Monday, July 26, 2021

 If you don't put someone's name in what you write you can say what you want. Can't be sued, accused or scared to talk. 

No amount of money pays for emotional and psychological damage

 No amount of money pays for emotional and psychological damage 

Friday, July 23, 2021

 He is looking for opportunities anywhere and everywhere.

In my own personal experience and observation:

He focuses 100% of his attention on media: internet, radio, tv. When I speak to him in person he looks around and walks away frequently.

 He uses headphones and earphones often, blocking out my voice.
"I don't want to hear it"

He stares at the computer screen, the television screen, a monitor and
is totally absorbed into it.

He blocks me out frequently.

The only time I have 100% -all of his attention is during intimate moments
of sexual sex encounters, even then he is preoccupied with who may be
watching, constantly aware of the windows, the curtains, the lights/lighting
and any being that might be around anywhere we are. He is afraid someone
is going to see us either outside or inside at all times.

He shuts off when I talk, when I say anything.

He cuts me off in the beginning or middle of a sentence.

He frequently cuts me off and fills in the blanks of what he thinks I am going to say.

He walks off when I am telling him something.

He looks around constantly at home and at restaurants, never
looking at me for very long, just glancing real quickly.

He spots what I am wearing, if I am wearing clothes or not, instantly.

He makes fast comments about the way I look, the way I am dressed.

He repeatedly tells me, reminds me of how bad my back looks (twisted
with scoliosis, curvature of the spine) and
says I should wear clothes that do not show how my back is curved badly
because if it were him with a bad back he would be self conscious
about it and think everyone was staring at it.

He often asks questions about things I have already told him which
indicate he is not paying attention, not listening to what I say.

His mind is distracted most of the time.

He ignores what I say alot.

He thinks he should control what I am doing and follow me around
watching me, much like a small child ages 0-12 does.

He asks me what I am doing often when he is confused and can't figure me out.

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope." Sir Winston Churchill

 Your Daily Quotation:

"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom; justice; honor; duty; mercy; hope."  Sir Winston Churchill

Thursday, July 22, 2021

I don't give a rats tahuti about celebrity gossip news

No rest for evil wicked. No peace or joy inside them. Lost on the outside.

what the evil wicked obsessed greedy lustful jealous 

 Focused on external events, material things, always looking at what other people are doing
in order to determine what they should be doing.

Loss of self control.

loss of self direction, orientation

don't know why they think or do anything and don't care to know why

easily angered

impatient with children, people, animals

can't stand standing in line

feels enttled to have it all the way they want it

expects immediate attention and service

upset when seeing happiness in someone close

can't relax

expects others to agree with everything they say

a difference of opinion sets them off in violent angry outbursts of temper tantrums

loss of material item or a person they think they own sets them off

lack of ability to control each and every item in the environment and
every person they see sets them off in angry fits verbal assaults, threats,
screaming, yelling

constantly says I don't understand you, I can't understand why (you don't
feel the same way as I do, why you don't agree with everything I say,
why you are not upset like I am about the same things that upset me

accuses me/you of complaining when they are doing the complaining and
whining simply because I make a statement of fact about their own
comments and behavior regarding any situation

can't enjoy much of anything

can't take pleasure in the little things

takes full credit for anything they deem positive such as monetarily or
materially or physically "rewarding" to them

constantly asks what did you accomplish (their idea of accomplishment
rests in attaining more material things, money, domination and control

believes in slavery of people and animals

has no idea what individual freedom is and won't tolerate differences of taste,
preferences, opinion, dress, items owned, the way a yard looks

easily influenced, swayed yet says they make their own decisions and have
not been persuaded by anyone or anything

claims they have their own mind

wrapped up in high tech visual electronics such as televisions 
computers monitors screens.... the bigger the better

usually prefers headphones to maximize what they hear over them

often confused about what they see in reality right in front of them and
can't figure out what you or I am doing or what is going on

assumes they know what I am doing and often is wrong has no clue
wrong assumptions

calls other people stupid

says I am not stupid

says YOU think you know everything, don't you

mind is preoccupied often with who knows what so they cannot
fully listen and pay attention to what I am saying

will not finish listening when I talk. they must interrupt and ask
questions often unrelated, often commenting on some thing they
are looking at with their eyeballs
asks nonsensical questions 

