Saturday, October 22, 2016

Sunday, October 16, 2016

No one has accomplished anything or has been successful at achieving a goal without the help

No one has accomplished anything or has been successful at achieving a goal
without the help, encouragement, acknowledgement, aid, appreciation, gratitude,
support, teaching, love/understanding, faith of other people.

Rejection equals/means death.

10-16-2016 Sarah Wilson-Stillwell

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Today: Donated four 4 bags of clothes to Saver's Thrift Store.

Today: Donated four 4 bags of clothes to Saver's Thrift Store.

Cleaned out a corner counter in the kitchen.

Gave two boxes of blankets, towels and miscellaneous items of
necessity like toilet paper/tissue and shampoo and food to a family member.

Cleaned up my purse.

Slowly but surely on my way and making progress in clearing out unwanted and not needed things
that clutter up the house.
The narc/narcissist will make sure you are isolated to the point of having no friends,
no family to support you, no ability to further your education or increase your income.

The narc will gaslight you to death in order to convince others that you are crazy and
he is sane and logical.

The narc will always be right. He can't be wrong. Ever.
You will be blamed and take the blame for any and
all mistakes, wrongdoings, chance circumstances that have a negative outcome
regardless of whose fault it is; even if no one is at fault, it is still your fault.

The narc will persecute you over the tiniest mishap as well as the biggest mistake
and will you remind you of these mistakes frequently and forever.

The narc will keep you in the dark, not telling you what is going on, then
accuse you of not listening when he supposedly told you what is going on.

The narc
will shut you out shut you down tell you to shut up

always attempt to appear perfect flawless polite to the public, to strangers
but not to their partner

will prevent you from being healthy, obtaining proper medical treatment

invalidate minimize your feelings opinions wants needs emotions inspirations

take over your space your things

criticize and condemn you and others relentlessly, rarely or never give you a true compliment

call you stupid to your face, call other people they are not close to stupid behind their back

destroy any joy happiness fun from your life

eliminate your ability to smile and feel good

complain about all of your basic needs to live,  the things you need to use to survive
air water food shelter clothing transportation communication warmth love touch
expression of feelings wants needs desires hopes wishes

seek happiness in all of their desires and deny you the chance to be happy in
achieving your desires

accuse you of being just like them: mean, angry, hateful, selfish, unthoughtful (a word
he made up, it's not in the dictionary)
selfish, making food only for yourself when in fact you frequently make food for them
at the same time you prepare food for yourself

he will pamper himself with luxiour and offer or give you the bare minimum of
anything and act like you should appreciate his minimal and thoughtless efforts
of giving

will not give anything to anyone he wants for himself

A person who does not honor other people has no business nor do they deserve having a mate, a partner or a friend or having or raising children.

A person who does not honor other people has no business nor do they
deserve having a mate, a partner or a friend or having or raising children.

A man who does not honor women does not deserve to have a woman, a
girlfriend, or a wife.

A man who does not honor other men does not deserve to have a male friend,
partner or husband.

A woman who does not honor men does not deserve to have a man, a
boyfriend or a husband.

A woman who does not honor other women does not deserve to have a female
friend, a girlfriend or a wife.

10-15-2016  Sarah Wilson-Stillwell

Food, shelter, clothing. Focus of central bankers.

Food, shelter, clothing. Focus of central bankers.

Cut and ate fresh papaya for the first time in my life Wednesday October 12, 2016

Cut and ate fresh papaya for the first time in my life Wednesday October 12, 2016

Flesh of the papaya is a mild, soft, bland fruit.
Seeds are pungent, slightly spicy and easy to eat.

Discovered papaya aids in digestion, especially proteins and is anti-parasitic,
aids in digestion, anti-inflammatory, strengthens blood, anti-viral and more.

