Tuesday, June 13, 2023

my mother strong woman women


beautiful, smart, patient








hard working




family oriented loves her children parents brothers

wore makeup daily didnt need it at all beautiful without it or any adornments

baths hot bubble sudsy in evenings


covers toilet seat with tissue paper when using public restrooom

doesnt touch end of toilet paper in public places

slow and slow to anger

handwriting beautiful lovely curves round 

hearts dream 

loves stuffed animals

loves children pets dogs cats any

cooking was simple like to bake cakes cookies candy apples sweets ...chicken eaten often however ate lots of bologna hot dogs the cheapest food available due to income being low

honest did not lie steal cheat hated thieves drug addicts alcoholics bad behaviors

stern when dealing with naughty bad acts from anyone kids or adults

loved words language english vocabulary ...taught me words 

vitamins herbs

astrology tarot occult 

christian religious faith faithful faith healing healers preachers church every week prayed prayers often told me she was praying for someone who was being evil bad nasty horrible money minded vicious greedy ones

liked warm weather swimming dancing 

matched colors in clothes outfits even painted shoe different colors she had 100s of pairs of shoes wanted to be sure it all went together so she had proper outfits for any and every occassion

ettiquette polite manners mannerly 

fastidious when eating doing anything

sewing embroidery patterns pillow cases

art drawing painting sketching loved to draw faces of people especially beautiful women females

painted fingernails hands always looked beautiful nice clean well taken care of even though did hard manual labor at some jobs like in a factory or doing maid work in hotel/motels, 

worked at day care cotton candy day care center for children

ethic background according to family information; german, english, scotch irish, pennsylvania dutch

LIKED hobbies activities

walking, art, drawing, painting, sketching, writing letters, lists, crossword puzzles, crafts, sewing, baking, music pop rock dance rhythm blues soul, dancing, soul train on tv, tv shows, religious christian ,faith believing, faith healing, 

may 14, 1939 to december 14, 2003

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