Locked doors are only necessary when you fear the loss of material things to theft

 locked doors are only necessary when you fear the loss of material things to theft

owning things thieves desire to own or sell for money causes people to
keep locks on doors and containers

Paradigm of my life: minimalism, simplicity, ethics, naturalness

 Paradigm of my life: minimalism, simplicity, ethics, naturalness

The source of my joy and happiness lies within myself and in small
things and wonders of life.

It does not lie in materialism.  It does not lie in greed,
desire for power and control, lust, gluttony, jealousy,

This explains why conflict arises between

me and a person who is the opposite.  

The more stuff I have the more miserable I am

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The immature child 2,3,4,5, 6, 7 any age year old mind wants everything they see and is never satisified with what they have. they desire control of all things, people, animals, etc.

 The immature child 2,3,4,5, 6, 7 any age year old mind wants everything they see and is never

satisified with what they have. they desire control of all things, people, animals, etc.

The immature male desires every female he thinks is attractive and is not ever satisfied with the woman he has.

The immature male desires every female he thinks is attractive and is not ever

satisfied with the woman he has. he is still a boy regardless of his age.

he thinks he is a man and this is the way men are supposed to be. some

"adult" men never grow up

A mature person controls their own space territory not someone else's.

An immature boy mind in adult body expects female woman to do men's work

Immature male or female is obsessed with pornography

Porn is doled out ot teenaged boys who want and desire sex and dont have a woman.

Porn is doled out ot teenaged boys who want and desire sex and dont have a woman.

It is often introduced to vulnerable young males approaching or in puberty during


Many males continue on with this money market racket of

pornography and become obsessed with it

until the day they die. 

The world and society seize the opportunity to make

tons of money off of this knowledge of the instinctual male desire to procreate 

every day.

When taken out of context the obession can cause a twisted view of women, girls,

females in general and some men will see and view the opposite gender as 

merely a sex object.  

These men can become verbally and physically 

abusive to females in general, think they girls are just mere "playtoys",

a toy the play with and not an individual person. 

Her feelings, thoughts,

wants, needs, goals are not considered and do not matter because he

views her as a material object that he believes he can own and control.

He believes his attitude and behavior is the norm,  "normal", general,

respectable view of women and that this is how he is "supposed' to act

and be. He thinks that all red blooded males are this way so he

justifies his behavior in all aspects and sees nothing wrong with what he

says or does regarding anything in his life. 

He may view his girlfriend, wife, virtually any female anywhere as an

object put into the same category of things he wants and things he

owns like cars, trucks, houses, appliances, furniture, tools-- any

material physical thing imaginable.

He might believe she is just like a piece of machinery or equipment he

can take apart, change, manipulate, control and do whatever he wants

with at any time or place without any regard for the fact the he is

dealing with a live human being with their own feelings and emotions

and preferences.

He might think he can "get" any female to "cooperate" and do whatever

he wants. Some men believe they can do this by giving the female some

money or a material object. Some men think if they do something

for a woman such as some kind of work or service then she

"owes" him any sexual favor he wants from her.

Some males skip over all of the giving of

anything and niceties and feel outright entitled to take what they want

which is sex in any form and procede to kidnap, rape/raping, torture,

humiliation, bondage, sadism, masochism, any kind of perverted or 

supposedly normal 

activity. Some guys have gone over the deep end into this belief system

and will murder, kill, cut up, chop up, beat up their victim(s).

Some guys believe in slavery as if any person they want is to be their

slave and they are the master of this person, denying any right of self

to the individual.