Papaya Benefits, Nutrition & Recipes

A Tasty Parasite Cleanse

Intestinal parasites are a far more common problem than most people realize. They are also difficult to diagnose due to the wide variety of symptoms that can result from a parasitic infection. In fact, it’s been estimated that over 90% of Americans have parasites!
Unfortunately, it’s quite easy to get parasites. You can get them from drinking or swimming in unclean water, other humans, animals, meat, eating produce that has been washed in unclean water, eating organic produce that hasn’t been properly cleaned, travel, etc.
Let me go a little bit into how we can get parasites. (But don’t worry, I’ll share with you a tasty way to get rid of them afterwards!)
Over 50% of our lakes, river streams and creeks are infected with the protozoa parasite Giardia Lambia. This parasite is not killed by chlorine and is steadily finding it’s way into urban areas with “treated” drinking water. And to make matters worse, if a swimmer has parasites and they swim in places with others, the water is then contaminated with eggs from their bodies. It only takes a very small amount of swallowed water to become infected.
You can obtain parasite eggs from other humans very easily. Since most infections come from the anal-oral route think about this -- someone has parasites, they use the restroom, do not wash their hands afterwards, then they sit down and use the salt shaker on the restaurant’s table -- they have just deposited microscopic eggs onto this object. You then use the salt shaker. Eww. Disgusting, I know. I’ll never eat communal food (like bar nuts and popcorn) again. And it also makes me not want to touch anything in public places again either. Did you know, parasite eggs can live under human fingernails for up to 2 months?! They can, so make sure you wash your hands often.
Think of how many common objects you come into contact with on a daily basis. Even more common infections come from kissing, holding hands, sharing eating utensils and of course, sexual contact. Usually if one family member is a host to parasites, the entire family is infected.
Animals, including pets, can spread 240 diseases to humans via parasites. By petting or grooming animals, you are picking up eggs that pass from them to us via hands, nose and mouth. THINK about this -- when your pet (or someone else’s) licks their butt, they are depositing thousands of eggs onto their tongues -- then they lick you and those eggs have just been transmitted to their new host - YOU. That’s why I NEVER let animals lick me.
Pets and domesticated animals are not the only ones spreading parasites -- mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, lice and all other biting insects transmit protozoa (one cell) parasites to humans.
Undercooked meats are a very high source of parasite infections. We trust the cattle, pork and chicken producers to keep their livestock wormed on a regular basis, but over 50% of animals that go to slaughter are parasite infected. You’ll probably never look at sushi the same way again when you’re thinking about all the microscopic eggs that are hovering just below the surface.
Americans import 30 billion tons of food per year. Some of this food comes from countries where animal manure and human feces are used as fertilizer. This practice greatly increases the spread of parasites. Salad bars, infected food handlers, and improperly washed fruits and vegetables are all sources for parasites.
And, furthermore, if you eat ORGANIC produce and you don’t wash it properly, your chance for ingesting parasite eggs just increased about 100 fold! (I ALWAYS wash my produce with grapefruit seed extract to kill all the eggs.)
When we travel, we are exposed to parasites that we aren’t used to. We usually bring the parasites back with us. And, in addition, residents from other countries bring THEIR parasites when them when they are visiting our country, as a result, contaminating us.
So, as you can see, there is pretty much a 100% chance that you have parasites. But that’s okay. If you make a parasite cleanse part of your life a couple of times a year, you can keep them at bay.

Papaya Seeds as a Parasite Killer!
You may have heard about using papaya seeds for digestive health. But when you are using them as a parasite killer you are taking more of them, you’re taking them on an empty stomach, and you’re following with a natural laxative to ensure as many parasites as possible are expelled.
If you’ve never tried it, I’ll let you know that chewing up a tablespoon (or two) of papaya seeds is disgusting. Let alone first thing in the morning. They taste like pepper. It’s hard to get them down. So, instead, I blend them in a smoothie! I do this for breakfast for 15 days straight as a natural parasite killer.
The Papaya Seed Parasite Killer Smoothie
Add to blender:
1/4 to 1/2 papaya (depending on size)
1 to 2 tablespoons fresh papaya seeds
1/2 to 1 banana (for sweetness)
1 to 2 cups chopped pineapple (pineapples are rich in digestive enzyme that have an anti-parasitic effect and help to improve the intestinal environment)
1 tablespoon coconut oil (the lauric acid in coconuts is converted to monolaurin in the digestive tract, which can help rid the body of protozea, ringworm and giardia parasites)
1 to 2 cups coconut water, normal water, or nut milk
1 to 2 inches fresh aloe with skin removed (this helps to ensure the bowels move and expel dead parasites from the body

