Saturday, February 18, 2023

Nocturnal night owl since born. Me

 Age 5 6 7 8

1st grade age 6 I told my grandpa LeRoy Mitchell

I wanted to eat my cereal at night before I go to bed so I wouldn't have to eat it in the morning

because I am not awake enough to eat and don't want any food when I get up 

night owl vs early bird

What’s a night owl?

Night owls tend to:

stay up late

enjoy sleeping in

feel their best later in the day

have more energy at night

feel tired after waking up early

have a hard time staying alert during the day

Being a night owl does have a few downsides. Since most of society is structured around a daytime schedule — like 9 to 5 workdays or daytime school and college classes — late risers might have a harder time holding a traditional job. Young night owls might even have trouble adjusting to a fixed school schedule.

A 2019 studyTrusted Source suggested that night owls may face other disadvantages, too, including increased risk of mental health conditions and metabolic concerns.

Still, while early birds might get the worms, night owls aren’t always left bereft. A preference for the evening hours isn’t always a bad thing, in other words. Plenty of artists, writers, and creative professionals find they get their best work done as the world quietly sleeps around them.

At the end of the day, it matters most that you get the right amount of sleep to maintain good health.

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