Sunday, February 28, 2016

i am sorry you are sick
he said 2 weeks ago
when all i had was number 1 coming out

zero sympathy or empathy
no action taken

his hate has consumed him

his hate has consumed him
i loved you so much with my whole heart and soul
and you have hated my fucking guts
insane jealousy dominates you
and your entire family

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Goal: no makeup or very little

You were a scared frightened whimpering shaking wimp, wimpy man when I met you
and culminated into an apparent strong stern unshakable rock solid statue of a man in public.
You shook as if you had Parkinson's disease. Like your mother.
I came into your life so you could get some. You told me you were tired of
not getting any.. so you got me.
I stood by you, have been with you for 24 years, emotionally
supporting you to help you build self confidence destroyed by
your mother and the rest of your family.
I told people, I spread the word to almost everyone I know or have
encountered about your special talents of fixing things, building, tearing
down, creating, thinking, money management, character judgment,
physical strength, keeping on top of things, being clean, organized
and in shape.

how much patience does it take
to live daily with a
man who throws fits, has temper tantrums, has
angry outbursts at least once a day
pushes his beliefs, thoughts, attitudes,
preferences upon me and others
cannot understand how anyone could think or feel
differently than he does about anything
displays prominently the primary emotions of anger and fear
constantly says i don't understand, i can't
understand, that's crazy, i don't believe that,
skeptical of almost everything
suspicious of almost everyone
thinks he knows the motives behind my or anyone else's
words or actions
rarely recognizes respects appreciates the purpose of,
the meaning of, the work, gifts, actions or feelings of others
is very aware, active and responsible about watching what
other people have and are doing, paying ordinary bills, basic physical necessities
of living things, complains about a person or pet doing things that
require life such as eating, drinking, bathing, laundry, talking/communicating,
attention, medical care, affection (hugs, admiration, respect, appreciation,
says pets (the cat or someone's dog) is a nuisance
points out each and every thing he has to do
for anyone, frequently reminds me and others of all of the
things he has done to "help" complaining about
each and every thing done for anyone stating he does everything
that i and others are worthless, stupid, crazy, dumb asses, fuckheads

once when i was talking to a friend about this i said
what do i get out of this, an award or a gold medal for my
patience, tolerance, understanding, long suffering
my friend said yes

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Attempted destruction and slaughter by the man I wanted.

Attempted destruction and slaughter by the man I wanted.
If you can't own it, rule it and control it then destroy it.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

When are you supposed to sleep? When you feel tired.

When are you supposed to sleep? When you feel tired.
Not according to a clock created by humans.
Not according to anyone or anything else but yourself.
All of your body organs are exhausted when you feel tired.
How long are you supposed to sleep? Until you wake up.

Go to the bathroom when you feel the urge. Pee and poop when it's ready to come out. Don't hold it for hours as society has taught us to do.

Go to the bathroom when you feel the urge. Pee and poop when it's ready to come out.
Don't hold it for hours as society has taught us to do.
Human beings are taught to hold it. Animals in the wild do not.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Mojo is coming back

Mojo is coming back
I remember who I used to be
I remember who I am
Phoenix rising after death due to
From abusive narcissists
who wanted to possess me, control me
and are insanely jealous, full of ego and pride,
wrath, lust, greed and sloth

Saturday, February 20, 2016

wedding vows followed by my husband, spouse married february 21, 199

wedding vows followed by my husband, spouse
married february 21, 1998

do you promise to keep her for better,
for richer,
only in health, never abandon or leave others
or give up anything i value or that is pleasant to me

no anniversary will be celebrated, never has been celebrated,  again as usual on 2-21-2016
he acts like he doesn't remember  it and never acknowledges or
celebrates it
18 years of marriage, 25 years living together, 29 years ago we met

jehovah's witness zealout mother celebrates nothing
he says what she said .. you only have one birthday

do you take [Bride’s name] to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?

abandon (someone or something):
"he would never forsake Tara"
synonyms: abandon · desert · leave · leave high and dry · [more]
renounce or give up (something valued or pleasant):
"I won't forsake my vegetarian principles

