Thursday, June 11, 2015

He bitches, complains, moans, groans, whines, is skeptical and negative daily

he bitches, complains, moans, groans, whines, is skeptical and negative daily because it makes him feel alive. he is hard wired to do this due to his upbringing
by a mother/female/woman who did the same things daily. mother and all of
her siblings and children practice the same behavior. there is no doubt this is
a learned family pattern of thinking.

they believe this is normal behavior. they think everyone should be the same as
them, that everyone thinks and feels the same ways they do. if you aren't the same
then you are accused of not being "normal".

if any person should look, think or act differently from them they are not accepted as they are.
differences are despised. differences are unacceptable.
hatred, intolerance, self-righteousness, anger, jealousy, pride, greed,
gluttony, lust and sloth of the mind are the dominant feelings and expressions
of him and his entire family.
criticism, ridicule, threats, accusations abound.
violation of other people's privacy, choices, needs, wants and desires dominate.
the only person that matters is him. the only world that exists is his world.
phrases frequently said by this person:
i don't understand, i can't understand why, it gets my why people do such and such,
why in the world would somebody (fill in the blank), it makes no sense to me,
why do you (blah, blah, blah), that pisses me off, that ticks me off,
that is stupid, that person is stupid, they just don't think, you're not very smart,
you're worthless/they are worthless,
what you've done regarding work, earning
money,paying bills, doing anything you do is nothing compared to what i have
that piece of shit (when referring to a live being such as a person, human being, animal or pet)
be assured that whatever i do is not good enough and never will be

everything seems to be a catch 22 here
regardless of what i do, don't do or might do or express wanting to do,
it is wrong, not enough, road blocked, stopped, inhibited and changed
my decisions are overtaken, never the right one, not good enough
there is only one way to do things, the right way which is his way
no one else does it the right way

if he slips up, forgets something, makes a mistake, breaks or spills
something, he either blames it on somebody else or casually disregards
the incident as trivial and meaningless, harmless and insignificant.
if i or anyone else does the same, it is unforgivable, unacceptable,
shows just how stupid and thoughtless i am and i am reminded of it forever

projection at his most genuine and highest level

criticizes all people often but can't take being criticized
takes over other people's territory but will not tolerate his own being invaded
will not accept anyone as they are and does not accept himself as he is
accuses others of taking advantage of him and he takes advantage of others
often says he thinks others hate him and he hates others
accuses others of lying, theft, stealing, trying to run or control him and his
life and those are the same things he does to other people, life forms and
nonliving things
accuses others of jealousy when he is jealous of them
does not respect feelings, preferences, choices or rights of others yet
expects others to respect his feelings, preferences, choices and rights
can't stand others disrupting his schedule or activities yet disrrupts
other people's schedule and activities by imposing his own will

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