Truly sorry means I will not say or do it again. It's not permission to repeat the bad behavior

When she is silent she is fed up: You are now history not future

Waste is designed to come out of your rear end butt not your top end mouth

One nasty slip of the tongue ruins thousands of good deeds

I / she / we women remember everything you said. Forever. Watch your mouth.

Sometimes some people are in a big hurry to get nowhere

I want it right now is our nature. Waiting builds character and increases wisdom. Patience equals pure pleasure.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Cut off the emotional bond, free myself, cut the umbilical cord

 Cut off the emotional bond, free

myself, cut the umbilical cord

I have cut the cord before from the man

who didn't care about me, my feelings,

my likes, wants and needs.

1st husband attempted suicide. I was 18. He

was 28 years old. He overdosed, took an entire whole
bottle of aspirin.  He ended up in hospital in Grandview, Missouri
His roommate friend called me and told me what he did and
where he was. I visited him after they pumped his stomach out.
My love feeling had completely disappeared prior to the event
so it did not affect me emotionally at all.  Once I had been
totally into him like the typical loving adoring caring female
but when I cut the tie mentally it was gone forever never to return.

same thing happened when I cut the cord with the next cold hearted snake

2nd husband went berserk and was taken

to western missouri mental health center for

two weeks for psychiatric treatment. IN 1984

I was 23. He was 23 years old.

So what is the 3rd husband going to do when/if I make a final cut?

Daily hormone cycles rule life forms, male and female animals, plants and all forms of life.

Fighting is the nature of the male beast.

 Fighting is the nature of the male beast.

If he doesn't have another male around to compete with he will look for
someone or something to fight with, for something to fight about.

Competition drives his spirit.

He pushes himself to be the best, the smartest, the most clever,
the biggest, the strongest man around so he can have dominion over
all territory be it land or sea or air.

Knowing trivia does not make me smart. No man cares about what I know. All they care about is how I look.

 Knowing trivia does not make me smart. No man cares about what I know.

All they care about is how I look.

Biology is real truth. Nature rules all.

 Biology is real truth. Nature rules all.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Girls/women talk. About everything. Guys: Wake up and straighten up.

Why are peace lovers and warriors attracted to each other?

 Why are peace lovers and warriors attracted to each other?

I heard you but I am not listening: The typical paradox of confusion for some humans.

I seek to Understand. To know why. Curiosity is the question and the answer.

 I seek to understand. To know why.

Curiosity is the question and the answer.

This goes way beyond "knowing" WHAT is going on.

Anyone can see what is happening.

WHY? My favorite question is "why?"

This is the favorite question of any child. 


Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love

Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love

Why Men Want Sex and Women Want Love

by Elena Solomon

Men are frustrated with women because they never want sex.

Women are frustrated with men because they always want sex.

Women blame men that they don't know how to love.

Men blame women that they only talk about love but don't want to make it.

Whether you are a man or a woman, reading this article can change your life - finally, you will be able to get rid of your frustrations about the opposite gender.

The reason humans want sex is due to the hormone testosterone, which is predominantly male hormone. A normal male's body produces 20 times more of this hormone than a female's.

In other words, a male feels the same way after one day without sex as a female after 20 days without sex. A male that has not had sex in 20 days feels the same way as a female after more than a year without sex.

Knowing this simple difference, you can already understand the pain of the opposite gender. It's NOT their fault: they are made this way! It's in our genes! This is the reason why men are men and women are women.

Men and women are DIFFERENT.

Not better or worse, just different.

A man can father a child every time he has sex, and a woman can only mother a child every two years or so. This means, a woman HAS TO be picky about who she allows to have sex with her.

For generations women were paying too high a price for making a wrong choice. Women that have chosen men with bad genes had a weaker offspring and their children struggled to survive. Women that have chosen men with good genes had a stronger offspring and their children survived disproportionably. Those children were carrying their picky mother's genes and this is why those female genes were passed to us.

