Wednesday, September 20, 2023

I turned and walked away today

 And i said to Mike "i am not wanted or needed. Im going to lay down up at the picnic shelter."

Soon after i said it he yelled my name "Sarah, Sarah!" Screaming in pain.

I turned around hobbling slowly i can barely walk with fever and back pain. Had low grade fever fatigue weaknees for 8 days now.

I am about 30 or 40 feet away from mike. He is south of me at the park. He and kirk had been tearing down the wooden structure kids and adults climbed up and played on since july 2016.

Saw him laying on the ground flat on his back as i approached. I know i cant run so i yell "kirk!" As loud as i can. Kirk responds "what do you need?"in kind of a low voice. Hes about 30 ft ahead of me parked in his van. I scream at the top of my lungs , "KIRK!" 

"Kirk, get down here now! 

Finally kirk comes running. He runs like a deer lean and mean. He makes it to the scene before i hobble there. Mike is laying on the ground blood running down the front of his forehead. A lot of blood. 

I say "Kirk can do this, i am afraid to touch you, what if you broke your back or something, i might make it worse so he can handle this. If its really bad he will know what to do and if we need professional help.

Kirk handled it like a pro first responder. Rescuing animals since age 4 with his veterinarian doctor father he has the skills to save lives.

He deserves a medal again for remaining calm, composed and analyzing the situation. 

Water buckets towels. Kirk cleaned him up. Helped him get up. Determined no broken back or other bones. Just a long gash on the forehead. He cleaned him up good. 

I am exhausted before any of this happened. Finally i sit at the picnuc table close by then continue watching talking asking things like do we need some sanitizer some soap, paper towels, more water? I have all that.

Kirk said no, the water and towel i am using is all we need. 

He helped mike get up, thank him and god because i couldnt do it.


Made it home. He took a shower, put on a back brace, laid down for a little over an hour didnt sleep. 

I left cotton swabs and triple antibiotic ointment for him on the ledge. He doesnt want any ointment or anything on the gash in his head approximately 5-7 inches long.

I put his dinner in the refrigerater which i cooked right after getting back home around 5 pm: pork chop, zucchini, onions, corn on the cob. He told me is not hungry several times. 

I have no clue why things happen. Is there really a thing called cause and effect or are things just random?

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