Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Watched 2 movies on vhs tape last night

 Citizen Kane

story line. man has money, riches, status, beautiful woman in his life. ignores her needs. 

Diary of a mad housewife

man seeks money, status, material things, sex. he isn't happy or appreciative of what he's got.

in diary of a mad housewife the husband 
 nitpicks his wife to death criticizing her looks, actions, duties, expects instant roll in the hay when he demands it, treats her like a slave maid housekeeper.
her emotional needs are not met at all. she has a sex based only affair with a man met at a party. the man was straight up honest about what he want: a sexual based "relationship" only with zero emotional involvemnt.
at the end of the movie we find out the husband, a lawyer/attorney has lost his bogus investments in a winery.  he is broke is going to lose his job and has been having an affair with a woman named margot.
he told his wife to stay out of all of his financial dealings when she asked about his doings. he would not listen to her advice, statements, comments about anything.

sounds like exactly what I am going through. SAME OLD STORY

in my life he has the money seeks more of it, total independence and secrecy of his actions regarding everything. found out he sends money to bogus political conspiracy theory place(s). the last i saw on his cc statement. he sends 100 dollars a month to this place (lof; lindell offense fund) while screaming at me he needs more money from me to pay the bills around here he has been paying; the property taxes, car insurance. he spends large amounts of money on snacks junk food items cakes pies fast instant food at stores and restaurants. he does not want to spend any money on paying for sex so he would seek out freebies if he did it. he does not want to spend any money on tickets or any kind of entertainment activities, hobbies or sports things like bowling camping anything. 
i have no proof he has cheated or his cheating so i do not know for sure. 

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