On the other hand, men never had adverse consequences of making a wrong choice. The more children they produced, the higher was their chance to pass their genes to future generations, as some of them would certainly survive. While men were determined to seek better genes too, they had to grab all chances to procreate coming their way to ensure their genes would be passed forward. The men that ONLY stuck with one woman (even a high quality woman) were losing genetically to the men that used all of their opportunities and had many more children that survived. Those children were carrying their father's promiscuous genes, and this is why those male genes were passed to us.

By Nature men are made to seek as much sex as they can get, so they can spread their seed wider.

By Nature women are made to seek as many admirers as they can get, so they can make a better choice and get the best seed.

Men seek quantity - women seek quality.

This is why men seek sex and women seek love.

Love is the proof that a woman needs to have some assurance that the man will stick around and help her with the upbringing of the offspring. For a woman, sex is the culmination of her emotional commitment to a man.

For a man, sex is a physical act that eases the testosterone pressure he experiences constantly. Only after this tension has gone, can a man feel love towards a woman. This is why it often happens that men disappear after they got what they wanted: it wasn't love; it was the testosterone pressure. Sex for men is the reality check of their passion.

This is why having sex early in the relationship is hazardous for women: the man has not had the time to develop any romantic feelings for her. He needs time to develop those feelings, and the only way to do it is through keeping the sexual tension going for as long as practicable. Sex must be attainable, nearly possible - but not quite. When the sexual tension is at its peak, its release is mind-blowing - and once is never enough, which lays a proper foundation for a future relationship - and love.

Men fall in love through sex; women fall in sex through love.

All of this happens on the unconscious level - we do NOT realize what's going on.

But the reason why you are here today and alive is because each and every of your ancestors, men and women, acted true to their instincts and managed to attract at least one sexual partner and produce an offspring.

So, there is no need to be bitter about men wanting sex and women wanting love. Those two are the necessary pieces of the puzzle called Survival Of The Species.

And you'll be better off understanding what the other gender is going through and giving them exactly what they want: a mind-blowing sex or exhilarating love.

Go get 'em! :-)

Elena Solomon Elena Solomon is a dating coach.

Her latest book "12 Simple Rules" became #1 'Love & Romance' bestseller in the leading ebook distribution service in just ONE WEEK after the release. It shows you EXACTLY how you can utilize the natural laws of attraction and our in-built sexual strategies to win in the game of love.

Get the UNFAIR ADVANTAGE in the battle of sexes!

FREE 45 Page Guide to Women

* How to talk to women easily and effortlessly

* The secret to becoming completely irresistible to women

* An easy way to super-charge your confidence with women

* The #1 biggest mistake you make with women

* How to keep a woman interested in you... forever!

Enter your info below to receive it instantly... 

The Most Beautiful: a short story I wrote as a child. Female desires to be this

It's the Nature of the male to make noise, be big, smart, the best.

 It's the Nature of the male to make noise, be big, smart, the best.











his instinct is to be the only male available

he has a built in drive to succeed, to compete,

to accomplish dominion over any domain he is in

or wants to go (usually the entire world)

he may boast, brag, tell stories of his

greatness and accomplishments.

he may show off his material things like

house(s), cars/autos/trucks, 

he may have a vehicle with loud exhaust, muffler systems, huge tires,
wheels, rims. it may be a bright flashy color or might be a dull color and
will look nice and shiny and almost new regardless of the color

he is proud of the things he owns and one of the things he thinks he owns is you,
his woman, wife, g/f, girlfriend, fiance, girl he's had sex with and if he 
hasn't had sex with you he wants to and if you do then he might think he owns and
controls you like you are a piece of property

if you accept any item, goods, gifts, services from him he feels he has his foot in the door
and the right and opportunity to get closer to you, go out, take you out to dinner, etctera
and get in your pants.  if you look at him, if you talk to him, if you pay any attention to
him or his car, etc then he thinks you are interested in him and available and he has easy
access to your drawers (body)

