Monday, September 23, 2024

The ugly face

 Became that way. It wasn't born that way. It is selfish fearful greedy spiteful and mean. It learned to worship money material things power and physical gratifications. 

It became obsessed with sex, food, work, power, dominance, winning and losing. It can never get enough, never be satisfied.

Never content or happy with anything or anyone for long.

It's demanding and tantrum throwing. 

The ugly despises what it has and what is, always seeking something or someone better. It doesn't work on self improvement.

Ugly uses up resources. It drains energy. It often gets there first. Feeds itself first. 

It says and does things thoughtlessly. Impulsive, hasty and rash with words and actions. 

It blames others for not cooperating with their demands and denies abusive behavior which caused resistance from the other. 

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