June 11, 2014. She was predeceased by father, Leslie H. Bozarth and brother, Leslie S. Bozarth. She leaves her son, Brent Wheeler, Lake Ozark Missouri; husband, Paul Stephenson, Peterlee, Great Britain; mother, Peggy Bozarth, Belton; siblings, Stan Bozarth and Teresa Grimaluskus, Belton, Jeremiah and Joshua Bozarth, Kansas City and Connie Bozarth, Corvallis, Oregon as well as several nieces and nephews. Cremation, private memorial in Oregon. Arrangements: Cullen Funeral Home, Raymore, MO (816)322-5278

To plant trees in memory, please visit our Sympathy Store.
Published by Kansas City Star on Jun. 13, 2014.
No memorial events are currently scheduled.
To offer your sympathy during this difficult time, you can now have memorial trees planted in a National Forest in memory of your loved one.
Funeral services provided by:
Cullen Funeral Home, Inc. - Raymore
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6 Entries
A year goes by and you are still truly missed, Bless you Liz - Paul
Paul Stephenson
June 10, 


I'm so sorry Paul. I didn't know. :-( Rest in Peace Liz.
Julie Bierens
October 27, 2014
Paul Stephenson
June 14, 2014
god bless you liz xx
jacqueline and mick jackson
June 13, 2014
Paul Stephenson
June 13, 2014
I will miss you dearly, rest now theres no more pain
your loving husband Paul
Paul Stephenson
June 13, 2014

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good friend of mine starting in high school
Belton, Missouri
we were teenagers. She was 16. I was 15 years old
when we became very good close friends

She was
Born dob June 2, 1960
I told her she was the mirror of my mind

Saturday, February 13, 2021

 No one wants to be around you when you cry. However some people

enjoy saying and doing things to make people cry, to cause anger,

humilation, sadness

 It's only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan with any person you
know for any length of time.

 Free advice is not usually wanted nor heeded. People would rather pay for it.

What are ethics?


Money can't buy ethics. Some people sell their soul for money, gold and material things. They will do whatever it takes for the golden God of mammon.

Do the right thing even when no one is looking. Pretend like you're being watched.
Don't care if someone is watching.

I/you Can't rip people off. My conscience is too strong. I think it was
instilled in me when I was a child however I may have been born that way.

Don't do it just for the money.

Be nice to everyone, not just to people you are "supposed" to be nice to.
Don't kiss up, kiss ass, brown nose to anyone.
No fake phony acts or smiles to someone just because you think
you can get something out of them.

Marry for love. Don't marry the woman or man for their money, status,
material possessions or any other reason other than true love for them.

Choose your work because you love it. It doesn't matter how much money
the job or career pays. 

My attitude is always that I care. It doesn't matter that the item is valued at
zero dollars, one penny/cent or up to millions of dollars: It is the
principle of the situation, not the cost of the thing or event.

Conjuring up schemes and figuring them out is very difficult for me.
I have to turn to other people for advice and answers when encountering
a thieving situation regarding criminals and their behavior. That is
one big reason I starting watching crime dramas and shows. How 
does the mind of a thief work? How did it begin? When did it start?
What do they do?

No turning your child, kid, children or any pet or material thing into show pieces to try to 
make yourself look good. Your child is a human person, not a 
status symbol to be used and manipulated at your will.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Having a broken back has slowed my body down and made my mind speed up.

Home is where education is.  Parents raise children/kids, not schools or
teachers. Schools do not raise children.
Educators/teachers and educational institutions
teach subjects of study and interest.
They don't teach discipline, manners, respect or love.
These must be learned at home.

educator noun

educator noun
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ed·​u·​ca·​tor | \ ˈe-jə-ˌkā-tər
Definition of educator

1 : one skilled in teaching : teacher
2a : a student of the theory and practice of education : educationist sense 2
b : an administrator in education


Who should get the spanking? You decide.

Rhymes equal good times.

Rhyming required for a good time.

Demand respect and get none. Command respect and get all.





Go away. Give a person a chance to miss you. Give me a break. Give myself a break.
Go off by myself, by yourself. Leave people alone.
No one needs anyone hanging onto them every second of the day.

Two women under the same roof equals what?

Two women under the same roof equals what? 

Trouble. Misery. Rivalry.
Jealousy. Envy. Competition. Conflict. 

Cooperation. Ease. Clean house. Cooking. Clean clothes. Laundry.
Beauty. Lots of food. Variety. Happiness. 

At home, at work, on the internet
on social networking account sites or chat rooms,
in the neighborhood, neighbors, family, friends, strangers,
in tv television shows, movies, dramas, soap operas, sitcoms,
radio, music, songs
out in the world anywhere including public events,
shopping at stores, in school, at government buildings, office spaces,
at a bar/tavern, restaurant, mall, outdoors camping, swimming,
hiking, walking...
anywhere or any place 2 or more women happen to be at the moment.

Vying for attention, who commands the show and is admired,
respected, dreamed about and wished for by men, women, children,
girls and boys.. females everywhere want to be seen, heard, loved
and appreciated.

Is it true that two women cannot live together under the same roof?

9 Answers
Miguel Hernandez
, Personal Trainer at LA Fitness (2015-present)
Answered 1 year ago

Yes. Females are a very jealous and vicious gender. Now, while writing the answer to this questions, alot of people will say this is BS. But I will tall statistics and facts. You can also search them up.

