Thursday, June 1, 2023

Male human Wants total freedom

 Not tied down

No strings attached

No attachment

No anchor 

Not married no wife

No commitment

No promises

No love

No relationship 

Physical screwing sucking licking rubbing only

Rarely hugs 

Mental emotional connection void nonexistent

Desires both sluts whores prossies puss pussy pussies ass tits dirty nasty woman women prostitutes virgin innocent sweet pure girl girls

Girls giggling jiggling jumping running bouncing gymnastics yoga stretching dancing screaming shrieking high pitched voice

Multiple sex partners

Will fuck any age if it looks good generally prefers the young ones, young as he can get: age 14 is about perfect and will screw younger ones when opportunity is good there

Desires female who is mute no talking no words or communication other than grunts groans moaning hmmm ing

Not obligated 

No obligation

No wedding


No monogamy

Ogles ogles women constantly keeping options open at all times for any female he can get anywhere anytime

Wants to roam around

Hunts all the time

Wanderer wandering eye uncontrollable in his head inside the skull

Main brain is penis ruled

Penis crotch is first brain ruling body, decision action words 

Some rape take what they want cross boundaries violate any restrictions female puts up. Some males are violent and torture hurt maim kill the female

Some enjoy seeing and hearing pain inflicted upon victim relishing her agony crying screaming whimper misery even death 

Some want dead sex necrophilia no response no reaction just a doll unable to speak move breathe

Her reaction gets him off

Enjoys the view watching eyes  ass crotch boobs mouth tits

Acrobatics aerial 

Pornography porn porno

Possessive jealous expects female he has sex with to not move not show skin body out in public. SHAMES her for looking nice showing her body

Lies profusely easily continually

Justifies all of his actions

Will proclaim love and commitment to victim if necessary to get sex then back out of anything promised after he gets sex duties chores errands money or whatever else he was after

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