Thursday, February 25, 2016

how much patience does it take
to live daily with a
man who throws fits, has temper tantrums, has
angry outbursts at least once a day
pushes his beliefs, thoughts, attitudes,
preferences upon me and others
cannot understand how anyone could think or feel
differently than he does about anything
displays prominently the primary emotions of anger and fear
constantly says i don't understand, i can't
understand, that's crazy, i don't believe that,
skeptical of almost everything
suspicious of almost everyone
thinks he knows the motives behind my or anyone else's
words or actions
rarely recognizes respects appreciates the purpose of,
the meaning of, the work, gifts, actions or feelings of others
is very aware, active and responsible about watching what
other people have and are doing, paying ordinary bills, basic physical necessities
of living things, complains about a person or pet doing things that
require life such as eating, drinking, bathing, laundry, talking/communicating,
attention, medical care, affection (hugs, admiration, respect, appreciation,
says pets (the cat or someone's dog) is a nuisance
points out each and every thing he has to do
for anyone, frequently reminds me and others of all of the
things he has done to "help" complaining about
each and every thing done for anyone stating he does everything
that i and others are worthless, stupid, crazy, dumb asses, fuckheads

once when i was talking to a friend about this i said
what do i get out of this, an award or a gold medal for my
patience, tolerance, understanding, long suffering
my friend said yes

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