Monday, September 25, 2023

Word is nobody wants an old woman, 50s, 60s, 70s..

 Basically anyone over 39

Prefer 20 somethings or even better, a teeny weenie tween bopper teenager little girl who doesnt know better. Make sure she wont talk to anyone else that way theres no competition: lazy mans way to get what he wants : a cute innocent naive slave to do all his bidding.  

Younger the better. Keep her/them ignorant, isolated, dumb, young stupid,untouchable. Train them to be an idiot and never know their worth. They won't seek out anyone else.  

She will remain quiet. Never think. Never talk back. Cut out her tongue and crack her upside the head if she does.  Brain damage.  Can't talk.  Can't think. Wants nothing.  Perfect zombie doll. 

I don't (he doesn't) want an old lady. Words straight out of his mouth and the mouths of other men I have talked to.

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