Blend all ingredients in blender. If you don’t have all the ingredients, that’s okay. The most important thing is to get the papaya seeds in daily for 15 days.
Since some parasites are believed to be paralyzed by a treatment rather than killed outright, it is also beneficial to follow it with a natural laxative to expel the worms before they can recover.

Salt Water Flush - add 2 teaspoons sea salt to 1 quart warm water. Shake and drink the entire container of salt water about 30 minutes after drinking the smoothie. Warning, you will want to be near the toilet for the next couple of hours after drinking this.

Enema - Enemas use water to clean out the colon. They are safe and a natural way to get the bowels moving. See how to perform one here.

Cold Pressed Castor Oil - Take 1 teaspoon castor oil with either cranberry juice, orange juice, prune juice, or ginger juice. Take 30 minutes after drinking the smoothie.
Will you see the parasites expelled in your stools?

Many parasites are either too small, or are expelled compacted within the stool. So don’t be too concerned about whether you see them or not. There’s a good chance this combination of ingredients is making life very difficult for your unwelcome intestinal visitors and any uncomfortable symptoms that you are experiencing will disappear. You’ll experience greater energy and better health in general.
Be aware though that you may well experience a temporary worsening of symptoms when you first begin any kind of internal cleansing as the parasites are immobilized. They will resist being killed and/or removed from the body. This is commonly referred to as a healing crisis. With this papaya seed treatment you should usually feel significantly better after visiting the bathroom.
What can you do to minimize your chance of parasites?

- Follow the age old advice of DON’T DRINK THE WATER -- especially on camping trips, while traveling in foreign countries and when swimming in public places. Filtering your home drinking water also helps, as does boiling water to drink while away from home (camping, in foreign countries, etc.).

- Avoid putting your hands in your mouth or touching your face and wash your hands often when out and about shopping, eating out, etc.

- Worm your pets (and livestock) twice per year and do not walk barefoot where animals have been known to defecate. Do not allow animals to lick you in the face or mouth.

- Thoroughly cook all meats -- stay away from raw meats (including sushi) and cold cuts (including hot dogs) if possible.

- Thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables before consuming with grapefruit seed extract.

- Do a parasite cleanse a couple times a year

- Do a liver flush a couple times a year. (Last month, a client released parasitic worms from her stomach/liver! You can see the pictures on this page here)
Erin Schumacher is a Certified Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition Practitioner (CNHP; CHNP) She specializes in detoxification programs, internal cleanses, and helping clients build strong immune systems. She also travels internationally to do raw food workshops, yoga retreats, and personal coaching. In addition, Erin is a Certified Power Yoga Instructor and a Certified Raw Food Chef from the SunKitchen. She currently lives in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. For more information, visit

Friday, October 14, 2016

Don't you realize you are going to die? You know you will die but realizing it means you completely understand it.

Don't you realize you are going to die? You know you will die but realizing it means you completely understand it.
Your physical body will not be here anymore.
Pursuit of money and material things won't exist.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Eczema: An Introduction to This Chronic Skin Disorder

Eczema: An Introduction to This Chronic Skin Disorder

Eczema: An Introduction to This Chronic Skin Disorder

Scoliosis What is scoliosis?


