Saturday, February 27, 2021

Spoiled rotten means being nasty, mean and not appreciating anyone or anything.
Taking things for granted. Being greedy, hateful, rude, selfish, sarcastic.

spoiled is taking advantage of a person, thing, plant, animal or anything else
using it and discarding it when they are done with it, as if it means nothing
UNTIL they need it again.

it means thinking the only thing necessary is what you want at the moment
with total disregard of the feelings of anyone else

A spoiled acting person acts that way because they have been
treated that way. They grew up being treated like that.
They did not and have not learned to be respectful and
appreciative at all times
because they have been used as a pawn, a thing,
a tool, a status symbol.
They have been pushed around, manipulated
and kicked and tossed around like a ball by someone else 
when they were very young (as a baby, infant, toddler and teenager).

A rotten acting adult was a rotten acting child who never
learned how to be constantly grateful for things that are not of their
own making/doing. They believe they are the source of all
"good" things and never attritube good and nice things to 
anyone or any source other than themselves.  They rarely, if 
ever, give credit to source energy/god/forces unknown beyond

spoiled is being nice to the person only when you need 
something immediately from them
once and after you get what you want,  you treat them like shit
until, as i said, you need something from that person again
then the cycle repeats itself
the cycle of use, abuse and destruction
because you never learned constant appreciation and respect
of all

Spoiled does NOT mean being loved and having your needs met.
Having good food, a nice home/house, clothes to wear or having 
any physical thing or emotional need fulfilled means you are love
and can freely express love; it's a mutual umlimited give and take
exchange of things and feelings.

Having your basic needs NOT met
leads to and results in a spoiled rotten attitude, demeanor
and personality.

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