Sunday, July 9, 2023

Loser definition. basic core instinct

 Loser male gets no sex from a willing female   she's not willing nor ever wanting his dick inside her because he is a turn off to the max ...

Failure man boy  has to pay money for it

Or pay with merchandise, hard ball busting work

He begs for the sex if he has no money can't do anything for it. She can't stand him. Some females will do it for the money, some even fake liking it with a nasty pig of a male . Shed rather do anything else than let him touch her..

Repulsive reject males ought to use the paid whore prostitute or mother thumb 4 daughters jack off method

and never make a baby.. oughta be sterilized then only cream of crop males would be born. Female will have access for only the best breed of the man male to carry on the race 

If a girl only knew her

Power to choose

Right to reject

Flat out say hell no idiot ass hole

You aren't putting that penis in me or any other being!!!!!

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