What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a lateral, or sideways, curvature of the spine, which in its normal state should be a straight vertical line when viewed from the front or back. Viewed from the side, a normal spine curves slightly backward to produce a mild degree of roundness in the upper back area and slightly inward curve in the lower back. When a person with scoliosis is viewed from the front or back, the spine appears to be curved to either side of its normal vertical line.

What causes scoliosis?

There are numerous causes and types of scoliosis. Neuromuscular scoliosis is caused by abnormal muscles or nerves. This is often seen in people with spina bifida or cerebral palsy, or in those with a number of conditions that include or lead to paralysis. Congenital scoliosis occurs as a result of a bone abnormality that is present at birth. Degenerative scoliosis is bone collapse due to an injury or illness, previous major back surgery, or osteoporosis (a disease that causes thinning of the bones). The most common type is called “idiopathic scoliosis,” and a cause for this has not yet been identified. There is, however, substantial evidence that idiopathic scoliosis is inherited.

Who gets scoliosis?

Roughly 2 to 3 percent of American 16-year-olds have scoliosis, although less than one tenth of 1 percent have curves that might require surgery (a curvature measuring 40 degrees or higher). It is not known why, but girls are more likely to have scoliosis than boys. Idiopathic scoliosis, the most common kind, typically affects kids ages 10 through 16, and it usually gets worse as a child grows, though it rarely progresses into adulthood.

What are the symptoms of scoliosis?

Scoliosis does not have symptoms as such, but there are discernable warning signs. These include uneven shoulders or hips, a shoulder blade that juts out, noticeable leaning to one side, or walking with a rolling gait. Persons with scoliosis may experience back pain or tire easily during activities that require excessive chest and stomach movement.

How is scoliosis diagnosed?

Usually, scoliosis is first observed by a child’s pediatrician, a parent, or it is discovered during a routine school screening exam. To establish the presence and type of scoliosis, a bone exam is necessary, as well as an X-ray to determine the extent of the curve.

What are the most common scoliosis treatments?

Most adolescents who are diagnosed with idiopathic scoliosis need to be checked every four to six months, which should include a physical exam and an X-ray. For those with a spinal curve anywhere from 25 to 40 degrees – especially if they have at least two more years of growth ahead of them – bracing is the most common treatment. Braces are designed to stop the progression of the curvature and will occasionally produce a temporary correction. When the brace is removed, however, the curve usually will return to its previous position.

Surgery is often recommended for those with a spinal curve greater than 40 degrees. But surgery will only keep the curve from getting worse; it will not bring the spine back to perfect vertical alignment. During the procedure, metallic implants are used to correct some of the curvature and hold it in the proper position until a bone graft creates a rigid fusion in the area of the curve. Surgery usually involves joining the vertebrae together permanently – which is called spinal fusion. Because fusion prevents growth in the fused part of the spine, another technique may be used for younger children. In this case, a brace is always required after surgery.

Exercises for Sciatica: The Top 5 (and 3 Sciatica Exercises to Avoid)

Exercises for Sciatica: The Top 5 (and 3 Sciatica Exercises to Avoid)

Exercises for Sciatica: The Top 5 (and 3 Sciatica Exercises to Avoid)

Downward Facing Dog Exercise for Sciatica
Is this popular yoga exercise a good sciatica exercise? Or will it leave you in more pain?
The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest single nerve in your body, running from your lower spine down each leg and ending in each foot.

Sciatica refers to the pain, numbness and other symptoms caused by compression or inflammation of this important nerve.

4 Things CAUSE Sciatica <– click here to listen to our audio learning seminar!

Sciatica exercises are designed to specifically target the areas surrounding the sciatic nerve, to both stretch and strengthen key muscles affecting your pain.

Exercises like these will not only reduce your pain quickly, they may prevent the need for drastic measures like surgery in the future.

Here are the top five most effective stretches to relieve your sciatica pain, and three you should avoid to keep from inflaming your sciatica further.

The Five Best Sciatica Stretches – Try Them All!

