Thursday, February 23, 2023

I 'should' be blazing mad at the outside instead of getting depressed and internalizing anger wanting to kill myself

 with all of the stupidity i have put up with 

and suffered from personally (being stupid myself for not knowing that i was simply dealing with stupid people who really don't know what they are doing or they know exactly how asinine ass hole they are being and simply don't care; they really enjoy inflicting pain upon others and watching them suffer as much as possible)

i should be mad as fucking hell 

as a raging bull ready to kill anything in my way

because i feel like in my life i have been robbed of years of love and life and joy 

there have been many individuals who were like a huge block of solid rock stone like anchors weighing me down and

stopping me or attempting to stop me every step of the way

from living my life in the free way the freedom being way it is and should be for all life forms not just me

and.. the word "should' should not even be a word (in a dictionary or anywhere) or even contemplated by a being most of the time as it can stunt creative forces the creativity inherent in life especially humans

beings of absurd stupidity who are supposed to be, "should" be "wise" (sapien ???) or smart or intelligent and "should" know better 

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