Monday, June 15, 2015

You don't own him. You don't own her.
He or she is not a possession, a thing, an object.
You won't keep him or her forever.
You can't make him or her faithful to you.
You can do all things right, all of the things you think you are
supposed to do in order to please them.
You can give them everything they want.
You can work hard every day at work, at home, in your personal life.
You can serve them like you are their slave.
You can go only where they like to go, only where they want you to go.
You can let them choose your friends, associates and family interactions.
Do what you are told. Never argue. Give in to every whim, wish and desire.
You can change your looks.
You can look any way they want you to look.
Act any way they want you to act.
Do anything they want you to do.
Change your hair.
Change your body.
Change your clothes.
Get a whole new wardrobe.
Wear makeup, paint your nails, color your hair, tan your body.
Change all of your thinking to be the same as theirs.
Do all of the things they want to do.
Have no personality of your own.
Act like a brainless, bimbo barbie doll.
Buy, cook and eat only the foods they like.
Go only where they like to go.
Perform all sex acts in every way they like.
Raise your children, their children or any children perfectly.
Earn/make any amount of money whether it is none, some, equal or more
than what they earn, make or have.
None of these things are going to please them.
None of these actions are a guarantee that they will love you, want you,
care for you or be faithful to you.
They are not happy, never will be happy.
They are not satisfied. They cannot be satisfied. Can't be content.
They still search for something, someone better.

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