These simple but effective sciatica stretches are indicated for relaxing the lower back, pelvic floor, buttocks and legs. They also work to help you strengthen these key areas for reducing or preventing sciatica pain by allowing the spine to return to its natural, functional alignment.

For best results, repeat these several times a day until your pain subsides.

Before you begin, lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides and legs outstretched. Allow your body to relax and clear your mind in preparation for these pain-relieving stretches.

Remember: listen to your body. If anything hurts, stop or reduce the intensity immediately.

1. The Complete Back Stretch

While you’re lying on your back, perform this stretch. It will relax your entire back and is very effective at alleviating sciatica pain.

How to Do It:

Bring both your knees to your chest
Wrap your arms around your legs, at the knees, and relax your lower back
Do not try to “crack” your spine–this is purely for relaxing your back
2. Lower Back Stretch

This exercise stretches and relaxes your lower and middle back specifically. Remember to be gentle while stretching your back.

How to Do It:

From your flat back position, bend one knee to a 90 degree angle while keeping your foot on the floor
Allow your knee to “fall” gently to the opposite side of your body, letting your hips twist
Rest your foot on the floor for support and try to keep your back and hips flat on the floor
Repeat on both sides for 10-20 seconds
3. Pretzel Stretch

This stretch is excellent for releasing tension in your buttocks and pelvic floor.

How to Do It:

From your flat back, bend both knees while keeping your feet on the floor
Bring the right ankle atop the left knee
Pull your left thigh back toward your body slowly
4. Single Leg Stretch & Lift

A common exercise in Pilates practices, the single leg stretch and lift will strengthen your core and hip flexors while stretching the buttocks and hips.

How to Do It:

From your flat back, lift one leg to a 90 degree angle, supporting your thigh with both hands
Keep your foot parallel with the floor
Then, lift your other leg a few inches off the ground, your foot at 90 degrees
Repeat the lift 12 to 15 times, then switch
5. Modified Quadricep Stretch

This stretch is great for relaxing your hips and quads.

How to Do It:

Flip gently over to your stomach and lay flat.
Lift one leg up behind you, bend your knee, and grip your foot or ankle with the hand on the same side (i.e. right foot, right hand)
Pull your foot as close to your body as possible, but don’t pull too hard. Go for a relaxing stretch, not an intense burn.
Three Exercises to Avoid With Sciatica

When sciatica pain is at its worst these stretches may seem like common sense, instinctual exercises to do… but they can actually make your pain worse.

1. Downward-Facing Dog

This popular “fix all, relax all” yoga pose may feel good after a long vinyasa, but not if your sciatica is currently acting up. Downward-Facing Dog not only stretches the hamstrings, but your calves and tendons down to your heel

Downward-Facing Dog and yoga are recommended for maintaining your condition, but only after acute sciatic pain has subsided.

2. Hamstring Stretch

Whether you’re standing and leaning forward, in a runner’s stretch, or leaning over both feet, this one stretch can aggravate the entire length of your sciatic nerve, from the lower back to the heel.

3. Leg Circles

A common exercise in Pilates and martial arts, swinging your leg in a full circle will stretch the hamstring suddenly, possibly causing severe pain down your sciatic nerve.

Besides these three, as a general rule you should avoid high impact, jarring exercises or sports until you have corrected the condition causing your sciatica pain.

More Sciatica Exercises to End the Pain for Good – Fully Illustrated!

The stretches and exercises recommended above should help relieve much of your sciatica pain. But it’s just the beginning.

For complete and lasting sciatica relief you need to address the underlying structural issues and other causes behind your sciatic pain. That’s where the Lose the Back Pain® System comes in.

Starting with a complete self-diagnostic, you’ll know in minutes exactly which stretches and targeted exercises you need to fully relieve not only sciatica, but virtually any kind of back pain or neck pain.

