Saturday, December 14, 2024

Last night he was "crying" over dead people in his family

 when i got back home from grocery shopping

tears.. he had drank some wine out of that short red glass. talked about his oldest brother larry born 1943 dead for a long time now, he was 3 years older than dorothy, his evil brother john who stole kidnapped the mother took her to texas where john lived and she died and he didnt even notify anyone..he only found out his mothers death when he called social security and discovered her death ..

the crying didnt last long as he told me he didnt want to talk and i was to go away

i was saying that when you or i feel grief that nothing will help stop it ..that you must go ahead and cry. so far you have suppressed grief over loss of dead ones and instead replaced it with anger because it is not "cool' for a male to cry, anger is more acceptable. I have rarely seen him cry over anything. any loss of anyone during or after the funerals i have attended with him. ( I AM THE ONE CRYING OVER TONS OF THINGS INSTEAD HE SCREAMS YELLS NITPICKS BLOWS UP IN ANGRY FIT TEMPER TANTRUMS OVER ANYTHING. )

then he stopped crying

he said was thinking of his 78 year old sister dorothy ann... he ought to take her to see xmas lights she likes that kind of stuff..she might die soon... i said i agree she loves that kind of thing and then he said oh its at night she doesnt like to go out at dark.. so i said she likes parks and walks... 

then he says he wants to visit with her alone


which he what he does often

he wants to isolate himself with another person and NOT have me around saying that i dominate the conversation when in fact he is the one that wants total control of the other and will not have a 2 way conversation 

i am thinking he knows she will die soon wont last much longer and she in fact only has a car a newer toyota that is worth something and that is really the goal here is to get her to sign over her money insurance cash belongings over to him without me being around, without my knowledge 

and i dont give a rats butt about that shit

i told my own father to give away all of his wordly possessions and do whatever makes him happy right before he died and many years before that... you cant take all that money and stuff with you to your grave for crying out loud...

somehow i think the crying was a put on show not real sympathy or grief of loss of any person is more of a fear of losing out on the money he thinks he will get and deserves for just being alive and doing all the great deeds he has done for her or anyone. 

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