    Many of women hate working for other women. (Queen Bee Effect).
    Women feel like they recieve hate from other women more that men.
    Women have negative views about another female upon first meeting. (There is actually an experiment done, I forgot the name but just search it.)
    Ask couple of guys about another guy they just met, and ask a couple of women about another women they met. Who will have more nice things to say?
    Women always complain about the female coworker. Rarely hear them complain about a male coworker even though he can be worse.
    Women judge other women way faster than men. You can test this by taking your girlfriend, female friend or any female, even your mom and watch any video of a hottie. Guarantee she will have some BS to say.
    Speaking of this roof thing, did you know female college students are way more likely to ask to change roommates just upon first sight? Search it up.
    A lot of home fights consist of females. Sister fighting with sister, mother fighting with daughter, mother in law and daughter in law drama. You see, usually in house there isnt issues with guys. It's with girls. Their issue is other females.
    Go see female tv shows or shows like jerry Springer or Maury. It always has some girl having an issue with another girl.
    Females are more than likely to fall off with their friends. In a cat fight.
    Speaking of fights, have you seen female fights? They dont let each other go unless one gets her blood.
    Females are less likely to be friends with another female who looks promiscuous while men said they have no problem being friends with a guy who looks promiscuous. It's an actual study search it.
    Females in college ask for another room even if another female hasn't done anything bad.
    Every females, wheater it's your sisters, mothers, aunts, grandma, girlfriend, friend,wife; every one of them talks behind another women. Even their “friend". They have a list of women they hate.
    A lot of fertile women somehow prefer sons over daughters. Hmmm. Interesting.
    If you search up “women hate other women" itll show up whole list of women being mean to each other with studies. However, if you search up “Men hate other men” barely anything will show.
    A lot of females complain about female friends being catty and preferring male friends. Many women even admit this.
    In fact, a lot of women hate feminism, and even dont support the fact we should have a female president. Many women voted for trump than Hillary. It is another proven fact. Go search.
    Even on quora you can read how females are with friendships. Literally they are extremely catty towards the end.
    Female relationships are extremely fragile. Not just with their boyfriends but with their female friends. They can brake a friendship just because of 1 word she found offensive that her friend said.
    The best example to end this is 2 men can fight and 1 minute later they will become brothers. 2 women can fight and 30 years later resume the war they left off on. My mom still hates my dads ex girlfriend, which was almost 40-50 years ago. Meanwhile my dad built an acquaintance with my moms ex long time ago right after fighting. Many of my dads and uncles friends are guys they fought. And heck, even my sisters hate the fact one of them can look better than the other.
    Also, mythology even knows that women hate each other. Medusa was a heavily devoted person to athena (female goddess.) She was extremely devoted to her. However, Athena was extremely jealous of Medusa, ignoring that medisa is her only best devotee. When medusa got raped because she was hot and extremely beautiful, Athena directly punished medusa by making her ugly. She didnt even punish the men who raped her. Myth says that Athena was so jealous of Medusas beauty. No wonder she cursed medusa to be ugly and let the guy go. She didnt even care that medusa was so devoted towards athena.
    Did you also know, women in the jury will most likely vote non guilty to men in rape cases and blame the girl? Wow.

So yeah. As you can see, I can conclude that 2 women cannot stand each other under the same roof. If they cant stand each other in the work place ir relationships, what makes one say that they can live together under a roof?

Note: to all triggered females or feminists or male feminists, please show me one female in the world who doesnt have strong opposing opinion of another women? Also show me women dont hate each other by facts and proof. All of the things I said are clearly done by statistics, facts and studies. You can go search them up.

Thank you.

It is impossible to maintain the same feeling every moment. 

Feelings are (like) roller coaster
bouncing balls  ping pong walls 

ess shaped snakes
curvy lines and waves

crossing overlapping slapping
touching not touching

winding lakes oceans rivers ponds and
streams of water dripping dropping plopping flopping
air balloons spinning bouncing hopping jumping
banging slamming winding
squeezing releasing rubber rubbery bands

side to side
up and down
round and around
on and off
open close
in and out
up and down
round about
sling shot

On a roll with the snowball. Snowball effect: happy thoughts = more happy feelings,
sad thoughts = more sad feelings.

Vacuum vacant void calls for filling up the empty space.

Free things are priceless and hold the highest value.

 Free things are priceless and hold the highest value.

Hugs and kisses when my face is dirty, my hair is a mess and I haven't showered in a week. True love test.

 Hugs and kisses when my face is dirty, my hair is a mess and I haven't showered in a week. True love test.

Genius is born, lives and thrives in simplicity.

 Genius is born, lives and thrives in simplicity.

Slow down. One thing at a time. This is the rocket science way.

 Slow down. One thing at a time. This is the rocket science way.

I discipline because I love you. Grandma.

I discipline because I love you. Grandma.

discipline = teach

Thursday, February 4, 2021

I am a survivor of my original self.

I am a survivor of my original self. 

I remain me through all of the storms of living with a tyrannical

Male sees flat belly female with small waist and desires to make her belly full. Instinctual instincts born with.

Male sees flat belly female with small waist and desires to make her belly full.
Instinctual instincts born with.

Respect the child and the child will be respectful. Disrespected children become disrespectful adults.

 Respect the child and the child will be respectful.  Disrespected children become disrespectful adults.
They stay that way throughout life.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 Arrogant pride equals lack of recognition and the ability to get what you want with ease.

Rich or poor, handsome or ugly,  a man wants the same things: Sex, pretty girls, nice home and cars, good food,
appreciation, admiration, respect, attention.

The size of his ego determines how and IF he gets what he wants.

Stingy equals poor. The stingier you are the poorer you are at heart and the poorer you are financially.

Stingy equals poor. The stingier you are the poorer you are at heart and the poorer you are financially.

Respect must be learned in childhood. Disrespectful children are rude adults.

Respect must be learned in childhood. Disrespectful children are rude adults.

Family upbringing is everything, especially the mother or whoever is the
primary caretaker of the child.

I've had enough. Fixer up people can fix themselves.

 I've had enough. Fixer up people can fix themselves. 

love spreading appeals to me naturally