Tuesday, September 17, 2024

September 16 2024 he slapped me across left side of my face last night

  he picked up a piece of cardboard he uses in his chair and hit me across the left side of my jaw area after he told me to "shut your stupid mouth" and the usual "you don't know what's going on. you don't watch the news and keep up with it. we are going to have world war three iii soon.  putin in russia is not going to put up with it. you think you know it all. you are stupid. you think you have all the answers.... i just want to see the right things done and the way to do it is to support those who are doing the right things in office. trump needs to be president again. he will fix all the problems worldwide. we, the united states, are a major influence in the world. 

i told him people desire power and control and they always will. after he and i die the world will be the same regarding men who want to control the world. i said he knows nothing about human behavior or animal behavior and that is why he understands nothing. 

i said he looks at trump as a savior who will fix all of the u.s.s problems. he agreed with that. i said you think trump is jesus christ like he is going to save us all. what happens when trump dies he is old and he will die eventually by something be it old age or assassination. 

he said "we will be hit with nuclear weapons and die instantly" so i said if you know that what are you afraid of? you won't know what hit you and you are going to die anyway. what can you do about it? what are you going to do? 


Anosognoia. Doesn't recognize self mental illness. Can't see himself


Sunday, September 15, 2024

His addiction obsessions




Free stuff accumulation


Desires Control of all but himself

The weather 

The temperature in the house 

Constantly turning on and off air conditioning fans. Burning firewood. Even when temperature in the house is fine comfortable. Can't figure out how to regulate his body temperature with clothes shoes using cold wet cloths or the like. Thinks whole house needs to be temperature he wants all the time 

Addictions are common

Hoarders. Hoarding disorder. I encounter often

Cleaning up seems to be my thing. Destiny. Game

 Hoarders are all over the place 

Weaker and more insecure feeling seem loudest, bold, obnoxious, annoying. Show off behavior

 appearance, voice, smell

gunning engines. loud vehicles. 

wild looking clothing.

yelling screaming catcalling

rude comments to try to get a reaction out of someone

Plain color clothes are best. Patterns and words are best avoided. Too distracting.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thick skulls

 My mom used to talk about those who have a thick skull.

Those people you have to repeat yourself to constantly because they can't understand what you are saying.

Respect is all she I wanted

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Beautiful girls, women, females.

 She really doesn't have to work hard to attract attention. All eyes are focused on her wherever she goes, wherever she is. Often she is unaware of this quiet "power" she has, especially when she is young, innocent and childlike. The affect she has on others is strong.

She is attractive to most heterosexual males, even if it is a slight attraction. Given the opportunity most men or pubescent boys would nail her in the bed, the car, outdoors. Virtually anywhere he can access her body.

She may not understand many things. Why she didn't get the job although she had the educational qualifications, the experience, the ability to do the work. If she does get a job she is watched like a hawk by all. Any mistake she makes is immediately noticed and magnified. Her less attractive coworkers are not reprimanded as hard or as often as she is. The pretty girl gets fired from jobs faster and easier in most fields of common work. 

The attractive woman who figures out how to fit in with the group of other females at work, in the neighborhood, in any group of women or men will be able to keep her job longer. She must do things to cover her beauty. She will look plain and wear unflattering clothes and shoes. Her clothing will be loose, baggy, drab colors and will not show skin on her body such as breasts, legs or ass/butt. Her clothing will not be fitted and will not show the shape of her body. Clothes will not be fitted and cinched at the waist. She will not wear a waist belt to accentuate her hourglass figure.

 She will not wear makeup, jewelry or any adornments. She will not have her hair cut and styled in a way that looks beautiful because nice looking hair is one of the first things a person notices. Males are very attracted to gorgeous healthy looking hair. It is a sign of health and youth. 

She may adopt a "male" look in order to fit in. Cut her hair very short to look like a boy. Shave her head. Wear typical men's clothing, hats and shoes.

She may not understand why the harder she studies and the harder she works she gets nowhere. 

She may not understand why some people hate her even though she is nice to everyone. 

Men who can't fight

 Old or young, weak or not strong. Not smart enough to outsmart. The ones who feel defeated, lost before they even started. Insignificant. Small. Not big enough. Lacking the feeling of power and control. Powerless. Don't know what their special gifts are so don't use them. 

Can't fight battles. Are not prepared. Wounded. Insecure. Feels like a failure. He's not good enough, rich enough, wise or clever enough. He is competitive covertly or overtly. He still feels defeated like he can't compete with anyone or the world. 

He wants power, freedom and control. He ends up losing control of himself while trying to gain the illusion of control over his life and often ends up attempting to control the environment and people either close to him or strangers. 

The one who wants to dominate females, women, girls and feels like he can't get any female he wants. 

That male/man/boy may become obsessed with 




Heavy machinery; cars, trucks, motorcycles

Working too many hours, too hard physically or mentally

Dumped paperwork from old student loan from 1984

 My formal education means nothing and has been blocked from day one by partners I chose 

These men have low self esteem. All told me crap like we can't afford for you to go to school, you are not able to go to school, you don't need that college or any school 

From what I have learned about men it's the cute little girl beauty that gets all the benefits and the goodies anyway. It has nothing to do with hard work or intelligence when it comes to me.

