Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Die early. Run yourself into the ground quickly and have a young death.

 Do drugs. Lots of different ones like speed caffeine diet pills uppers
then pop some tranqulizers downers 

Over do it. Over do anything you can. 

Work too long, too hard and
vigorously. Too many hours. Don't take breaks.
Don't rest. No resting between sessions of anything.

Jump from one thing to the next immediately never allowing
time to recuperate and adjust to any change of activity.

Eat too much.

Exercise too much. Have too much sex.

Don't sleep when you're tired.  Ignore your body and yourself, your instincts
and your gut.

Push yourself beyond any natural limits mentally, emotionally and 

Listen to other misinformed people who tell you that these are 
the things to do and if you don't do it you are just too lazy and
too stupid, worthless and a fool when in fact it is fools who
push this type of crazy shit psychotic ideas.

Do not relax, unwind, rest at any time, especially late in the evening or
before retiring to sleep regardless of the time of day. 

Do not take naps. Believe that naps are unnecessary and mean you are
just a lazy fool who deserves nothing.

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Political and religious obsessed people

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