he has trouble separating himself from others and his environment

he wants and needs to have an endless flow and

amount of money which makes him feel like he

has control and ownership therefore dominion over

areas and land masses and oceans so he can

think he has access to all of the females

he may tell you how smart he is ("I am one smart cookie")
he may talk about what he knows or thinks he knows showing
how intelligent he is

he may view other males/men/boys or even females as a threat to his 
sensitive ego when, if they indicate they know something he doesn't know
they are smarter
they can do something he cannot 
they exhibit bravery and courage he can't summon up

he has to think and believe everything is his decision and usually will not 
admit he has been influenced by anyone else

he is afraid to admit it when he is scared, afraid, fearful
and when he is being a coward
...instead he will become angry and at times throw a temper tantrum,
becoming enraged, his blood pressure rising.  he will say "I am not afraid"
while yelling instead of crying his eyes out like I have often done when
I have been scared

he is easily threatened sometimes even by peaceful nonthreatening people,
animals or anything 

he can't stand to be accused of being a coward

he wants to appear to be most powerful

he wants to be the strong, the strongest physically

he wants to compete and enjoys the competition, competitive spirit

he wants to win at any game

he can't stand being called or feeling like a loser at anything

he shoots to win NOT to have fun like I do

Why Do Roosters Crow All Day? Read This First

Why Do Roosters Crow All Day? Read This First

One of the main reasons roosters crow is because they hear another rooster crowing, and this will trigger them into crowing too. Crowing is a way for roosters to demonstrate their territory and also to establish their authority among males.

Roosters are even known to crow after their hen partner has laid eggs. There are innumerable reasons for a rooster to crow, and researchers are still defining the exact reasons why they do. Some roosters will even crow when they want to call back their hens. In short, a rooster will crow for any reason, primarily to simply be heard. 

Interrupting creative process causes frustration in live beings animal plant or otherwise

 Interrupting creative process causes frustration in live beings animal plant or otherwise

source of frustration, anger, fights/fighting

interruption of the thought process,
the activity,
the formation of ideas and inspiration.

interrupting stopping blocking another person from
reflecting, remembering, digesting, contemplating, thinking,
organizing, doing, meditating, cogitating,
art artwork : drawing, sketching, painting
photography, taking pictures
seeing, viewing
eating, relishing the taste of anything , flavor food drink
smelling enjoying scent
moving the body in self chosen ways

creation and destruction

Do you often wonder why you are so upset and other beings
are easily angered and frustrated?   

Are you getting in 
someone else's way of enjoying their own process of
expressing themselves?  

Are you a door blocking them instead of
a window allowing total freedom to view watch therefore aid
them in their beautiful process nature bestowed upon each and
every living being in this universe?

Be a window and just watch.
Quit/stop being a blockade door, a hardheaded idiot 

Enjoy yourself and allow others to be happy in whatever they are.

You don't have the right to inhibit another person's creative flow

You are designed to be aware of and
 in control of yourself not everyone and every thing else

Mind your own business

Allow nature to be natural as it is in its own divine beauty

I don't follow current events

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Die early. Run yourself into the ground quickly and have a young death.

 Do drugs. Lots of different ones like speed caffeine diet pills uppers
then pop some tranqulizers downers 

Over do it. Over do anything you can. 

Work too long, too hard and
vigorously. Too many hours. Don't take breaks.
Don't rest. No resting between sessions of anything.

Jump from one thing to the next immediately never allowing
time to recuperate and adjust to any change of activity.

Eat too much.

Exercise too much. Have too much sex.

Don't sleep when you're tired.  Ignore your body and yourself, your instincts
and your gut.

Push yourself beyond any natural limits mentally, emotionally and 

Listen to other misinformed people who tell you that these are 
the things to do and if you don't do it you are just too lazy and
too stupid, worthless and a fool when in fact it is fools who
push this type of crazy shit psychotic ideas.

