Sunday, December 1, 2024

No Provocative, provoking, provoke anything

 no makeup, eyes mascara, shadow, blush, rouge, lipstick colors

no colored nail polish

no fancy hairdoes hairdo ornaments

no fancy jewelry gold gems diamonds silver necklaces earrings 

no weird hair colors like pink purple blue bright red yellow orange white

no revealing, skin tight , sheer, holey fishnet clothes

no bare arms and shoulders

no midriff middle stomach belly showing

no funky strong stinking colognes perfumes scents of any kind

no bad breath

no cussing cursing foul mouth

no tattoos marking of any kind of the body

no fake eyebrows shaved off and painted or tatooed on the face

no yellow teeth in fact do not smile much and show the teeth

no loud talking yelling screaming 

no constant chatter running your mouth saying nothing

no gossiping about anyone at anytime

no stories reflections memories of the past

no past at all conversed in any conversation: ACT innocent dumb naive like i dont know anything

no previous relationship mentioned ..ever

be natural and cover yourself up 

no sexy undergarments of hosiery stockings clothes of any kind. period.

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