Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The male sucks the life out of the female.

The male sucks the life out of the female.

A male claims the life is being sucked out of him
it is the other way around

It's a reverse vacuum idea in a male brain
She provided life

He denigrates, denounces, minimizes, invalidates, abuses, takes for granted,
says and acts like he doesn't need it or her, punishes her, hits her with his fists or
other objects, destroys and takes her belongings,
He takes advantage of her kindness, loving behavior, thoughtfulness.

He expects her to bow down and comply with his every need,
want, wish, expectation and to completely deny herself of
her needs, wants, wishes, expectations so he can satisfy himself
in his own upbringing, his wants, wishes, desires that are
based on, originate and came from a female:
his own mother.

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