Saturday, February 13, 2021

What are ethics?


Money can't buy ethics. Some people sell their soul for money, gold and material things. They will do whatever it takes for the golden God of mammon.

Do the right thing even when no one is looking. Pretend like you're being watched.
Don't care if someone is watching.

I/you Can't rip people off. My conscience is too strong. I think it was
instilled in me when I was a child however I may have been born that way.

Don't do it just for the money.

Be nice to everyone, not just to people you are "supposed" to be nice to.
Don't kiss up, kiss ass, brown nose to anyone.
No fake phony acts or smiles to someone just because you think
you can get something out of them.

Marry for love. Don't marry the woman or man for their money, status,
material possessions or any other reason other than true love for them.

Choose your work because you love it. It doesn't matter how much money
the job or career pays. 

My attitude is always that I care. It doesn't matter that the item is valued at
zero dollars, one penny/cent or up to millions of dollars: It is the
principle of the situation, not the cost of the thing or event.

Conjuring up schemes and figuring them out is very difficult for me.
I have to turn to other people for advice and answers when encountering
a thieving situation regarding criminals and their behavior. That is
one big reason I starting watching crime dramas and shows. How 
does the mind of a thief work? How did it begin? When did it start?
What do they do?

No turning your child, kid, children or any pet or material thing into show pieces to try to 
make yourself look good. Your child is a human person, not a 
status symbol to be used and manipulated at your will.

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