Thursday, February 18, 2016

126 lbs my weight on scale this morning. Female, caucasian, age 54, 5 foot 6 inches. Not perfect. Not loved.

126 lbs my weight on scale this morning. Female, caucasian, age 54, 5 foot 6 inches. Not perfect. Not loved.

This is my summer weight. I thought I would put on 10 to 15 more pounds in the winter
as I have in the past but it hasn't happened.

Is my life perfect because of my weight or appearance?
No. Do I have problems? Yes.

Am I loved, appreciated and respected by my partner? No
Am I experiencing appreciation, respect and love from my family, friends, neighbors or peers? No.
Do I have a great job or career? No.
Do I have all of the things I want, materially, emotionally and spiritually? No.

Message to those who are overweight or battling weight problems.
When you lose weight, attain the weight or body appearance you desire
you will still have problems. 

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