Thursday, December 26, 2024

countless events incidences

 of his insanity attacks yelling 

i feel numb frozen like i shouldnt move talk or say anything

anything i say or do can stir up a fight or attack from him

some things i know are predictable triggers and some are things i would have no idea would trigger him or anyone

often it is some thing he sees that agitates him

or something he smells.. disinfectant perfume lip gloss candle burning blowing out a candle food smells like popcorn fish seafood 

sometimes it is a thing he touches saying it is sticky

many years ago when i still smoked cigarettes so before december 2010 i remember him driving the toyota. i was passenger. he was pissed about something. pulled car into lot across from home depot. i got out of the car and lit a cig. his anger intensified after that and screamed you dont need that cigarette!!

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