Do not relax, unwind, rest at any time, especially late in the evening or
before retiring to sleep regardless of the time of day. 

Do not take naps. Believe that naps are unnecessary and mean you are
just a lazy fool who deserves nothing.

Mindsets follow paradigm belief system. Public, the world vs the self/myself/individual

 Mindsets follow paradigm belief system.

this paradigm:

do what everyone else does
constantly compare the self to others in making a determination
if everyone else does is it must be right
nothing's ever easy
cause a conflict /fight when there is none, when peace if present
disrupt and agitate people, animals, dirt, ground, 
material things 

that other paradigm

do what I feel 
follow my natural instincts
desire peace and harmony amongst/among all things

Eating out at a new restaurant. La Fuente mexican

 Him "What is popular on the menu?"  What are the most ordered items?
(Decisions based upon what "everybody else is doing") then he orders a
super large taco at La Fuente in Lee's Summit, Missouri.

Me. I look at the menu and decide for myself what I want then order it.
Pork burrito.

Mindsets follow paradigm belief system.

He looks around the entire restaurant viewing all of the people and
surroundings whenever we go out to eat or anywhere. 
I am paying attention to my meal (the food) and him and he hardly
even looks at me. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Truth is comedy. Truth is funny.

 Laugh wholeheartedly

laughing smiling joking

people laugh at the truth pretending they understand it

People laugh at truth then oppose it and

contradict it with their actions

then go on about their business

as if they don't have a clue

they don't really understand what is going on

missing the entire meaning of the true nature of life

Sunday, July 4, 2021

His entire demeanor attitude face and personality changes according to who he is around.

 His entire demeanor attitude face and personality changes according to who he is around. 

Other people determine his appearance, actions, attire, frame of mind.

I have observed the many faces he can display but I don't think I have seen

all of them because I am not with him 24 hours a day.

My observations while in his presence for more than 30 years

the sweet innocent face seeming nice pleasant easy going mild mannered friendly

  when in the company of certain neighbors such as irene rogers formerly
across the street; the little boy fresh face look
  when in the presence of particularly attractive females (young pretty) in public
places like restaurants that have cute waitresses/staff/employees/help
 or anywhere such as at home or amongst people we know
such as friends, family, etcetera 
 he also becomes silent or quiet low key voice talking careful about the look on his face to
keep his face looking nice
 and never acts out of line such as nasty mean
vicious rude insulting attacking the way he acts to me when we are alone

He chooses his clothes according to where he plans to go and what he plans to do

On the contrary I remain myself wherever I am being polite respectful nice to all
people unless and until they prove to be really rotten then I will totally ignore them

So this makes me wonder what he does says and how he acts when he is
somewhere and I am not with him

comments he made

"you never know what a person might do in a circumstance situation"
as if he is not responsible for his actions in any given situation

general statements regarding people such as everybody everyone is says feels
does thinks acts .. a woman instead of saying you.. glad i have a woman
literally says talks as if I am not any different than any other female they are all the same

actually said you are not special

all women are the same no different they have arms and legs ... etcetera

He lacks true social understanding and etiquette when it comes to me.. in
public with strangers neighbors other people he acts polite respectful and 
does not seem to believe he needs to treat me with the same honor and 
respect he shows to people he does not live with

what kind of personality is this? I question it . Is it anti social 
paranoid schizophrenic controlling possessive narcissistic does not
believe in personal boundaries of the individual? what kind of 
political moral religious view point beliefs attitudes are inside this
frame of mind where one cannot separate themself 

My body is my house. My 1st first home is the body I am in and own.

 My body is my house. My 1st first home is the body I am in and own. 

Places I reside are secondary to any home where I might live.

