Thursday, February 25, 2016

You were a scared frightened whimpering shaking wimp, wimpy man when I met you
and culminated into an apparent strong stern unshakable rock solid statue of a man in public.
You shook as if you had Parkinson's disease. Like your mother.
I came into your life so you could get some. You told me you were tired of
not getting any.. so you got me.
I stood by you, have been with you for 24 years, emotionally
supporting you to help you build self confidence destroyed by
your mother and the rest of your family.
I told people, I spread the word to almost everyone I know or have
encountered about your special talents of fixing things, building, tearing
down, creating, thinking, money management, character judgment,
physical strength, keeping on top of things, being clean, organized
and in shape.

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