obtuse, incorrigible, selfish, rude, talks over me, rude, pushy, forceful, arrogant, prideful, disgusting, attracted to all things nasty bad negative dirty filthy pornographic defiling
hateful, mean, uses people, doesn't want to tip at restaurants, doesnt way to pay, cheapskate,
take over personality, cunning, sneaky, criminal, corrupt, territorial, thinks he knows it all and accuses me of being that way and all the other negative ways he is
scared frightened will not admit fear is angry all the time and wont cry like i do
has no consideration care of affect he has on me, inconsiderate
impatient, drives too fast like a maniac at times,
authoriarain, dictator, dictatorial, archie bunker type,
bully, name calling, calls other ugly stupid incapable
nobody can do the task or job as well as him
give no one else credit for anything good unless it is political like trump and those conspiracy news people
rash, impulsive, sporadic, spontaneous, moody,
prejudice, prejudiced,
inflexible, stubborn, stiff
spiteful, vengeful
easily influenced by peers when a child, teenager, young adult
experimented with gas gasoline sniffing, alcohol, smoking weed, cigarettes, different drugs
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