Friday, December 1, 2023

sexy stuff told to me by men

 sexy stuff told to me by men

danny the plumber

talking about cute little black girl he met

after his wife died...

she's cute and pretty 

pretty pink fingernails and toe nails

wearing her holey jeans

i'd like to be with her

man at collectible store said 

when he saw my feet/toes

that is sexy pink/purple polish on nails an toenails

18 year old guy (braxton) and his 2 friends at the center when i entered to pool are a few weeks ago

"do you need a husband?" first thing out of his mouth

you are beautiful! that is a fact, not an opinion

you have pretty toes!

you look 28 years old

how do you live with yourself being so sexy? a guy i knew back in the 80s

have you ever used your looks to get what you want? ..jeff justice

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