Sunday, December 8, 2024

He plays the victim constantly

 talks about how he is ripped off, gets the short end of the stick

never has enough money or anything

does things and doesnt get paid enough

nobody wants to pay him

says he pays for everything and does everything around here and i have contributed very little

runs around constantly pissed off

doubtful of all people, good outcomes and things

says people give him piddly gifts

does not appreciate any small efforts made by anyone

says it wont last regarding any job or thing or good thing 

neglects to mention, talk about, realize all the money, material things and people he has in his life

the poor little me syndrome

focuses on negative outcomes of all things

focuses on disasters, war, famine, shortages, lack, poverty, fighting, destruction

takes advantage of any person, place, thing or situation and says everyone else takes advantage of him

does not enjoy giving anything to anyone. stingy. throws it back it my face when he does something for me or gives me something ..never really gives anything because he keeps track and remembers whatever he did or "gave" to me or anyone

thinks other people have it better 

nothing is ever good enough

chronic complainer

spends hundreds and thousands of dollars on items for himself and fails to admit it

focuses on any little thing i spend money on for myself and hates it, magnifies the amount of money i spend 

drinks alcohol sugary drinks daily 

doesn't listen to me and says i don't listen to him

complained about how he has paid for all the property taxes every year since hes been here, pays car insurance and same old whine about it he does every year at this time and same accusations about how little i have paid until i finally gave him a check for 300 dollars and i know that wont stop him from bitching .  

i get 515 a month he gets 1060

expects me to pay half the bills and cost of living 

he wants a roommate tenant to collect rent from not a wife, not a relationship. before my back was this visibly bad looking he expected me to do all the hard manual labor he does like a man, work a full time job, earn as much as he does without a formal education, do all grocery food household cleaning and laundry supply shopping.

he expects me to look good and be pleasant and agree with everything he says and does. to give up myself, my interests, my friends i used to have. my family.

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