The little doll gets it all, not the wife who works at anything and does everything for him and breaks her back neck body mind and gives her soul to please him.

He wants the little giggle giggles giggling girl who is young and cute. He doesn't want the smart woman. Smart women like me get shit on constantly.

He cracks his nuts  bends over backwards shows off breaks his back to get his dick into that little girl who is not his wife. 

Once married I am a doormat. 

He does whatever he can to make my life a living hell. He makes sure he has plenty of money thousands of dollars to get stuff he wants and shits on everything I want and have. Criticizes and ridicules all things about me. What I think say like love and do. Mocks me repeatedly. Makes fun of me. Constantly criticises the way I look. The last one said you are not that good looking when I was in my 20s and guys hitting on me all the time everywhere I go.

Water cleanses toxic toxins out the body

Graffiti art belongs in walls in home not on the streets

Monday, September 9, 2024

Car racing heavy common amongst males. Show off. Loud, I'm here

 Disruptive and scary like a gorilla beating his chest growling and grunting 

Wild boy beasts males love thrills

 Challenges, ready to fight, prove their strength, prowess. Always ready for danger, enemy attacks.

Instinct. I see it is common in little boys.

Just saw a black man make on a Harley blasting rap music racing the engine hard at a red light in the intersection. Perfect example of the strong man virile actions and activities.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Ss super slim






Have your own

 Money. Keep amount to yourself. You already have your own spirit, the thing that will always be yours. No one can steal it the way they can steal anything else.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Some don't understand that when I am done I am done for good. No going back

Should I respect a disrespectful brat

 A human in an adult body who acts like a toddler spitting in my face shitting on all my words and everything about me...

I mean nothing to a low value person, the people who place low value on people

Morons tell me I lecture

 And they listen to nothing I say 

They listen to the media, news, commercials, advertising and popular and commonly held beliefs 

Includes many I have worked with, befriended, been married to or any other relationship including both of my sons

Brainwashing is easy for the pounding repetitive news and people spreading gossip and rumors and made up shit they believe in 

Attention is the thing we want.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cheerleaders are more fun to watch. I used to want to be one and some say I still look like one. Cute. Ha.

Why would I want to watch football? sit around watching humans bash each others brains out over a ball, a game of "competition" to see who is "best"?

FOOD and drink equal MOOD. Health status is everything.

High blood pressure monitor he ordered ..now is the beginning of his diet realizations. Finally.

 he had dental appointment tuesday september 3, 2024. his blood pressure was high--again as it has been the several times that I have gone with him to a hospital or appointment over many years.

maybe he will willingly make changes to his food and drink intake. maybe he will not. maybe he will be in better moods if and when he modifies his intake. maybe he won't. 

maybe he will stop being abusive to me and quit calling me stupid, a dumb ass, telling me to shut the fuck up and treating me as if i am an idiot after he quits eating and drinking trash. maybe he won't.

 i suspect he will go through major withdrawals from all of the toxic substances he had been ingesting for many years, more years than i have known him. the food choice intake began well before i ever met him. it is a family thing and a media pushed advertising thing with him as it is with most people. 

FOOD and drink equal MOOD. Health status is everything.

Something old, something new. Something for me and some thing for you.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Monday, September 2, 2024

Nothing stays the same as far as buildings..

 Businesses homes vehicle cars material things locations areas cities towns 

Drove by Smith Hale junior high today. Torn down. Gone forever.

 The school my grandfather, grandpa Leroy Farrell Mitchell began teaching at back in 1971 maybe 1970.  In April 1971 we moved to a new house in Belton Missouri. I was 9 years old and in fourth grade. Went to Hillcrest elementary school off of 58 highway North Ave in Belton not far from the new house on Stacey Drive. It's now called Hillcrest School. Wilckens steam academy. K-6 grades. Kindergarten first second third fourth fifth sixth.

I left Longview lake walking in the park there drove on Longview Rd past raytown road and saw that the old Smith Hale school is finally torn down and all gone for good. 

Grandpa died in March 2018. He was a teacher there until 2010 or so. Not positive on the year he quit teaching there and began teaching at a school for handicapped disabled kids on Grandview Rd in Kansas City MO . Dale M Thompson 4800 Grandview Rd Kansas City MO 

I set a 5 dollar bill on fire around 30 years ago

 In front of him. He freaked out. Wet it. Yelled what ARE you doing?! I did it..his attitude was acting like 5 bucks is a big deal giving it to me like it was a huge favor and I don't didn't earn nor deserve it...such a large amount of money...

I don't want to listen to loud mouth lunatics

Nothing human man has made compared to nature, natural things.

Source God energy worship not man manmade things or Mammon money

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Value lies in the pretty little girl. Not her money or hard work.

 Old and young beasts will die for that lust of youth. The last fountain shot out during their last breath.

Dumping more stuff today. Hoarder syndrome cure.

 Trash and treasures. Almost All of John's pictures are gone for good. Crates, containers, milk plastic crates. Ending my episode of wanting to learn about making money through selling old used stuff. Auctions, sales... hanging on to junk. Discovering what people buy on eBay.

September 16 2024 he slapped me across left side of my face last night

  he picked up a piece of cardboard he uses in his chair and hit me across the left side of my jaw area after he told me to "shut your ...