Friday, February 19, 2016

sick of hearing bs bullshit horse crap lies about tobacco and marijuana smoke, about smoking being the cause of almost every illness there is.

sick of hearing bs bullshit horse crap lies about tobacco and
marijuana smoke, about smoking being the cause
of almost every illness there is.
american indians, people is asia china/the orient
have smoked for thousands of years. many have
lived long lives beyond 100 years of age

this computer is as slow as a big ass full of molasses

this computer is as slow as a big ass full of molasses

it's an asus running windows vista. outdated for sure.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

126 lbs my weight on scale this morning. Female, caucasian, age 54, 5 foot 6 inches. Not perfect. Not loved.

126 lbs my weight on scale this morning. Female, caucasian, age 54, 5 foot 6 inches. Not perfect. Not loved.

This is my summer weight. I thought I would put on 10 to 15 more pounds in the winter
as I have in the past but it hasn't happened.

Is my life perfect because of my weight or appearance?
No. Do I have problems? Yes.

Am I loved, appreciated and respected by my partner? No
Am I experiencing appreciation, respect and love from my family, friends, neighbors or peers? No.
Do I have a great job or career? No.
Do I have all of the things I want, materially, emotionally and spiritually? No.

Message to those who are overweight or battling weight problems.
When you lose weight, attain the weight or body appearance you desire
you will still have problems. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Professional Sports Average Salary / Revenue / Salary Cap

Professional Sports Average Salary / Revenue / Salary Cap

Professional Sports Average Salary / Revenue / Salary Cap

Statistic Verification
Research Date: 7.28.2013

SportYearly Revenue
National Football League (NFL)$9 Billion
Major League Baseball (MLB)$7 Billion
National Basketball League (NBA)$3.8 Billion
National Hockey League (NHL)$2.9 Billion
Major League Soccer (MLS)$280 Million
SportAverage Salary
National Basketball League (NBA)$5.2 Million
Major League Baseball (MLB)$2.5 Million
National Football League (NFL)$1.75 Million
National Hockey League (NHL)$1.3 Million
Professional Golf Association (PGA)$0.973 Million
Women’s Tennis$0.345 Million
Men’s Tennis$0.260 Million
Women’s Golf$0.162 Million
SportSalary Cap
Major League Baseball (MLB)$178 Million
National Football League (NFL)$120 Million
National Hockey League (NHL)$64.3 Million
National Basketball League (NBA)$58.04 Million
Major League Soccer (MLS)$2.6 Million

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Another wedding anniversary with no celebration no acknowlegement February 21

Another Valentines day with nothing

It happened again. Valentine's Day came and went without even a mention of it.
threw the mascara in the trash. woke up with eye infection wednesday morning februrary 10, 2016
the same thing happened the last few times i used that mascara, cat's eyes in the
yellow container.
i could barely see anything out of my right eye this morning.
both eyes are swollen.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

truth is
these people, which includes
no one and everybody,
don't give a hoot
about my opinion
i am not going to win anything
by entering contests, sweepstakes or giveaways

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

son succeeds in whatever he does
says things i say
does things i do
does things i taught him
likes what i like
is admired, appreciated
is respected
people listen to him
but i the mother am not
admired, appreciated, listened to or respected

ideas i have had and things i designed never got credit or a patent for

january 1983 kansas city star newspaper published my article in opinion section
with my idea to donate a dollar and pay off the national debt.  a few years
later this option was included in the irs 1040 tax form

1982 jeans with zipper in crotch for women, filed for patent approximately
1985 u.s. patent office declined it
1991 bottle bags
1984 approximate date. pencil/pen gripper/stabilizer, slips over pen is shaped so it won't roll off surface

1-30-2016 bent spoon with hinge for tea bags or leaves  

Monday, February 1, 2016

I was better off when I was younger and didn't watch the news.

I was better off when I was younger and didn't watch the news.
I never did like it as it most often showed tragedies and inconsequential
meaningless things like sports scores that promote competition and bashing
of heads.

Never tell yourself you can never have something. All things are optional.

Never tell yourself you can never have something. All things are optional.

love spreading appeals to me naturally