Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Men who can't fight

 Old or young, weak or not strong. Not smart enough to outsmart. The ones who feel defeated, lost before they even started. Insignificant. Small. Not big enough. Lacking the feeling of power and control. Powerless. Don't know what their special gifts are so don't use them. 

Can't fight battles. Are not prepared. Wounded. Insecure. Feels like a failure. He's not good enough, rich enough, wise or clever enough. He is competitive covertly or overtly. He still feels defeated like he can't compete with anyone or the world. 

He wants power, freedom and control. He ends up losing control of himself while trying to gain the illusion of control over his life and often ends up attempting to control the environment and people either close to him or strangers. 

The one who wants to dominate females, women, girls and feels like he can't get any female he wants. 

That male/man/boy may become obsessed with 




Heavy machinery; cars, trucks, motorcycles

Working too many hours, too hard physically or mentally

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