Sunday, December 1, 2024

Church and the bible and life taught me

 the pastor seeks fresh young fertile females in his harem

majority of males i have known want the sex and not the end result of a baby child children offspring..they just want to perform the act and be unaccountable for their actions

he will ball anything he can especially when he is in private and thinks he wont be caught

males seek harem group of females only they have access to; true of deer, cats, lions, dogs, humans and others i do not know how many species are like this

if the male cant do it in real life he finds imaginary fantasy ways or surrogate actions with parts or substances designed to fufill his sexual urges, to have sex with as many as possible via moves pictures tapes magazines or just whenever he looks anywhere and sees an attractive looking person he would like to screw

he keeps track in his mind of any possible object or person or whatever that he wants to fuck

his memory is excellent when it comes to remembering the look on her face (or his face in the case of bisexual or homosexual people) that indicates whether or not the object is going to want to do it or might be trappable, catch able, obtainable

peeping all over is common . sometimes they use binoculars 

he will lie, cheat, sneak around doing these things and when caught usually deny all of his actions

he will use any means necessary to lure trap seduce or if he is a forceful narc sociopath psychopath he will attack rape and kill to get the sex giving him a total sense of control over his victim

he feels threatened by a smart educated woman who knows about the methods of males boys men because she exposes him for what he is so he would like to hurt her, beat her up, kill her, shut her mouth up

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