Monday, June 12, 2023

jerry 'dresser' biker old man lived in northeast

 met him at a biker bar.. i was with my brother jack who brought me there

he was an electrician ..worked at either water company or electric 

watched me cut a ground rod he drove into the ground..he never laughed at me or mocked humiliated me because i was physically weaker than him

fell in love with me instantly

he was about 43 i was 24

paid off a fine for me didnt have to i was working telemarketing selling carpet cleaning

i drove his pickup truck he had 2 vehicles

took me to abates meetings all over

he had a motorcycle.. i loved to ride,, one of safest drivers around

had me moved into his house immediately

took me out to eat often, bought all my cigarettes..he also smoked bronson cheap cigarettes

i remember a nice diner out of town, long john silvers when i wanted fish..any kind of food i wanted he got for me

gentle, kind, loving... however i didnt really love him as in totally in love..he was way too old for me and i left when he got upset because i spent the night at a friends house in grandview one night after work because i didnt want to have to drive all that way back to go to work the next morning.... i was gone for a month or so came back later to get a tv set of mine i left there and jerry was sooo loving coming at me hugging saying oh baby youre back home !!1 but i wasnt .. i left for good never saw him again... ........  wish i could remember his last name and exact house address in kansas city, so long ago....

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