Every exercise is clearly explained and illustrated with step-by-step color photographs. It’s simply the easiest – and most effective – way to finally get lasting relief from sciatica pain.

Lose the Back Pain System

The male sucks the life out of the female.

The male sucks the life out of the female.

A male claims the life is being sucked out of him
it is the other way around

It's a reverse vacuum idea in a male brain
She provided life

He denigrates, denounces, minimizes, invalidates, abuses, takes for granted,
says and acts like he doesn't need it or her, punishes her, hits her with his fists or
other objects, destroys and takes her belongings,
He takes advantage of her kindness, loving behavior, thoughtfulness.

He expects her to bow down and comply with his every need,
want, wish, expectation and to completely deny herself of
her needs, wants, wishes, expectations so he can satisfy himself
in his own upbringing, his wants, wishes, desires that are
based on, originate and came from a female:
his own mother.

Are you actively participating or a watching spectator? I prefer the action more than the viewing.

Are you actively participating or a watching spectator? I prefer the action more than the viewing.

I would rather play baseball than watch it. I would choose to do and experience a thing .
I am interested in instead of
merely watching someone else do it.

Unfortunately I have physical disabilities that limit my ability to actively perform most sports
and daily activities that the majority of people can do with ease and no pain
What I can do physically is narrowed down to swimming, sitting, walking and standing for brief periods of time
(30 minutes to one hour usually), dancing in short intervals, light activities like
cooking, housework, cleaning in short bursts with no heavy lifting (not more than 10
pounds), not having to bend over or squat much. Because my back hurts, my lower
legs / calves hurt, my right side of abdomen hurts and left side of back hurts,
I am in pain every day.

I have and take no pain medications. I seek and find natural herb herbal remedies and
and drastically altered my diet in search of relief from pain.

I end up having to lie down flat on my back with
both knees up or prostrate, face down lying on
my belly for an hour or more before I can get up and continue to be
active doing anything.

Days are remembered when I had more physical strength in youth.
It is so frustrating to not be able to do what my mind wants my body to do.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Dry eyes must cry. Cried alot over most things as a child, teen, in my 20's, 30's, 40's when my eyes were not dry

Dry eyes must cry. Cried alot over most things as a child, teen, in my 20's, 30's, 40's when
my eyes were not dry.

Stopped crying so much in late 40's and early 50's due to trying
to teach myself not to cry when being bullied, verbally or physically abused.

Instead of crying
when assaulted I lashed back in anger, in depression, in retreating, pulling back and away from the source of abuse, crying quietly, silently for hours mostly at night all by myself, no one else around
the watch or see me, getting
in analytic conversations in an attempt to understand
and make sense of the situation.

I was taught to cry silently as a child.

Logic does not make sense. We are not logical creatures. We are driven by emotions,
feelings, intuitions, inner awareness, how others make us feel. Feelings rule. 

How much do you spend getting a haircut/ on your hair?

How much do you spend getting a haircut/ on your hair?
I spent $14.00 in six  years. Last time March, 2010.
September 30, 2016 next haircut at Great Clips.

Monday, October 3, 2016

"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop." -- Confucius

"It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop."
-- Confucius 

Took some ugly shots of me over the last couple of days. Long hair before losing the locks

Took some ugly shots of me over the last couple of days. Long hair before losing the locks at Great Clips 103rd & State Line, Kansas City, Missouri thanks to Judy
who lopped off my hair, dried out ends coming out in handfuls every time I combed, brushed my hair or showered. It was hair everywhere.

Ugly before and ugly after.
It's not the hair, it is the face.
The face is ugly.
No wonder people look away, look the other direction and change the subject focusing on someone or something else when I am around. 
It is one thing to be born ugle uglee ugggleey and loved and accepted and another to be born beautiful then turn ugly and no one wants anything to do with you.
A life of isolation. 

It simply doesn't matter because I am going to die anyway.

It simply doesn't matter because I am going to die anyway.

love spreading appeals to me naturally