Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Are you actively participating or a watching spectator? I prefer the action more than the viewing.

Are you actively participating or a watching spectator? I prefer the action more than the viewing.

I would rather play baseball than watch it. I would choose to do and experience a thing .
I am interested in instead of
merely watching someone else do it.

Unfortunately I have physical disabilities that limit my ability to actively perform most sports
and daily activities that the majority of people can do with ease and no pain
What I can do physically is narrowed down to swimming, sitting, walking and standing for brief periods of time
(30 minutes to one hour usually), dancing in short intervals, light activities like
cooking, housework, cleaning in short bursts with no heavy lifting (not more than 10
pounds), not having to bend over or squat much. Because my back hurts, my lower
legs / calves hurt, my right side of abdomen hurts and left side of back hurts,
I am in pain every day.

I have and take no pain medications. I seek and find natural herb herbal remedies and
and drastically altered my diet in search of relief from pain.

I end up having to lie down flat on my back with
both knees up or prostrate, face down lying on
my belly for an hour or more before I can get up and continue to be
active doing anything.

Days are remembered when I had more physical strength in youth.
It is so frustrating to not be able to do what my mind wants my body to do.

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