Friday, July 2, 2021

Things I don't do not need prefer not to use have own and do


mouthwash manmade fake phony 


processed food snacks junk

highly salty msg sweet fake false artifical artificially flavored sugar-free fatfree unnatural "food" nonfood items

antiperspirant aluminum

manmade pre bottled sweet tea and

soda sugary drinks

fake body parts silicone injections botox , mesh implants, liposuction
enchancers for butt boobs breast face chest arms legs torso

otc over the counter drugs pain killers relievers acetaminophen ibuprofen aspirin
cough syrup cold remedies decongestants antihistamine sinus medicine medication
steroid hormones estrogen estroven estradiol testosterone birth control pills antacid rolaids tums nexium
tagamet digestive aids low acid reducing chemicals which destroy beneficial natural
acid reflux meds
hydrochloric acid in stomach lining
sleep remedies remedy pink pill blue 
allergy relief chemicals to stop sneezing a natural thing the body does to
repel unwanted fungus mold spore bacteria microscopic organisms flying thru the air
and to dry up nose sinuses congestion runny nose drowsy or non drowsy formula
nyquil dayquil

artifiical skin ointment cream lotion gel bengay equate store brand liniment

fake makeup for face skin hair eyes cheeks lips cover up concealer

dye color coloring hair

prescription drugs unnecessary only ones for life saving issues such as rare use
of antibiotics tramadol codone oxycodone tylenol drugs

toothbrush electric electronic motor powered and replacing brush often like every
week or weeks month monthly

adhering to and following whatever is advertised in media and news and
not thinking about the actual item and offer and the reason behing the
heavy advertising of such items things services

insecticide insectiside bug killers fake manmade poison toxic killing deadly
substances bug repellent off

baby food jars cans formula 

air freshener freshener store bought chemicals

artificial pet cat dog food fillers cereal rice fake flavors 

chocolate covered anything fruit strawberries nuts popcorn pretzels candy ice cream
fudge hot cold syrup corn sugar 

corrupted food items in not natural state or frame 

fake milk and supplements drinks soy boost flavored goo icky stuff makes my 
throat feel slimy sticky and fake muscle milk shake 

plastic food 

Emotional eating..type 2 ii diabetes, metabolic syndrome, addiction, addictive behaivor, Pavlov, negative behavior

Emotional eating..type 2 ii diabetes, metabolic syndrome, addiction, addictive behaivor, Pavlov, negative behavior


angry outburts

push, pushy behavior, force, forcefulness, 

belief that you don't have a choice when in fact, you do have the right to choose
what you think, feel, say and do

thoughtless actions done out of habit

not paying attention to what you are doing

not reflecting

lack of introspection

unaware of :

breath, breathing, how you breathe

drinking, what you are


activities, lacking in touch with nature sunshine, going outside

not knowing the self

choosing to focus on what "everyone" else is doing

not understanding, lack of self awareness and knowledge by consuming the
self with what others are doing and losing self direction and gut guts instinct

conditioned behavior

eating food because it is there

buying things out of habit, not consciouslessly and actively focusing and
directing purchases

eating food because someone offers it to you and thinking this is being polite
and not rude because you turned down the offer for any snack, sweet, food,
drink, ice cream, candy, junk, processed sweet and salty manmade items
such as potato chips, tortilla, fritos, doritos, 

preferences for processed food/nonfood items due to the sheer taste of the item
not the nutritional aspect or information

thinking you don't have a choice in the matter

outer directed, looking on the outside to determine what one "should" be doing

thinking it is the "right" thing to do because "everybody else is doing it"
which is the majority who follow along the line, the crowds and
thinking it is perfectly acceptible and normal behavior

pushing opinions, attitudes, self preferences upon others and thinking this is 
normal behavior

unconsciously/subconsciously allowing society, the world, others to push 
you around and unaware of this falsely believing you are making your
own decisions

John appreciates these things about me

 organization organizing






using analogies

Accomplishment types

Accumulation of material things

Physical labor

Handling material objects

Accomodating and helping others

I stand alone.

I stand alone.

love spreading appeals to me naturally