Monday, June 29, 2015

Babies love. They don't know how to hate. They don't know how to fake.

Babies love. They don't know how to hate. They don't know how to fake.
They can't lie. Can't pretend. They are real. Natural. True to themselves.
They don't judge.
They don't know if I am ugly, fat, skinny, old, stupid or smart.
They don't know if my breath stinks, my body stinks or if anybody else hates me.
Babies just know if they feel good around me they want me around.
That makes me feel special.
I love babies and I especially love my grandson.
He loves me. He screams and cries and misses me when I have to leave.
I cry when I have to leave. I cry thinking about missing him when he's not there.
I cry in happiness just thinking about him.

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