Saturday, February 15, 2025

And so the thoughts I projected in the 1980s came upon me. I recognized him immediately....Fooled I was and for many years

 may 1987 i met this person and he was IT

my subconscious knew that was what i was drawn to

image in physical body matched. persona matched. underlying goal after i realized all men wanted was sex i had decided if i wanted a relationship and one that i would be attracted to for years he had to be one i was physically attracted to

and that matched

little did i know he had a ton of characteristics in my subconscious mind that at first i was not aware of

now the realizations are here and popping up more and more as i find out more open and hidden stuff about him..

surely there is even more buried down inside his complex persoanlity which has multiple ones. i still dont know all of the many sides of his face/head/character

devil appears nice and good looking and polite in public and to neighbors. to me and close family shows the shittiest sides of all, the control doubts fear skepticism meanness criticism contempt hatred humiliation perversion 

twisted thinking hypocrisy shaking trembling hands fingers arms fist body .. desire for power

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